
=== sfenik6 is now known as sfenik
bblinkyIs this a decent place to ask questions about the 20.04 WSL2 image?02:00
rboxif you have an ubuntu question... you could i dunno... just ask here02:02
KKate bblinky take it to #ubuntu02:02
bblinkylol, thanks... Just wanted to make sure, because sometimes people get a bit rude when it's a WSL question...02:03
KKateno lols allowed here, thanks02:04
bblinkyAnyways... I would like to use weechat but for some reason it's not working on the ubuntu images, it's working on the unofficial arch image tho... The error I get is: "irc: reading data on socket: error 104 Connection reset by peer"02:05
bblinkyKKate: kek's?02:05
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Sam134943Hi there, I have an MSI Geforce 4060 Ti, i tried running ubuntu live from a usb and it loads but is all strange.... does ubuntu not support that card?03:21
rboxwhat do you mean all strange03:22
Sam134943glitchy and part of the screen is missing bottom right corner03:22
Sam134943like a driver issue?03:22
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rboxyou might need to install the nvidia driver03:24
=== u_oopsa9 is now known as u_oopsa
P1roHi, in Ubuntu 22.04.3 im trying to set max open files, so far i have add it to: /etc/security/limits.conf, add session required to /etc/pam.d/common-session also fs.file-max = 2097152 to /etc/sysctl.conf, DefaultLimitNOFILE=65536 to /etc/systemd/system.conf and /etc/systemd/user.conf , but atfer restart ulimit -a shows default 1024, what else i can check ?03:37
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=== Tes is now known as stefcc
jmwwhat's the equivalent to running dhclient to force-renew SLAAC IPv6 addresses?04:38
jmwyeah, how do I renew the SLAAC address and force the router advertisement stuff?04:40
rboxwhats to renew04:41
jmwI flushed the old address with "ip -6 addr flush eth0" and want to get new autoconf addresses04:43
rboxyou could link down adn link up04:43
jmwif I kill the link I'll lose the ssh connection to the host...04:44
rboxi dont think yo ucan force the router to do anythig04:46
rboxit just does its thing04:46
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Haris_I have node v16.17.1, npm v8.15.0. I'm getting this error --> https://dpaste.com/7ASHD2JBX . this is on ubuntu focal (20.04 LTS)06:04
Haris_is this something OS related?06:04
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ransho1pls help :(08:05
guivercdani_, #ubuntu-es uses spanish (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList)08:36
ransho1pls, someone see my dpaste above?08:39
enoqlooking at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMqAo_As1D0 this seems more like an issue with collaboration08:59
enoqcanonical should probably get in touch with valve to improve it09:00
pombredahttps://packages.ubuntu.com main page looks like it is down?11:28
ueberallHi. Am I reading the man page wrong? Why is " apt-cache policy --no-all-versions debhelper " not working as advertised? (It does not matter where you try to position said option on the command line.)12:00
ransho1pls help :(12:03
Haris_do I need to adapt apparmor config for allowing npm to acces /tmp?12:46
Haris_much like selinux on centos12:47
tupnican't you just define a custom temp folder you've got rw access to, for it?12:48
Haris_I'm not sure which npm uses or where to configure it12:48
Haris_..which folder+ npm uses..12:48
tupniHaris_: you're supposed to be able to specify a tmp folder : https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/configuring-npm/folders/12:51
tupniHaris_: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/using-npm/config/#tmp12:51
Haris_when running npm as root, the only reason I can think of why it wouldn't be able to access /tmp .. is .. apparmor or selinux12:52
tupnior it notices it's executed by root and auto-constrains itself perhaps12:53
BluesKajHi all13:56
leftyfbHaris_: it sounds like you're just assuming apparmor is the cause of your issue?13:57
tuxinatorSo what is the "proper" standard way of adding search domains in to ubuntu 22.04 ? nmcli? netplan? resolveconf? There seems to be no clear docs on that14:02
leftyfbtuxinator: server or desktop?14:02
tuxinatorleftyfb: Desktop14:03
leftyfbtuxinator: nm-connection-manager would be my go-to14:04
leftyfbtuxinator: actually, I would do this on my DHCP server (router)14:04
tuxinatoron the cli14:04
tuxinatori want to deploy it14:05
tuxinatormultiple search domains seem to be unsupported by our dhcp14:05
tuxinatorleftyfb: thats for redhat 7 and Ubuntu seems to use netplan isn't it14:06
leftyfbtuxinator: Ubuntu desktop uses Network Manager to manage network setting/profiles. It doesn't matter the distro, nmcli is the same14:07
tuxinatorleftyfb: not fully true14:11
tuxinatorbeginning with 23.10 it changes14:12
leftyfbtuxinator: first, that's for 23.10 which you aren't running. 2nd, that only entails the files where the configurations get saved to. Network Manager and nmcli are still used to configure your network profiles from the GUI and command line.14:13
leftyfbyes, netplan is the backend. But NM is still the front-end14:14
wwackoif i give yall nerds a ip address can yu hack it?14:47
tupniwwacko: we don't do that stuff in here.14:48
tupniyou gave us yours when you joined the channel, by the way.14:49
wwackois that a threat14:50
tupniof course not14:50
tupnithis channel is for Ubuntu support, wwacko.14:51
leftyfbwwacko: take it elsewhere14:53
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Mrpandahi everyone. my firefox was zapped and now wont start, tries then stops. is ther any way I can fix this ?16:42
leftyfbmrpond: what release of ubuntu? Define "zapped". How do you have Firefox installed?16:46
leftyfb:/    or not16:46
tupnisad ponda, leftyfb16:57
tupnisome just want to do a burnout before they exit abruptly, sometimes16:57
tupniyou tried to help16:58
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denisbrHi, Can I define init level for leve 3 ? without graphic ?17:38
leftyfbdenisbr: without mentioning "init levels", what is exactly you're trying to accomplish?17:39
rfmdenisbr, ubuntu doesn't really use init levels since it's systemd.  If you want to boot into console (non graphic) use "systemctl set-default multi-user.target"17:41
denisbrI need to boot on machine without graphic for some tests and sandbox play :-)17:44
leftyfbdenisbr: ok, then follow rfm's instructions17:45
denisbrleftyfb: ok ... rfm thanks a lot17:45
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ToastyI'm trying to get my head round how snaps impact my backups. The ~/snap folder seems to mix configuration data, program data and user data and some of the data seems to be duplicated repeatedly in numbered folders. Is there a good guide on what I need to back up that someone could please point me to?19:03
=== Dieu is now known as yuta
leftyfbToasty: it's likely not duplicated but linked with symlinks across the different releases of the app19:04
Toastyleftyfb: I worry that if I do my backup incorrectly that I will end up backing up the duplicates.19:05
leftyfbToasty: typically the confs are saved in ~/snap/<app name>/common19:05
leftyfbbut I've seen sometimes where it's saved in ~/snap/<app name>/current/path/to/conf19:05
ToastyThat's going to make for some intresting multilevel wildcards.19:05
=== tds9 is now known as tds
ToastyYuck! Why couldn't it separate program files and config?19:06
Toasty(To a different top level tree)19:06
leftyfbToasty: I would look through the individual snaps and see if there's any you cae about that aren't saved in common. If not, then you only need to worry about backing up the common directories19:06
ToastyThat would work, but it doesn't scale for any future snaps I install.19:07
pragmaticenigmaToasty: Snaps run differently from other applications. By default, they're only given access to their folders inside the ~/snap folder. A user has to grant permission for a snap deployed application to see the rest of the file system.19:08
ToastyThe user data seems to be duplicated. I guess I should only back up the stuff under current, but that's going to be a nasty rule to write.19:08
leftyfbstick with common unless you notice config data being written to current19:08
Toastypragmaticenigma: I can understand that, but I can't see why everything is mixed up in such a messy way.19:08
leftyfband if the latter, maybe file a bug19:08
pragmaticenigmaToasty: "current" points to one of the revision folders. It's a sym link19:09
ToastyThe revision folders are not symlinks though and hold duplicate data.19:09
pragmaticenigmathat's so you can roll back an update19:09
ToastyThere's user data there too though. I would normally want to roll back the app, not the work I've done in it.19:10
pragmaticenigmaIf you start with revision 1, then revision 2 comes along and breaks something. You only have to change the symlink current to point to revision 119:10
pragmaticenigmaToasty: If there is user data in those folders, you should file a bug with the developer or maintainer of that snap. Snaps are supposed to only store user data in the common folder19:10
ToastyI'm looking at OBS.19:10
leftyfbSlack is one of the offenders19:11
ToastyThing is, if it's not reliable, I'll have to re-do my backup scripts for every new app.19:12
pragmaticenigmaToasty: are you sure the data you're finding is user data? and not just auto config stuff that OBS generates on each load?19:13
ToastyThese are large .mkv files.19:13
ToastyI'm sure snap could have separated out program data, config and user data at the top level with sub folders holding the versions as now. That would have enforced separation. I wonder why it wasn't done that way?19:13
pragmaticenigmaToasty: If it was me, I would only back up what's in `common` and `current` (being that current points to the currently active revision.)19:15
ToastyI'm now wondering how many of my files are squirrelled away in odd directories.19:18
ToastyThat and if it's really duplicating file, or if they are some sort of link that's not immediately obvious in a directory listing.19:19
clericIs there something wrong with linux-hwe-6.5-headers-6.5.0-15? It's not listed on packages.ubuntu.com but I pulled that down earlier and dpkg failed to unpack it (just hung forever) causing quite an annoyance as I rolled back to -14. Just curious if anyone else has seen that19:19
pragmaticenigmamost of what I suspect you are seeing is cache files from active sessions that aren't nicely being cleaned up19:19
pragmaticenigmaToasty: most of what I suspect you are seeing is cache files from active sessions that aren't nicely being cleaned up19:20
leftyfbnot with Slack19:20
ToastyI'm not running OBS now and haven't for months.19:20
pragmaticenigmadoesn't mean the program is a good stewards and cleans up everything on exit19:21
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Gfd6W24DXx/19:22
leftyfbthe ~/snap/slack/common/.config is just cache. The actual configs are in common19:22
Toastyapt enforced separation of program data and everything else. Snap should also.19:23
pragmaticenigmaToasty: I'm not aware of apt having that feature... apt just installs and removes packages. The "proper" placement of things is completely up to the developer. Gaining admitance to a well known package repository might be the enforcement you're thinking of19:24
ToastyApt installs the program files outside the user directory.19:25
ToastyI've found a game that's copying the game assets every time it's updates. Luckly they are only 350MB, but that's just daft.19:26
pragmaticenigmaapt manages nothing. the packager decides where things goes19:26
ToastyPerhaps I've got the terminology wrong, but I don't see any packages that I've installed though apt or similar having the install files mixed up with the user data or config files.19:27
pragmaticenigmaToasty: MythTV would be one that does19:28
ToastyExcept when they were installed as snaps.19:28
ToastyI've got a MythTV install somewhere. What stuff does it mix?19:29
pragmaticenigmaIt's really not important at the moment. The point is apt has nothing to do with where things are put. The developer/maintainer of the package makes those decisions. If it is Canonical supplied, their devs take the time to make sure the applications files are in the right place and the application works19:31
ToastySo you're saying that when I use ubuntu packages that are not snaps, everything o2319:32
pragmaticenigmaThat'd be impressive and there wouldn't be a need for launchpad for tracking bugs19:33
arraybolt3It's *intended to* work, how about that? :)19:33
ToastyWell, I didn't have this problem before. I'm just going though the being rather miffed at design decisions that don't make sense to me, because now I've got more work to do and if I get the details wrong I have a broken backup. I'll get over it.19:35
pragmaticenigmaToasty: If I'm trying to imply anything... is the quiet part of my opinion on snaps. That I personally do not like them, nor the direction they are going.19:35
pragmaticenigmaGiven a moment, Toasty ... I have a prime example of what I was talking about earlier with mythtv... but it's not myth... it's snaps. The fact that in a user's root folder is ~/snap when really, it should probably be located in ~/.local and/or ~/.config as appropriate for the need.19:39
ToastyThat would be very useful.19:39
ToastyPerhaps with another non-hidden /snap/userdata/appname tree.19:40
ToastyI think I should be able to make an RSYNC reg expression for the excludes list that ignores snap directories  at the appropriate level which are made only of numbers.19:43
ToastyThat way I should avoid lots of duplicates. I can then exclude any .cache directories.19:43
ToastyI still can't see a clean way of getting the user data without also getting the program files.19:45
ToastyNot without app specific code.19:45
pragmaticenigmaare those program file plugins?19:47
pragmaticenigmaI'm assuming you're saying that you're finding executable binary code or something19:47
leftyfbToasty: I have 19 snaps installed and the common dir of all of them together is under 2GB19:48
leftyfbsorry, current19:49
leftyfbmy common is out of control due to my personal settings and files19:49
ToastyCurrent does seem to mix user generated files and program data.19:50
ToastyNot without app specific code.19:51
ToastySorry, ignore that last post.19:51
ToastyMy snap area is only 2.3GB, so it's a manageable problem for now, but more and more apps are becoming snaps. It will become more of an issue with time.19:52
pragmaticenigmaI kind of feel that it's safe to make that be a future you problem instead of a today one19:53
pragmaticenigmaIf these were in flatpak world, I'm not sure we'd have this conversation, as I'm not sure how deep you'd would go looking for it's userspace files19:54
pragmaticenigmaI should finish that thought... as I have a feeling things can be just as messy there too19:59
=== PeGaSuS_ is now known as PeGaSuS
=== boswandeling3 is now known as boswandeling
tokamHi, is someone active here? I am having an issue to update zoom.20:19
tokamI think in the paste I once crashed my system. Usually on Ubuntu systems some package (what is it's name?) manages the creation of symlinks of libs so that they are in /lib/ and in /usr/lib and for some reason I had a lot of non-symlink libs which required some manual fixing. I guess the error I am facing now might be a left over from this trouble?20:21
tokamCan someone please show me the output of: ls -al /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ld-linux.so.220:21
leftyfbtokam: what release of ubuntu is this?20:21
jsmoothI have installed Docker, but I"m not sure how to run it. I'm trying to use Laravel Sail which is a front-end to Docker.20:22
leftyfbtokam: remove the zoom package completely and install the snap package20:23
leftyfbjsmooth: I would suggest asking in #docker or reading some docker tutorials20:23
tokamOk I will do it. Anyways, is there a command to show prevailing errors in apt and dpkg?20:23
leftyfbtokam: prevailing errors?20:24
tokamI mean version conflicts and errors that I have in my system20:24
leftyfbtokam: you get those errors when trying to install or update packages20:24
tokamfor example I get an error displayed each for each apt operation regaring php8.1-cli20:24
leftyfbtokam: you don't go about manually messing with links. Remove the offending package completely and if it's a 3rd party application, you reach out to the vendor for support with it20:25
tokamI had some severe bug, in the past that left the system in state were a complete newinstall was justified and I had to manually fix things20:25
leftyfbtokam: we only try to troubleshoot existing issues here. Not ones you had in the past20:26
leftyfbtokam: remove zoom completely, see where your packages state lands from there20:26
tokamthe snap tries to install now20:27
tokamthink it will work20:27
tokamCould I see the output of: ls -al /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ld-linux.so.2 on a non broken system? And what is the package that handles symlinks for libs?20:27
leftyfbtokam: if you are messing with that file and it's out of place, you are doing very very bad things and unless you know what you are doing, re-install20:28
leftyfbit should not be a link20:28
tokamwell for me it is not a link... so as I have zoom installed now we just ignore that for now I guess20:29
leftyfbignore what?20:30
tokamsymlink related errors from this pastebin https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BYFTTnTTHz/20:30
leftyfbare you still getting those errors and if so, after running what command?20:30
tokamthey occured after trying to install the downloaded zoom package from their website20:31
leftyfbtokam: are you still getting errors when you try to install an application using apt?20:31
tokamyes one second, I will create a pastebin20:32
tokamwhat is a correct locale for LANG? en_US and en did not work well20:32
tokamthose are my errors20:33
leftyfbtokam: apt-cache policy php-cgi php8.1 libxcb-cursor0 | nc termbin.com 999920:34
leftyfbtokam: try:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure php8.1-cli20:39
tokam/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: php8.1-cli ist kaputt oder nicht komplett installiert20:39
tokam/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: php8.1-cli is broken or not fully installed20:40
leftyfbmaybe try removing and reinstalling it20:40
tokamwell it means I uninstall many more packages20:43
tokamreinstalling the package is not enough?20:43
leftyfbyou can try20:43
tokamI would lose: composer, jsonlint, php-apcu, php-cgi, php-gettext, php-json-schema, php-pear, php-php-gettext, php-xdebug and many more20:44
tokamE: Internal Error, No file name for php8.1-cgi:amd6420:44
leftyfbthen just reinstall them20:44
tokamCan I get a list of what is removed along the way?20:45
leftyfbit will tell you20:45
leftyfbjust like it already did20:45
tokamcomposer jsonlint php-apcu php-cgi php-cli php-gettext php-json-schema php-pear php-php-gettext php-xdebug php8.1-apcu php8.1-cgi php8.1-cli php8.1-phpdbg php8.1-xdebug phpliteadmin20:46
tokamE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:48
tokamsame issue as before /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: php8.1-cli is broken or not fully installed20:49
leftyfbyou have a big mess20:49
tokamdo I?20:49
tokamI don't want to delete the 5.6 yet, I might have very old code that is not comptible with others20:50
tokamI uninstalled libapache2-mod-php temporarily to fix the issues20:50
leftyfbtokam: 5.6?20:51
tokamveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery old code :D20:51
leftyfb5.6 of what package?20:51
leftyfbI would stick all this ancient, insecure and unsupported php development into an LXD container and not muck up your main workstation with it20:52
leftyfbor continue with your mess any not have the ability to update or install any new packages20:53
tokamleftyfb: so my old php version is the root of the problems?21:09
leftyfbtokam: that's where I'm leaning21:10
leftyfbcan't help further, sorry. Got meetings for the rest of the evening21:10
pragmaticenigmatokam: typically mode code should port to the new version with small adjustments. If you follow the migration documentation for PHP and don't see anything mentioned under deprecated features from 5.6 on up to the latest, that would apply to your code, you should have little difficulty in using the latest PHP version with your code.21:14
pragmaticenigmatokam: oh, add "backward incompatible changes" to also check on that page for each version21:14
shoreditch-samurhi, does anyone else have the problem where the laptop is always on Power Saver mode and can't switch to a different mode from the GNOME panel? I'm on Ubuntu 23.1021:21
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pragmaticenigmashoreditch-samur: a search result found this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1448538/why-is-power-settings-not-working-in-ubuntu-22-04-why-dont-i-have-performance21:25
pragmaticenigmaso yes, someone else has it21:25
pragmaticenigmaor something similar to your problem21:25
shoreditch-samurthanks. I've seen this before but it doesn't have an actual solution. For me, even the powerprofilesctl doesn't switch the modes21:27
pragmaticenigmayou could try changing from the command line using `powerprofilectl`21:30
pragmaticenigmait might provide more answers as to what prevents a change21:31
shoreditch-samuryes, doesn't do much - https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/a63f6899e84721:34
pragmaticenigmamore than likely because they both use the same conduit to sending the signa21:35
pragmaticenigmashoreditch-samur: the only things that come to mind is to check if there is a setting in BIOS/UEFI settings that prevents the OS from making changes to power profiles. Or start monitoring logs when you toggle the switch to see if dmesg or syslogs emit any help error messages. Everything that I was able to search for points to same question, no one attempting to troubleshoot or post logs.21:37
shoreditch-samuralright thanks21:39
JanCshoreditch-samur: did you check temperatures also?22:05
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