
xingwozhonghua_“Is the version of debhelper-compat incorrect? How can I determine the required version of debhelper-compat for the build machine?” https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/odUYqEuz/image.png02:06
sarnoldxingwozhonghua_: focal's debhelper is version 12.something https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debhelper -- there's a 13 in -backports. maybe modify your PPA to build with -backports enabled (but then your users need -backports, too) -- or modify your package to use -12. maybe you can find the diff that upgraded it to -13 to see what you need to undo.02:10
cjwatsonUsing an earlier debhelper version when I need compatibility with earlier series is usually my favoured approach - it's the simplest by far.  See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debhelper to find out what major versions of debhelper are where, and see the "COMPATIBILITY LEVELS" section of "man debhelper" (or "man debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist" in recent versions) to work out what you'd need 02:49
cjwatsonto undo to drop back to an earlier compat level.02:49
cjwatsonFor what appears to be a new package, you can probably just drop back to 12 without much difficulty.02:50
cjwatsonEspecially since you have about the simplest possible debian/rules and no other complexity that I can see.02:51
xingwozhonghua_What’s the issue here? Why can’t it be installed?03:49
amurrayxingwozhonghua_: if you look at https://launchpad.net/~chenshijie/+archive/ubuntu/jqtools/+packages you'll see it says that the deb is still pending publication to the ppa04:21
amurrayso you just need to wait a bit longer and try again04:21
pelpsipaulf: You are receiving that error because it seems that you already created an account on Launchpad with that email https://launchpad.net/~pjfloyd09:33
paulfpelpsi: How go I get past "Yes, log me in" and the OOPS screen? Pasword reset? Delete the account (nothing to lose AFAIK)?09:44
pelpsipaulf: you can click on `Are you pjfloyd?` and follow the procedure 09:45
paulfI just get back to Oops if I click on "Yes, log me in"09:47
pelpsiright, let me check If I can associate your OpenID to your existing account09:53
pelpsipaulf: Could you retry to login?10:51
paulfpelpsi looks OK now, thanks10:52
pelpsiYou're very welcome10:53
=== paulf33 is now known as paulf
arraybolt3Is there a reason I have to be logged into LP to do a search for fix released bugs? Just tried to do a search while not logged in, and it tried to make me log in.20:06
arraybolt3I don't particularly want to exhume my mile-long password for LP out of KeePassXC and manually type it into my other computer just so I can get to the bug I was trying to help fix on a test system :P I was able to type the bug number into the right spot and it let me in without being logged in.20:07
jugmac00arraybolt3: I can search for "fix released" bugs even when not logged in, e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bugs?advanced=1 - on the bug view, I just clicked on "advanced search". What exactly is not working for you?20:51
arraybolt3https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tigervnc/ click on Advanced Search, check "Fix Released", click "Search", and it redirected me to a login screen.20:52
cjwatsonI wonder if it's returning a private bug in the internal search and then not properly filtering that, or something.21:21
rbasakI can reproduce the issue in a private browser window. While logged in I don't see anything obviously private though.21:54
cjwatsonI can imagine it might be something like a task on a private project ...22:22
cjwatsonBut I don't have enough access any more to dig :)22:22
tsimonq2Definitely some kind of fun bug. If I only select Fix Released and Public, makes me log in: 22:46
tsimonq2woaaaaah that's bigger than I expected it to be22:46
tsimonq2my apologies22:46
cjwatsonIt's got to be something that wouldn't naturally be filtered out by the (generally well-exercised and -tested) bug search code but that the bug listing page would try to render and result in an Unauthorized exception turning into a redirect to the login page.  Not sure exactly what - something like being assigned to a private team might do it23:04
tsimonq2It's somewhat comforting that Launchpad errs on the side of privacy, tbh.23:06
cjwatsonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tigervnc/+bug/1929790 has a private team as an assignee23:07
-ubottu:#launchpad- Launchpad bug 1929790 in tigervnc (Ubuntu Impish) "Request to backport fix for endianness issue in TigerVNC vncviewer" [Medium, Fix Released]23:07
cjwatsonMight be a possible problem23:08
cjwatsonOh yeah, Launchpad has a _lot_ of privacy-aware code23:08
cjwatsonI can open that bug just fine without logging in, but I can sort of imagine how it might cause a problem on the listing page.  Or maybe that's a red herring - this is just a hunch.23:09
cjwatsonThe bug listing page doesn't show the assignee by default, but it can be configured to do so.  IIRC the listing view does some preloading shenanigans there.23:10
tsimonq2I'm slightly surprised that the team in question is private... but I can still see the name of it. Could possibly be a placeholder instead, similar to how https://launchpad.net/builders works.23:11
cjwatsonI believe you're allowed to know its name if you have access to an artifact it's linked to, but nothing else about it.23:11
cjwatsonLaunchpad calls this "LimitedView" internally.23:11
cjwatsonAnyway, if I were investigating this then I would start by writing a test that invokes the bug listing view anonymously after creating a test bug task in the scope of the listing that has a private team as an assignee.23:13
tsimonq2I can conceptualize that, okay. On the pre-loading that Launchpad does (assuming this is the problem), perhaps exception handling can be established for LimitedView objects internally. Anyway, I'm just spitballing.23:13

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