[00:07] hi all, how often do you upgrade your kernel? I'm using mainline (https://github.com/bkw777/mainline) and upgrade my kernel once every 2-3 weeks. It's probably a bit excessive. [00:09] sounds like you should jsut stick to the kernel ubuntu provides [00:09] and update it whne there is an update [00:09] +1 [00:10] mainline are experimental builds, thanks for testing [00:11] right-o, thanks === homer is now known as V1A === ingrim5 is now known as ingrim [00:52] Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. [00:52] See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xeu apache2.service" for details. [00:52] what does this means [00:54] it means run that command to find out why it won't start [00:59] if i know why is not run then why should i ask here.. be fore advice people ur brain to think and read carefully the question [01:03] RaimondRaj: you asked "what does this mean"... and the answer is "it means run the command that output is telling you to run" [01:04] i try it so many time [01:04] still error [01:04] oh god [01:09] join #ubuntu-es [01:10] j #ubuntu-es [01:21] Is there a way to use the Nvidia drivers with Secure Boot enabled? [01:21] or is it an either/or situation? [01:34] SuperLag: if you sign your own stuff and enroll your key [01:34] SuperLag: bug secureboot doesnt really get you much === five6184808 is now known as five618480 === five6184806 is now known as five618480 [03:40] hi [03:49] I managed to figure out my Ombi issue. ty for the help everyone. [04:22] hello [04:59] bigmac [05:44] hi. im new to ubuntu, ive been a linux noob for over 10 years. im trying to not break this install. i want to configure pulseaudio. will it cause problems to install pavucontrol? [05:47] !info pipewire | hank_ [05:47] hank_: pipewire (0.3.79-2, mantic): audio and video processing engine multimedia server. In component main, is optional. Built by pipewire. Size 81 kB / 113 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) [05:50] hank_: ^ pipewire is the newest thing - see in terminal ' apt show pipewire ' . === oem is now known as Virus1x === Virus1x is now known as oem [06:07] rbox: I got it figured out. [06:12] Hello, how does this works??? [07:04] hi [07:04] Hey @johndripper [07:04] hey @vordlo wassup [07:05] Not much new to the ubuntu community. So just exploring around! Wbu? [07:07] I need help I was following this guide http://prizma.bmstu.ru/~exmortis/posts/2015-04-23-opendingux-qemu.html to cross compile malta kernel [07:07] but after i type make gcw0-qemu_defconfig [07:08] it says /bin/sh: 1: /opt/opendingux-toolchain/usr/bin/mipsel-linux-gcc: not found [07:08] but i have it in my /opt [07:08] can someone tell whats wrong? [07:08] I have the toolchain in /opt === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [08:37] Hi, I'm having trouble setting up openssh for passwordless access to a new install of ubuntu22.04 [08:38] Permissions seam OK. ssh-copy-id worked fine. [08:43] .ssh has permissions 700, /ssh/authorized_keys has 600. There is no id_ra on target machine. [08:45] ian_: you can login via keys, but not passwordlessly? [08:46] I can login via keys to every other machine. This on prompts for my password. [08:46] *via password, sorry [08:46] Did you use ssh-copy-id, or did you just manually create authorized_keys? [08:47] I used ssh-copy_id, [08:48] I'm really confused, because I have installed ubuntu22.04.3 many times before, and not had this problem. [08:48] Try `journalctl -fb` on the target machine, while you're trying to login, and `ssh -v target-machine` to connect [08:50] ian@metis:~$ journalctl -fb [08:50] Jan 22 15:30:01 metis CRON[2641]: (root) CMD ([ -x /etc/init.d/anacron ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d anacron start >/dev/null; fi) [08:50] Jan 22 15:30:01 metis CRON[2640]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root [08:50] Jan 22 15:34:23 metis update-notifier[2174]: gtk_widget_get_scale_factor: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed [08:50] Jan 22 15:34:23 metis update-notifier[2174]: gtk_widget_get_scale_factor: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed [08:50] Jan 22 15:35:01 metis systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Run anacron jobs being skipped. [08:53] ian_: use pastebin to send data to the channel [08:53] !paste [08:53] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [08:53] OK [08:57] alkisg I have the pastebin - how do I get the URL to add here? [09:03] ian__: when you paste things to a pastebin, it replies with the URL [09:04] https://dpaste.com/4B4ADUUY9 === paul is now known as Guest5495 [09:25] ian__: and the `journalctl -fb` from your ssh target machine? [09:26] akjisg - Found the problem. The authorized_keys file set up by ssh-copy-id is in the wrong format. # [09:26] 👍 === coc0nut_ is now known as coc0nut [09:34] alkisg - Had to start my windows M/C and copy the line from puttygen into authorized keys. Then things started to work. [09:34] alkisg - thanks for your help. === coc0nut_ is now known as coc0nut [11:08] today I got an update dialogue saying I needed ubuntu pro to install some updates, like various vlc plugin updates. [11:08] looks like they were security updates. I have a token to use on this machine, but why are security updates requiring pro? [11:09] !pro | nshire [11:09] nshire: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq [11:20] hello, if i want to enctypt mainly all my OS partitions/disks, should i encrypt when i inisially install the OS or is it OK to use LUKS after the OS is installed unecnrypted? [11:22] when installing i'd say, since it includes the OS. [11:22] otherwise you risk breaking your boot and things. [11:36] hello there, I'm looking for a solution to synchronize my files to various computers using a centralized server, where the data should be encrypted at all times, anyone any ideas? [11:39] nextcloud? [11:42] I don't think nextcloud does this, gry, I don't just need a remote storage, but rather a remote encrypted volume that I can somehow mount locally [11:42] linuxr_: samba/nfs on a luks encrypted device? [11:43] CosmicDJ, the data should be encrypted on the remote (e.g. cloud) host at all times [11:44] syncthing? [11:45] :) === TheCaptain8 is now known as TheCaptain [11:50] linuxr_: https://docs.syncthing.net/users/untrusted.html [11:52] d3vil, thanks, I'll have a read [12:15] Hello! Can I run old dos soft on ubuntu? [12:16] VovaCh: dosbox [12:18] And, is where anyone, who use pebble smart watch elnk display and pebble sdk? [12:29] !discuss | VovaCh [12:29] VovaCh: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [13:28] wow nostalgic irc. anyone around for a question? === sotaover1ide is now known as sotaoverride [13:34] !ask | mrblack [13:34] mrblack: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [13:36] true that, i just didnt know if id stick around if no one was active. its late here.. anywho im trying to activate cgi on my apache server and wondering if i put the script alias in my virtual host file or the main apache.conf [13:36] thanks [13:41] Hi all [13:42] hi *waves like an idiot* [14:17] hi guys! does Ubuntu 12.04.5 support UEFI? [14:17] wyre: Ubuntu 12.04 was released over 10 years ago. It's completely unsupported. Do not use it. [14:18] leftyfb, sure but my workmates don't agree with that ... [14:19] so I'm trying to boot a Ubuntu 12 live media in a UEFI system and ... it doesn't apaprently support it [14:19] wyre: sorry to hear that. There's absoultely no reason Ubuntu 12.04 should still be used in production today. Time to upgrade [14:19] wyre: do not install it. Install 22.04 === otto is now known as TimoNowak [14:28] Your workmates are morons. [14:28] Anjor: that's unnecessary. Please don't do that [14:28] Show them this chat, please. Show them that I, me, Anjor, called them morons. [14:28] !CoC | Anjor [14:28] Anjor: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv [14:33] maybe his just trolling with that question? im having abit of troubles running cgi on my apache, think iv added the scriptalias directive to the virltual host file and restarted but with no luck im getting url isnt found on this server..... [14:34] bit unsure what to do, got any tips? [14:34] mrblack: there might be more targeted support for your issue in #ubuntu-server or #apache [14:34] oh sorry wrong place. haha been 20 years since i used irc [14:57] Hello everyone. Is there a FileSystem that is encrypted and uses decryption on file reads? [14:57] or writes for that matter [15:02] cart_: I hope not [15:04] hi guys [15:04] what is this [15:12] leftyfb: Why not? How does encrypting your disc in linux work if you select it in the setup? [15:13] cart_: the volume is encrypted, you decrypt it at boot [15:13] leftyfb: But surely not the entire disc? [15:14] hence the term Full Disk Encryption [15:14] you can chose to encrypt the entire disk or not [15:15] leftyfb: Ok sorry what I mean is, When you encrypt the disc surely it decrypts as it reads? [15:15] You give the key. It then stores the decrypted key which it then uses to access files or write files [15:15] If I am not mistaken [15:16] Because decrypting the entire drive on startup sounds wild [15:16] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Unified_Key_Setup [15:16] ravage: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/encrypting-drives-using-LUKS/#:~:text=LUKS%20uses%20the%20kernel%20device,use%20of%20the%20cryptsetup%20utility. [15:17] ? [15:18] sorry, that was meant for cart_ [15:21] So it does not decrypt all data on mount of course. You get a new device that represents the decrypted state and blocks are de- and encrypted when needed [15:21] But it is in no way file based  [15:25] leftyfb: So when using LUKS. How easy is it to get the keys that are required to access the disc when the machine is on and you are the admin? [15:25] ravage: Right ok that is what I had in mind yes [15:26] ravage: Basically there is a key between the OS and the FS and somewhere the blocks get decrypted and encrypted as whatever they contain is needed [15:26] ? [15:26] cart_: what exactly is your ubuntu support question? If you're looking to debate or learn the level of security LUKS provides, I would recommend asking in #security [15:26] leftyfb: Holy shit I did not actually knew that channel exists. Thanks! [15:28] since upgrading to kubuntu 22.04 from 18.04, ssh-agent keeps asking me to confirm the use of the key. I don't think it really adds any security, so can I turn that off somehow? :) [16:11] is there a way to upgrade qemu beyond 4.2 in focal? jammy has 6.2 [16:15] !latest | ghostbuster [16:15] ghostbuster: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [16:17] ghostbuster: there are ways, though aren't really supported here [16:17] compile, PPA, some community-maintained snap package [16:18] ghostbuster: is there a particular feature you need that isn't available in 4.2? [16:19] leftyfb, the problem is we have a system with Ubuntu 12.04 booting in UEFI mode ... but we are not sure why using this KVM adapter https://www.kvm-switches-online.com/mpuiq-vmcdp.html just keyboard works [16:20] xinput shows also a mouse core pointer for the adapter [16:20] but it's not working ... [16:20] so not sure if you could give me some idea about what could I check [16:20] wyre: upgrade to a release that was released in the last 10 years [16:21] 20.04 or 22.04. The latter being the recommended path [16:25] leftyfb: i think i'm hitting this bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=918950 [16:25] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Debian bug 918950 in qemu-system-x86 "qemu-system-x86: can't use virtual FAT disk images: 'Initialization of device ide-hd failed: Block node is read-only'" [Normal, Open] === JanC_ is now known as JanC === shlom is now known as VlA [17:06] hello all [17:06] how do I initialize mysqld with custom datadir for first time run? [17:07] i would keep the datadir and mount it or use a bind mount [17:08] mount? disk vol is ready. configured in apparmor as well [17:08] mysql restart gives error [17:09] mysql-systemd-start[455734]: MySQL system database not found in /custom/mysqld/datadir/path. Please run mysqld --initialize. [17:09] mysqld --initialize does nothing [17:09] 8.0.19 stock from ubuntu repo for focal [17:10] if this is a new system focal is not the system i would start with [17:10] get jammy [17:10] can't change the OS version in the short term. will look into it [17:11] on first look .. jammay is the same version though [17:12] do-release-upgrade? [17:12] you can do that. or do a fresh install [17:12] and by mount i mean something like: [17:12] tank/mysql-data 179G 17G 162G 10% /var/lib/mysql [17:12] tank/mysql-log 167G 4,4G 162G 3% /var/log/mysql [17:13] so you mount the storage you want to use to the default locations [17:14] don't want the default locations. have it working on another box. just need to finish on this one [17:17] I think I found the problem [17:19] E: Unable to locate package sg3_utils [17:35] how can I verify my custom paths for mysql config are whitelisted in apparmor config? is there a way to syntax check or dump its config for a single app? [17:38] please ignore. all good [17:44] how to safely upgrade to jammy? its a brand new VM. but can't re-do the VM in short term. it took a lot of work to bring it this far [17:54] mysqld --initialize didn't create all the system tables. what extra params go with it? [17:56] https://dpaste.com/4P275VXSB [18:09] quaquaqua === dob1_ is now known as dob1 === u_oopsa4 is now known as u_oopsa === nykma475 is now known as nykma47 === s is now known as Guest8853 === octav1a is now known as Sharktavia [20:09] is it possible to unmount / after booting so I can expand its partition? [20:09] or can this only be done from something like live media [20:09] *liveusb [20:13] nshirelaptop: hmmm I'd do it from a live session, much safer [20:13] yeah, I'll wait till I get home where I have a usb install disk and importantly, a laptop charger === chalcedony is now known as Sunrise [23:31] Hi everyone, sorry for offtop, but where i can full list of channels for offtopic :) [23:33] !alis [23:33] Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» === user03 is now known as gchound