
* davef laughs in -20C01:37
davefand to cheer myself up, just booked an all inclusive trip to Dominican Republic01:38
penguin42hmm, why DR, just because of the warmth?01:39
penguin42I dont think I know of anyone who has holidayed there, but I do know they grow chocolate01:40
daftykinsbig hiring location for baseball01:41
davefNever been myself, a few of my friends have. Recommended destination apparently.01:41
davefAnd I've always wanted to go to the Caribbean. I'm going to drown myself in rum.01:41
penguin42can you dunk a jaffa in rum?01:42
daftykins:) well take it easy!01:42
daftykinsooh i bet it's a jaffa free zone01:43
davefOnly one way to find out. I have rum & jaffa cakes01:43
davefI need to hit reset, just seems to be the best way to do it.01:44
penguin42well, the rum should zero the brain01:44
davefI plan to lay on the beach and drink until the brain turns off. 01:44
daftykinsreset on your climate surroundings?01:44
daveflooking forward to the jacuzzi, the pool, the beach, unlimited free food and drink. 01:47
penguin42when is that?01:48
davefnot until March01:48
penguin42do you intend to do anything until then or just count down the days?01:48
daftykinssounds worth waiting for!01:48
davefon my return I start planning my trip back to the UK in the summer.01:48
davefNeed to do another jaffa cake run01:49
penguin42truly crazy flight diversion reports13:59
zxmpisomeone diverting planes to load them with jaffa cakes? :-P14:01
penguin42anyone use any of the free credit check things? Any advice/thoughts?14:14
penguin42hmm, checkmyfile says everything is peachy14:58
davefyeah, sorry.. posted a NOTAM and sent messages on SITATEXT and AFTN to redirect arcraft.23:25
davefheh, the fact I remember my old employers AFTN address after all these years.. EGKKJPNX23:27
davefHeh and the old SITA text address pops into my brain too23:31
penguin42davef: Of course that's a Notice to Advise Mcvities23:47

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