[03:08] good morning === JanC_ is now known as JanC [14:11] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-December/000297.html [16:21] https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-23-04-end-of-life/ Lubuntu 23.04 is now end-of-life. If you use it, it's upgrading time. :) [16:37] nevar!!! === arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali === tds9 is now known as tds === PeGaSuS_ is now known as PeGaSuS [21:16] Hey I'm wondering what is the best chance to future-proof my computer :) It is pretty old, and the gfx card doesn't work well with nouveau. Might it be worthwhile to buy a new gfx card that is supported better? I think I have a GeForce GT 240 [21:18] Ideally, I could report bugs in nouveau and it would support my gfx card :P but idk how realistic that is [21:23] There's no "future proof" in computers... By the time you buy one, it's already obsolete. To get the most milage from your machine, I would focus on well supported hardware. [21:24] Specifically hardware that doesn't need proprietary drivers to unlock its full potential [21:26] Framework is looking promising for future-proofing [21:26] that's going to be my next daily driver [21:29] framework also tests their machines for Linux compatibility. So there's a win there too [22:02] I am considering getting this graphics card https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/radeon-7000.c648 [22:03] According to https://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature/ it looks like it has open source drivers and most features are supported [22:03] it is a "southern islands" card and uses radeonsi driver [22:05] OTOH I'm not positive it is indeed "southern islands" [22:07] If it is "Northern Islands" which looks more likely, it doesn't support "stippled primitives" or "smooth primitives" and idk how important that is [22:10] sem: just how old is this computer you are trying to work on? [22:11] 2005 [22:11] well i built it in 2007 but it had old parts [22:11] what exactly are you using this machine for? [22:14] IRC :) [22:14] and web browsing [22:15] sometimes I use steam to do a remote desktop onto another computer [22:15] for $13 I can get a new gfx card that has open source drivers [22:15] There are no opensource drivers for that old of a card [22:15] hopefully it fits in the case [22:16] pragmaticenigma, the radeonsi driver is not open source? https://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature/ [22:19] sem: that card you posted is R100 [22:20] sem: look at "Decoder ring for engineering vs marketing names" [22:21] pragmaticenigma, I ended up getting this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/184859722442 [22:23] Okay... I'm done playing your game... have fun doing what ever it is you're doing [22:23] ? [22:23] Not a game to me... although I think I messed up -- my computer's back panel is a different size than what that shows [22:24] You went from an AGP interfacing graphics card to a low profile PCIe one. You are either trolling or have no idea what you are doing [22:28] you best quit while you're ahead or I will send one dafty fellow after you for such silliness [22:28] 2nd option. THe one I posted first I realized it wouldn't work so I kept looking [22:28] surprised they haven't already piped up [22:29] by that standard sem, you want something future proof. Buy a new computer. [22:29] but I ended up finding a better one with (what I hope is) the correct form factor. https://www.ebay.com/itm/374897717712 [22:30] There is something sentimental about keeping my first PC I built myself supported by linux [22:31] My current gfx card isn't supported by Ubuntu 22.04, so hopefully this one will allow me to stay up to date. [22:31] I don't know how that machine is supported by Ubuntu at all [22:31] Well currently it is supported by Ubuntu 20.04 LTS [22:32] pragmaticenigma: I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 on an ancient laptop from 2007 I believe. One of our Lubuntu testers used to run Lubuntu on a Core 2 Quad. [22:32] If it's 64-bit and it boots, it's fair game. :P [22:34] I have a machine from 2004, 32 bit and running a debian based distro too... Doesn't mean I go wasting peoples time with ancient hardware questions. Espeically ones asking how do I "future proof" this dinosaur of a computer [22:35] If you don't want to help, you don't have to. Maybe someone in the channel will be interested in discussing ubuntu on old hardware [22:37] sem: I'm put off by the way you intro'd your question. "pretty old" is subjective, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone not thinking you're referring to something 2015 or newer [22:37] pragmaticenigma: I'm far more put off by your tone fwiw, if you don't like old hardware questions you're under no obligation to answer. [22:38] There are people here (like me!) who like old hardware questions. [22:38] for me 2015 is recent hardware [22:38] same lol [22:39] words on a screen carry no tone... that's a construct in your own mind [22:39] normal person: $lists_specs... this convo: vague references and hand waving [22:39] I have to go soon -- sorry for any hard feelings, I really didn't mean to offend [22:39] pro tip: don't expend energy on this one [22:40] pragmaticenigma: you and I both know that telling someone that they're wasting your time when you didn't have to spend your time at all is offensive. [22:42] nah, people are going to get rightfully upset when you pull a rug out from under them