
=== jekleberry is now known as ChaosDaemon
ElliriaHey there. Does Kubuntu 22.04 LTS have a different kernel than Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?05:00
ElliriaThank you.05:08
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
karstenkgood morning. first time running a rsync daemon. When rsync I use root and daemon is also running as root. But I get Permission denied errors and only when changing to unsecure permissions, the transfer starts. The normal behavior?08:23
karstenkits through ssh08:24
=== vincejv_ is now known as vincejv
=== kubuntu is now known as kubuntu_
=== kubuntu_ is now known as kubuntu__
=== kubuntu__ is now known as kubuntu
=== kubuntu is now known as kubjjj
BluesKajHi all13:29
ahmethello everyone14:58
=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
IrcsomeBot<Querent> 6c0L22:00
IrcsomeBot<Querent> 93SQ22:01

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