[00:00] maybe journalctl --list-boots ? [00:02] Thats cool, in the line of what im looking for.. sarnold [00:02] Lookking for something that could survive OS reinstalls [00:02] Or identify live USB boots.. [00:03] journalctl will be overwritten === felix is now known as Guest7080 [00:17] So far it seems powercfg /batteryreport comes from the battery itself not the OS.. [00:17] There must be someting similar in Ubuntu [00:20] status yes, history not. === ingrim2 is now known as ingrim === FlannelKing is now known as Flannel === user03 is now known as gchound === he1 is now known as hel [01:49] Any of you folks use Cockpit for managing your Ubuntu machine(s)? === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === klebers_ is now known as klebers [03:17] has anyone experienced that the ubuntu firefox snap no longer makes a sound when you press Ctrl+Q to quit and it opens the confirmation dialog? [03:17] this just started recently [03:25] Patrick_: firefox snap issues/bugs goto mozilla upstream now [03:26] Patrick_: check snap info firefox for the link [03:26] good to know, but I'm still wondering if anyone else is experiencing it. Sound is otherwise normal and I know that that sound is still there in firefox nightly [03:28] Patrick_: i just tested, and getting a sound + window confirm prompt (tested on 24.04 devel) [03:28] Patrick_: maybe you can go test on a new user, to see its user related? [03:28] Interesting. Thanks for the feedback. I even made a new profile and it had no sound for the quit dialog either. [03:29] hmm, I suppose I could try a new user, though I have no idea how that would be effecting it. [03:29] its just for testing [05:02] Hey there. Does Kubuntu 22.04 LTS have a different kernel than Ubuntu 22.04 LTS? [05:04] Elliria: No - but HWE can come into play. [05:04] !hwe | Elliria [05:04] Elliria: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [05:06] Interesting. I've got two 5-series kernels on my Kubuntu 22.04 LTS machine and someone in one of the mailing lists just installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and it came with a 5-series and a 6-series kernel. [05:07] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2024-January/311857.html [05:08] Strange 22.04 still uses 5 versions [05:09] I asked about it. Maybe he'll let us know. [05:10] ubuntu 23.10 uses 6.5 now [05:10] Elliria: 22.04 and 22,04.1 has the GA kernel - 5.15.0-91-generic where a 22.04.3 install will have 23.10's kernel (HWE). [05:11] Is 23.10 using the 6.5.0-14-generic kernel? [05:11] !info linux-generic-hwe-22.04 [05:11] linux-generic-hwe-22.04 (, mantic): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 2 kB / 15 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.) [05:11] It is [05:12] Ah, that would explain it, then. [05:13] It seems that no matter how long you use this operating system, it always has something new to teach you. [05:20] !info linux-generic-ga-22.04 [05:20] Package linux-generic-ga-22.04 does not exist in mantic [05:20] !info linux-generic-ag-22.04 [05:20] Package linux-generic-ag-22.04 does not exist in mantic [05:23] Info linux-generic jammy [05:23] !Info linux-generic jammy [05:23] linux-generic (, jammy): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 2 kB / 20 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.) === fling_ is now known as fling === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:55] whew [07:56] whats up with the ip banns [07:56] dam [07:57] I am bewhildered [07:59] ubuntu started out right - now it acts like windows - before you dick me - i moved everything to another machine - ash holes [07:59] hahaha [08:00] im proselyting you to the likes as of bidenomics [08:01] you kock suckers - yes - thats right. - i have good standing on most social medis =- your toast you fucking queers [08:01] bramma1: Lets try to keep things on-topic, thanks. === osse1 is now known as osse [08:33] Greetings everyone. Some my scripts launch a command 'screen -AdmS '. However, the problem is that sometimes exits with exit code other than 0. Question: is it possible to make screen not terminate instantly if exit code is other than 0? So that I could resume the sccreen and actually see the output what went wrong [08:34] I'm on 22.04 now and I'm using chromium and firefox, both snaps. I'm running Microsoft Teams as a PWA in chromium and on my old machine (18.04) I had everything set up, so links from teams would be opened in firefox. that no longer works, even after I adjusted the firefox path in the settings of the plugin I'm using from /usr/bin/firefox to /snap/bin/firefox. Is there an issue calling invoking one snap from another? [08:37] ok yes, there is an issue: I'm getting "Permission denied" when trying to run "/snap/bin/firefox --help" from "snap run --shell chromium" === vincejv_ is now known as vincejv [08:54] how do I allow the chromium snap to invoke a specific program (firefox)? (yes, I am aware that this will probably allow arbitrary code execution outside the snap confinement) [09:46] st [09:46] test 2 [11:11] hello [11:11] anyone here works at Canonical? [11:12] their "Contact us"-methods are somewhat a lie: the form says "we'll get back to you in 1 working day". Still waiting... and when you call them, nobody picks it up.... [11:13] why do you need to speak to them so bad? [11:21] hclaim: their pricing page on the Pro plan doesn't mention anything about EKS [11:22] they don mention OpenStack, etc... almost 4K a pop... [11:22] but EKS is what I'm interested in [11:22] oh okay, well good luck, they will probably respond eventually [11:23] I hope so... :-) A full project depends on that [11:24] I had an inspiration about my problem from earlier: instead of invoking firefox directly, I just rely on the fact that firefox is my default browser and invoke /usr/bin/xdg-open instead of /snap/bin/firefox :) [11:25] that seems to be allowed from within a snap container === Bahhumbug is now known as securityonion === securityonion is now known as Bahhumbug [11:59] Hi! Since a recent update, my SSH client cannot connect to any remote host, only to local network ones. It just timeouts. This is specific to SSH, as NMAP or other programs can connect perfectly to the same destinations. Even SSH from inside a Docker can connect. I've checked with Wireshark and the SYN packet from SSH is never acknowledged, but [11:59] looks exactly the same as the one from NMAP, which does work. It's the most odd thing I've ever seen... Any hints to what could be the cause? [12:01] sounds like a firewall [12:02] Doesn't seem to be that. I have all traffic allowed, and nmap connects correctly from the same computer. Only SSH is affected... [12:49] sshTrouble: does nmap see your ssh server running? [12:50] Yes. I've been trying and if I use a different SSH binary, it connects perfectly too. Only the distribution provided one is failing for me. [12:51] sshTrouble: open port or filtered? [12:51] Open [12:52] did you try a reboot of the ssh server, system up to date? [12:52] wich ubuntu release , ssh version is this? [12:53] This is Ubuntu 23.10, and SSH OpenSSH_9.3p1 Ubuntu-1ubuntu3.2 [12:54] looks the right version indeed [12:54] I tried downgrading to the previous patch (without the .2) and the same happens. But using older releases works... [12:55] did you recently mess with anything special? [12:56] Not really... I did update recently from 23.04, that's clearly related, but that's all. [12:57] did you do it before 23.04 went end of life? [12:57] Yes - barely [12:58] hi, can the progress line at the bottom be removed from the output of apt upgrade? [12:59] I've just tried something new and I think the results are interesting. I've downloaded the OpenSSH sources for 9.6 (the latest release), built them, and they have exactly the same problem. There must be something on my system making newer openssh versions fail to connect, not only the ubuntu provided one. [13:00] sshTrouble: are you using something to protect ssh hammering, that could do some blocking? [13:01] No... In fact this happens with any servers, and with anything using SSH under the hood like git with ssh remotes. It doesn't seem to be related to the servers, only to the client. [13:02] maybe go check your auth logs sshTrouble you never know its compromised? [13:03] Not likely. Again, I can't even push to github, and it works perfectly as soon as I use an older SSH version, from the same terminal... [13:04] ok, just trying to think along [13:07] For now I think I'll just downgrade SSH to an older release as that's proven to fix it, so I can continue working, but I'll keep investigating it. I suspect it can be related to some linked library which is not compatible with more modern SSH versions... === gnubio is now known as biodigital [13:29] Hi all [13:37] On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, what kind of "suspend" does "Suspend" do? Suspend to ram or suspend to disk? [13:40] idk but my best guess is "suspend to disk" would be called "hybernating". I was never a big fan of either === sotaoverride is now known as Guest622 === ctraven is now known as sotaoverride === nicoz_ is now known as nicoz [14:13] Running Ubuntu 20.04.6 (recently updated) and in my repositories there is no package called "phoronix-test-suite" despite there being strong indication of it existing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhoronixTestSuite Does this package exist or not? [14:15] !info phoronix-test-suite [14:15] Package phoronix-test-suite does not exist in mantic [14:15] deadmund: there is no package called phoronix-test-suite in any supported release of ubuntu [14:15] wikipage last edited in 2011 ... [14:16] I guess that wiki page needs a serious update! [14:16] only 13y old 😛 [14:16] I wonder why the package was removed? The software itself still seems well maintained otherwise. [14:16] deadmund: it looks like the package was last available in ubuntu 18.04 but has since been removed [14:16] nobody maintained it i guess [14:16] https://github.com/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite/ [14:17] They literally distribute a .deb on their downloads page. [14:17] then use that [14:17] Ubuntu 🙄 [14:17] Yeah, I guess I will have to since Ubuntu makes it so difficult to get into and stay in the official repos. [14:18] well, if nobody steps up to do the maintenance work you can't do a lot [14:19] Thanks for the help! [14:19] deadmund: it was part of the universe repository, which means it was maintained by the community. If you're interested in maintaining the package, you are welcome to take up that responsibility [14:19] deadmund: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard [14:21] I'll look into it. Thank you! :) [14:21] deadmund: and yes, I'm very greatful Ubuntu isn't just pulling in random packages/deb's without someone focused on maintaining said package and the package and it's code going through proper testing [14:23] Hi, is this the place for Bluetooth issues? [14:24] this is the place for ubuntu issues 😉 [14:24] thanks :) [14:31] I have an unexplained problem, [14:32] I have a Logitech keyboard and mouse (MX keys & MX master 3s) [14:32] I moved from an old computer (HP Laptop 15-dw3xxx with ubuntu 22.04) where the pairing of the keyboard and mouse works without a problem, [14:32] For a new computer (Victus Gaming Laptop 16-r0008nj (800K3EA)) [14:32] First I installed the same operating system on it (ubuntu 22.04) but I couldn't find the devices in the Bluetooth list, so I upgraded to Ubuntu 23.10 [14:32] I can't pair the keyboard and the mouse no matter what I do! [14:33] webchat18: Can you give us more information about what you tried to do and how the process is failing? [14:33] What does the process of pairing look like? [14:34] Of course I'm in Bluetooth discovery mode on the keyboard and mouse. [14:34] On the old computer I see the keyboard and the past in the list but not on the new one [14:34] I installed solaar but nothing works [14:37] What is the output of the commend rkill list ?? [14:37] command* [14:48] webchat18: see if the Bluetooth is missing firmware, in terminal> sudo dmesg|grep firm [14:51] hello all [14:51] how do I extend / partition on focal? (20 LTS) [14:52] To extend a partition it cannot be mounted. That makes it much more complex to extend partitions like / (root) since you can't unmount them while your OS is running. [14:52] But, generally, you use a partition program like gparted and it's a GUI so pretty easy to use. [14:53] https://serverfault.com/questions/38542/ubuntu-resize-the-root-lvm2-partition [14:53] the easiest way would be to use gparted. make sure you back everything up. also, you can use a most modern gparted by downloading a newer live cd [14:53] I'm on cli only [14:53] Haris_: Are you working on a virtual machine as well? [14:53] Haris_: boot the Ubuntu iso on usb [14:54] yes. its a vm [14:54] the included disks tool should do as well ... so you shouldnt need to install gparted on the live iso ... [14:54] ah, VM is different indeed [14:54] Shut down the VM and use gparted on the host to adjust the size of the partitions on the virtual hard-drive (can that be done with gparted? opening a virtula harddrive file?) [14:55] what kind of VM is that ? [14:55] vmware [14:55] https://askubuntu.com/questions/220506/how-to-increase-the-disk-space-of-an-ubuntu-vmware-guest-without-the-cd [14:56] theer is quite a bunch of hits on google ... [14:59] can booting from ubuntu-22.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso or ubuntu-23.10-server help with getting gparted running? [15:00] no, but you could then use parted (the cli version) ... but thats significantly harder to use, mind you [15:01] I wouldn'v thought OS platforms would endevour to make it easier to extend volumes. not difficult [15:02] why can't you use a desktop iso ? no gui at all on the host ? [15:05] this is a vmware vm. I normally don't use gui [15:05] its a server. not purposed to be used as a desktop [15:06] Hello! Anyone free to help me a little bit? =) have a problem that I didnt use to have. Im running Ubuntu 22 and I have Gnome Tweaks installed, and I downloaded a shell theme called Sweet Ambar Blue, but whatever shell theme I choose it doesnt change anything. Everything looks the same. Does anyone have any idea what to do? Ive googled the issue but i cant seem to find anything that helps [15:06] !themes | patrikvk [15:06] patrikvk: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [15:08] Thank you, but I have a theme. But whatever theme I try to apply, its not applying. Everything stays the same (except for icons) but when I try to change the shell theme, all the colors are the same [15:09] Haris_, right, so if you run vmware on a server host you'll indeed not be able to have vmware spawn a gui ... [15:10] I'm on a cloud from a provider which is based on vmware [15:10] so you'll need to use onr of the other methods that google provides when searching, it isnt like there are not 1000s of hits for that [15:11] one attempt didn't go well. trying again [15:12] apparently there is the vmkfstools tool you can use for this [15:13] and there is even upstream documentation .... https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1002019 [15:19] patrikvk: maybe this can help too; https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2022/05/install-themes-ubuntu-22-04/ [15:23] Thank you Lotus, I have done all that too, but its still not working :( I think it might be down to that I had to go to a website and download some sort of a chrome extension (i dont know why) and it asked me which version of this and that I needed and I just chose the latest version for both [15:23] if you get themes from an as official source as possible, ie the creators, or something, they usually bring instructions, afaik [15:24] True, but i cant even change to the included themes like Yaru [15:24] try find out who made the theme, and see if they've got some homepage or official repository, perhaps [15:24] ok [15:27] patrikvk, you need to activate the " user theme " extension with gnome-shell to change GS theme [15:27] I think ive done that, I ran a command in terminal i believe [15:27] I could be wrong [15:29] with previous version of ubuntu i didnt have this problem, im not sure what ive done to make it difficult [15:34] there should be some plaintext file you could edit to revert to Yaru [15:34] the old themes should still be there [15:35] I do have the old themes (default, yaru and my new theme Sweet blue somthing)... but it all looks like "default" no matter if I choose yaru red, yaru blue, yaru dark or "Sweet blue" :( [15:36] Sweet Ambar Blue was supposed to look like this https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1897311 but instead it looks like standard default Ubuntu [15:37] are you running gnome or kde? [15:37] that's a kde theme it appears [15:37] gnome [15:37] oh [15:40] i downloaded another theme, im going to see if it works [15:40] Great! "Purple and peach GT OE2" works! It changed the top bar to purple! But my main windows still have the grey colouor [15:41] Now I have another option called "Applications" that i didnt have before, so its a step forward! [15:42] there used to be a key combination one could press to re'boot' the wm session without logging out but I forgot what it was [15:42] maybe that could help freshen things up, or logging out, if practical, as well [15:43] pretty sure that no longer works on Wayland [15:43] Will try that, thank you! [15:43] I also don't remember the key combo but it only works with GNOME+X11. [15:43] it will outright refuse to let you do it on Wayland and tell you why. [15:43] oh I see, thanks for clarifying [15:45] alt+f2 + r; enter [15:45] if I have no nmcli how do I configure lan interface ip settings on cli? [15:45] on vmware console for a ubuntu focal vm [15:45] ip or ifconfig [15:46] how to do that with ip [15:47] Haris_: if you want to configure your network and save the settings, you modify your file in /etc/netplan/ [15:47] !netplan | Haris_ [15:47] Haris_: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/ [15:47] Haris_: what exactly are you trying to accomplish? [15:47] Haris_, if you have netplan use that [15:47] first time based setup of a vm for remote access and subsequent setup [15:47] based=base [15:48] i installed this one from a 20.06 live cd iso image [15:48] looks like I got a minimal install [15:48] Haris_: if you installed Ubuntu 22.04 server on top of VMware, it should have defaulted to DHCP and the network should have worked out of the box [15:48] Haris_: there is no such thing as Ubuntu 20.06 [15:49] Haris_: if you're installing new, I highly suggest you install Ubuntu 22.04 server [15:50] ubuntu-20.04.6--live-server-amd64 [15:50] its the name of an iso in the provider's library for OS install for a vm [15:50] guest vm [15:50] Haris_: look for 22.04 [15:51] dhcp != required [15:51] statically set IP is required [15:51] Haris_, https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-configure-static-ip-address-on-ubuntu-20-04/ [15:51] its a tiny setup [15:51] ok, then configure your netplan file in /etc/netplan/ [15:54] First of all - thank you all for the help! [15:54] rkill list returns nothing - an empty list [15:54] ran@ran-Type1ProductConfigId:~$ rkill list [15:54] ran@ran-Type1ProductConfigId:~$ sudo dmesg|grep firm [15:54] [ 1.490144] systemd[1]: systemd-pcrmachine.service - TPM2 PCR Machine ID Measurement was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/StubPcrKernelImage-4a67b082-0a4c-41cf-b6c7-440b29bb8c4f). [15:54] [ 2.460815] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] Finished loading DMC firmware i915/adlp_dmc.bin (v2.20) [15:54] hello guys I got it to work. I copied all my themes from .themes to .icons and then when i changed "applications" theme it shows up correctly and changes the look of all the windows as well [15:54] Thank you for your help! [15:55] patrikvk: good! glad you got it working! [15:56] !paste | webchat18 [15:56] webchat18: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:59] I added a netplan config. ran netplan apply. but ip config is not setting onto the NIC [16:00] Haris_: how are you determining that? [16:01] output of ip a. ip l [16:01] nothing much output in syslog [16:01] Bounces the first message [16:01] I have an unexplained problem, [16:01] I have a Logitech keyboard and mouse (MX keys & MX master 3s) [16:01] I moved from an old computer (HP Laptop 15-dw3xxx with ubuntu 22.04) where the pairing of the keyboard and mouse works without a problem, [16:01] For a new computer (Victus Gaming Laptop 16-r0008nj (800K3EA)) [16:01] First I installed the same operating system on it (ubuntu 22.04) but I couldn't find the devices in the Bluetooth list, so I upgraded to Ubuntu 23.10 [16:01] !paste | webchat18 [16:01] webchat18: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:02] I used spaces in place of tabs for indentation [16:02] Haris_: did "netplan apply" give any messages? [16:03] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev fd0.. [16:03] nothing else [16:03] dev fd0 ? [16:03] installing from floppy disk? [16:04] I mean non-relevant output to what I'm doing [16:04] that's a weird output from netplan [16:04] that looks like your VM has a floppy drive configured but isn't relevant to the network issue [16:04] ioria: I'm guessing it's just kernel output [16:04] Haris_: ls /sys/class/net/ [16:04] I ejected the cdrom / iso image after guest vm os install [16:04] Haris_: what interfaces are listed there? [16:04] ens160 lo [16:05] default interfaces are available. just have to configure IPs on the lan interface [16:05] Haris_: please take a screenshot of your netplan config and the output of ip a [16:05] maybe cloud still playing [16:05] it'll take me a bit to put it in text or I can paste an screenshot (Ss) [16:05] Haris_, did you read the link i posted ? === Proton0539372 is now known as Proton053937 [16:06] !imgur | Haris_ [16:06] which one [16:06] use imgur.com [16:06] Haris_, https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-configure-static-ip-address-on-ubuntu-20-04/ [16:07] https://paste.pics/Q9OUC [16:08] using netplan template from https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-configure-static-ip-address-on-ubuntu-20-04/ [16:09] Haris_, you should read also what is above the template [16:10] it says the interface is down [16:10] Haris_: I don't think you have the virtual interface in VMware enabled or on a proper vlan or something [16:10] hmm [16:10] checking [16:11] ok. modifying vmware guest vm properties for NIC [16:12] yup nic is up now [16:13] now i do it with dpaste [16:13] I have an unexplained problem, [16:13] I have a Logitech keyboard and mouse (MX keys & MX master 3s) [16:13] I moved from an old computer (HP Laptop 15-dw3xxx with ubuntu 22.04) where the pairing of the keyboard and mouse works without a problem, [16:13] For a new computer (Victus Gaming Laptop 16-r0008nj (800K3EA)) [16:13] First I installed the same operating system on it (ubuntu 22.04) but I couldn't find the devices in the Bluetooth list, so I upgraded to Ubuntu 23.10 [16:13] webchat18: come on. knock it off === Bencraft4246 is now known as Bencraft424 [16:14] its working. Let me check w/ a reboot [16:17] focal is already consigned to the archive? lol [16:17] no, it's still supported for another 13 months [16:18] I have a bad mirror for archive. Is there one that is usable [16:18] but if you're doing a new install, I don't know why you wouldn't choose the latest LTS [16:18] us.archive.ubuntu.com [16:18] always keep a production box one step behind the current ver [16:18] uh [16:18] I get what you're saying, but that isn't really applicable here [16:19] hmm [16:19] does Jenkins work on the latest ubuntu ver? [16:19] Let me check with jenkins people [16:19] Ubuntu 22.04 is the latest Long Term Support release of Ubuntu. This is considered the latest stable release. There have been 3 releases since [16:20] There have been 7 releases of Ubuntu since 20.04 was released [16:23] checking internally with my guys === webchat18 is now known as ran [16:25] ok good. they'r happy with the latest lts === ran is now known as ransho1 [16:25] will have to rebuild it [16:25] thank you all [16:25] going out now [16:25] https://dpaste.com/9C4W52SB9.txt [16:42] https://dpaste.com/9C4W52SB9.txt === debianero is now known as Tbianero === Tbianero is now known as debianero [16:59] https://dpaste.com/9C4W52SB9.txt [17:17] ransho1, sudo bluetoothctl [17:34] https://dpaste.com/4BY9GZLM2.txt ioria [17:34] means you made it work yes? [17:52] Hai [17:53] can anyone help me with prime-select? [17:54] my nvidia card not working, even online help about header do not work [17:59] after 'sudo prime-select nvidia' my laptop still using intel after reboot.. https://pasteboard.co/HwCjAiKMCJ3S.png [18:08] hi all. I'm trying to diagnose a startup failure of an ubuntu incus guest image. /sbin/init is starting ok, but then it receives SIGCHLD. What processes get fork()ed by /sbin/init when it starts up? === zato is now known as ao === ao is now known as samurai_ === samurai_ is now known as ichi === ericus4 is now known as ericus === ichi is now known as fufu === fufu is now known as lo === lo is now known as tata === tata is now known as tat === tat is now known as love === love is now known as water_ === water_ is now known as wind === wind is now known as earth === earth is now known as da === da is now known as zato [20:31] google [20:31] duckduckgo === revolt11- is now known as revolt112 [21:04] hi [21:05] $ dpkg --print-foreign-architectures shows i386, but 'apt install libphysfs1:i386' i get 'E: Unable to locate package libphysfs1:i386' did i miss something or does this really not exist? [21:07] Bombo: https://packages.ubuntu.com/mantic/libphysfs1 seems so [21:16] CosmicDJ: mkay === fling_ is now known as fling === rom is now known as sticking-feather === Tito is now known as V1A === user03 is now known as gchound