
=== TheCaptain8 is now known as TheCaptain
mrblackhi ppl can i please have some help getting cgi to work on my apache server14:36
mrblackiv added the scriptalias to the virtualhost file(unsure if that was right) and added the options and restarted, anyways navigating to http://blah.com/cgi-bin/test.pl i keep getting url not found. have i missed something?14:38
mrblackbeen googling and alot of examples said it goes in httpd.conf? but the file looks like the virtualhost file. is the apache.conf the httpd.conf ubuntu equivilent. im a little lost14:50
leftyfbmrblack: pastebin the output of:   ls -l /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/14:51
mrblackmrblack@ubuntu-server:/var/www/lazarus/cgi-bin$ ls -l /etc/apache2/conf-enabled14:52
mrblacktotal 014:52
mrblacklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Jan 21 08:10 charset.conf -> ../conf-available/charset.conf14:52
mrblacklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 40 Jan 21 08:48 javascript-common.conf -> ../conf-available/javascript-common.conf14:52
mrblacklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 44 Jan 21 08:10 localized-error-pages.conf -> ../conf-available/localized-error-pages.conf14:52
mrblacklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Jan 21 08:10 other-vhosts-access-log.conf -> ../conf-available/other-vhosts-access-log.conf14:52
leftyfb!paste | mrblack 14:52
ubottumrblack: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:52
leftyfbwait till the "quiet" times out for your nick, then use pastebin14:53
mrblacksorry didnt know about the paste thing14:55
mrblackok this serve-cgi-bin.conf looks familiar, should i remove the scriptalias i put in my virutal host file and put it here and restart?15:03
leftyfbmrblack: ok, now pastebin the output of ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enables/   and your virtualhost file15:03
mrblackokies just a min15:03
leftyfbok, now the lazarus.conf15:06
mrblackthanks so much for your help. 15:07
leftyfbmrblack: can you stick a basic .html in /var/www/lazarus/cgi-bin/ and does lazarus.com/cgi-bin/basic.html work?15:09
mrblackill check15:09
mrblacksays not found again like the script15:11
mrblackgot any clues?15:11
leftyfbsounds like a permission issue15:11
leftyfbas in, the www-data user doesn't have access to /var/www/lazarus/cgi-bin15:11
mrblackyeah i was actually having trouble reading the externel css today figured i stuffed up the syntax and put it back in the main html file15:12
mrblackso do i chown everything to www-data15:13
mrblacki dont know this system very well. or im getting to old lol15:13
leftyfbwww-data.www-data would be best, yes15:14
mrblackso just to clarify chown -R wwww-data /var/www/lazarus/* ?15:16
leftyfbusing sudo, yes15:18
mrblackstill isnt working sadly15:21
mrblacksudo chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/lazarus/*15:22
mrblackfuck sakes i followed a guide and now iv messed up the permissions in the folder. can i have help setting /var/www the way it was and removing myself from www-data please15:49
armadefuego1mrblack. maybe we can help?16:33
armadefuego1The password would be needed. we might be able to get permissions workable, maybe not the _way it was_16:33
mrblackjust got it all back the way it was and used the ubuntu doc and made my folder writable for the webmasters... i still havent got cgi working16:36
armadefuego1( i won't need the password, but you will)16:36
mrblacknot sure you can ssh to my box unless i fuck with my router16:36
mrblackis that what you mean?16:36
mrblackoh ok didnt read the part ill need it16:37
mrblackok im ready16:37
mrblackdont know how much i have in me tonight, its nearly 4am. so annoyed i just wanted to practice scipting and im stuckk doing this16:45
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mrblackits all good buddy, thanks everyone for the help. ill come back later today and check in for some help16:50
mrblacknot sure anyone was here, but i fixed my problem, i had to add ServerAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/lazarus/cgi-bin/ where as before i had it typed ServerAlias cgi-bin /var/www/lazarus/cgi-bin17:47
mrblackvery happy thanks all.17:47
=== octav1a is now known as Sharktavia

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