[19:18] I don't suppose anybody knows what's the state of cloud-init on freebsd? We're considering prodding a vendor to extend support for a set of features we need (their product is based on freebsd 13.x), and I'm wondering if we should be suggesting to integrate with cloud-init. [19:19] there's a freebsd package in the repos, but so far I haven't found much detail on the extent of supported features. I see efforts like https://www.freebsd.org/status/report-2022-10-2022-12/cloud-init/ and https://freebsdfoundation.org/project/freebsd-as-a-tier-i-cloud-init-platform/ , but not much follow up [20:08] ananke: well meena is the FreeBSD cloud-init dev [20:09] I vaguely recall chatter about freebsd here, but I don't recall what the state of affairs was. curious where we stand today [20:09] I should make it so that I get hilighted on any mention of BSD here, and on any mention of cloud-init in #freebsd* [20:10] ananke: i think it's good, but I might be biased [20:11] meena: splendid, thank you. I'm not concerned with details at this point, simply wanted to make sure I don't recommend to the vendor something that's not considered usable [20:12] ananke: it is on my agenda to go to different cloud providers and bug them to add FreeBSD support [20:12] meena: I also assume that freebsd 13 is included in that assessment? [20:13] ananke: yes, tho being a developer, I tend towards the bleeding edge. I'm working on CURRENT for new features in FreeBSD, and I hope they will be not entirely painful to backport [20:13] I see, thank you [20:14] but as far as cloud-init goes, there's net/cloud-init-devel to preview what will be in the next release [20:14] and help squash bugs before we release them [20:15] cheers, I'll take a look. [20:16] well, the seal is broken. i said it. [20:16] i called myself a developer. [20:17] look at that, took only 24 years of programming to get there [20:17] we're not going to judge. we'll scrub the logs [20:22] but yeah, given FreeBSD's nature, there's no radical changes between 13 and 14 as far as cloud-init is concerned [20:25] I should get on with the new defaults of /home as new HOME base, and /bin/sh as new default shell [20:34] interesting, didn't realize they've changed to /bin/sh from /bin/csh [21:15] catred: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4806 is another one for triage to get jenkins unblocked for a release [21:15] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4806 in canonical/cloud-init "tests: separate integration tests which invoke cloud-init clean" [Open] [21:33] ok Ubuntu noble just got a publish of tip of main: cloud-init 24.1~4gd9677655-0ubuntu1 (Accepted) [21:57] ananke: /bin/sh is becoming a more useful shell; /bin/csh is staying the same. [23:40] meena: I bet