
tewardarraybolt3: Matrix Council should email the Lubuntu Council asking that00:32
tewardnot use you as a proxy00:32
tewardwe **need paper trails**00:32
tewardyou can tell the Matrix Council also we're looking for a status on the 'bridging'00:32
tewardbecause last i checked as CC they didn't have a solution00:32
arraybolt3teward: to be fair they mentioned it in the private Matrix ops channel and I asked if I could relay it. You can ping Merlijn on the Matrix side if you'd like him to do it via email.00:34
tewardoh you mean one i'm not in00:35
tewardMerlijn owes me some info then00:35
tewardbut he should know this00:35
tsimonq2That time I MITM'ed changelogs.ubuntu.com to test an SRU: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-update-notifier/+bug/2038958/comments/1216:04
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2038958 in lubuntu-update-notifier (Ubuntu Mantic) "[SRU] Add support for release upgrading" [Medium, Fix Committed]16:04
arraybolt3yeah that's insane that you had to actually do that and very well done.16:07
arraybolt3We're probably going to need that trick again for testing the ability for Lubuntu Update itself to do things right.16:07
tsimonq2hahahaha thanks16:08
tsimonq2arraybolt3: It was pretty difficult to figure out, but now we should be able to use this going forward. :P16:09

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