[16:20] ANNOUNCEMENT: Lubuntu 23.04 is now end-of-life. If you are still using it, please upgrade to or install a supported release of Lubuntu as soon as possible. https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-23-04-end-of-life/ [16:36] teward: we need a room topic change [16:36] suggestion: [16:37] ah you got it === teward changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu Support | About: https://lubuntu.me | Docs: https://manual.lubuntu.me | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Contribute: #lubuntu-devel | EspaƱol: #lubuntu-es | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-users | Lubuntu 23.04 is now End of Life - see https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-23-04-end-of-life/ [16:38] thank you kindly :) [16:38] send more coffee [16:38] I knew you were going to say that [16:38] at least i'm just a coffee addict. far worse i could be addicted to xD [16:39] i'll update other channels when i'm at my computer [16:39] Thanks :) None of the others mention 23.04 so this was the only important one that I know of. [16:40] at least for us [16:42] * genii twitches and heads to the coffeepot