[13:29] hello tsimonq2, this will affect only telegram channels or does also will imply irc ones? what about the different 'localization' channels? i.e spanish one [13:29] [telegram] Hey! Great question [13:29] [telegram] I think the end goal here is to only keep IRC and Matrix [13:30] [telegram] The localization groups will move slower since we do have a lot of people to move. Those groups will be up for longer than e.g. the development group [13:30] [telegram] This is all pending a Lubuntu Council vote but I personally expect it to pass :) [13:30] [telegram] We'll announce the formal decision once it's out [13:31] [telegram] https://matrix.to/#/#lubuntu:ubuntu.com [13:32] awesome, just joined ^^ [13:32] thank you very much, as always, for your quick answers ^^ [13:32] [telegram] And as always, I'm happy to help :) [13:33] [telegram] At this time we do not have access to all the groups to delete them if necessary, since some were created by jiotygomes. (re @tsimonq2: The localization groups will move slower since we do have a lot of people to move. Those groups will be up for longer than e.g. the development group) [13:34] [telegram] We'll cross that bridge when we get there, but that's not impossible to fix [14:04] I have tried *again* the qt-based matrix clients. there are 2 at the moment, as far as i know. one is called 'quaternion' and other one is called 'nheko'. they seem to be lighter than the element linux app (which runs electron under the hood), but they still have some issues. nheko needs kwallet or equivalent service to be configured to be ran. quaternion, which resembles a lot the quassel GUI, has a few problems with the login (you should log-in [14:04] each time you open the app) and some messages seems to be not loaded(old ones, specially the private E2EE messages). This is just a notice about possible matrix clients which you may consider :) [14:05] [telegram] Thanks for that! [14:06] [telegram] Neochat is also Qt based and a part of the KDE community so that might be an alternative too. [19:02] [telegram] Hello support people, just a quick note for you [19:04] [telegram] With the latest system updates, 23.04 and 23.10 will now prompt for a release upgrade if one is available. [22:22] [telegram] cool ig [22:25] [telegram] I saw a post on reddit that said Ubuntu 23.04 will no longer receive release upgrades and might be left out of anything else. I don't know how to explain it, but I was just curious 'bout it. [22:25] [telegram] [22:25] [telegram] This is the link (https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/s/qvcrXCKDhY). [22:25] [telegram] (should I post this in offtopic?) [22:26] [telegram] I also might have read the post the wrong way, I don't know. [22:27] [telegram] @eiabruh 23.04 will still be upgradeable to 23.10. But 23.04's support period of 9 months of support *IS* up this month, and the process to start "removing" the old version that is beyond End of Life is being prepared [22:27] [telegram] so the post that 23.04 is reaching End of Life *is* accurate [22:27] [telegram] and that *is* happening within I believe the next few days [22:28] [telegram] but after it EOLs you can still upgrade to 23.10. If you *do not* upgrade before July though, you will need to clean install 24.04 LTS to get ongoing support [22:28] [telegram] (because 23.10 also has only 9 months of support so) [22:56] [telegram] okok [23:08] @eiabruh, I posted to that thread on reddit, and provided a link to a notice put out last month about the coming EOL (warnings are usually posted ~6 weeks prior).. 22.10, 23.04 & 23.10 are releases on the two year development cycle that concludes with 24.04 LTS.. each of the interim releases upgrades to the next (23.10 going to 24.04 where users can decide to stay on the every-release-cycle OR remain on LTS and go LTS to LTS in future)