=== user03 is now known as gchound === wete_ is now known as wete === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [12:15] arraybolt3: thanks! looking at it now [19:27] looks like I have today only if I want to get TigerVNC out the door for Lunar :P am I in time? [19:36] arraybolt3: sure :) [19:36] I can publish it tomorrow too [19:39] kk, getting the VMs set up now (this will take a while but I should be done before the end of today) [19:40] cool, I'll publish them first thing tomorrow morning, before we shoot lunar in the head :) [19:42] (in back of the security team barn) [19:47] grief [21:33] mdeslaur: i want in on some of that action. *brings the incendiary rounds for the deed* [21:34] teward: whoa, we're just putting it out of its misery, not burning the whole barn down! [21:35] :P [21:36] when was teward ever about *not* burning the whole barn down? [21:36] *ducks* [21:36] *puts arraybolt3 in the salt mines* [21:36] arraybolt3: ah, true :) [21:38] well if the barn catches fire then we have to build a better barn :P [21:42] sheesh so it took me like 30 minutes to figure out how on earth to get TigerVNC working because the documentation was so scattered. I literally had to resort to the Arch Wiki to get it going. [21:43] anyway currently installing Lunar, then going to go to Jammy and Focal, these should go *fairly* fast. === user03 is now known as gchound [23:51] mdeslaur: Friendly ping to let you know https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tigervnc/+bug/2048442 testing is complete and has passed :) [23:51] -ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Launchpad bug 2048442 in tigervnc (Ubuntu Mantic) "CVE-2023-1393 and TigerVNC" [Medium, New] [23:51] arraybolt3: awesome, I'll publish them first thing tomorrow. Thanks! [23:52] Thank you!