
=== JanC is now known as Guest2655
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
geekbriOh my. I'm trying to turn an old ifupdown block of code to netplan and I'm really struggling to do this.  I'm unsure how to easily share it. I've got a github gist or i could just post the old ifupdown here and one of my many failed netplan YAML attempts to replicate it.16:22
schopingeekbri: it'd be better to use a gist (or a pastebin)16:23
geekbriDone and done @schopin 16:23
geekbriI've had so many iterations of the attempted netplan config im not even sure which to put in it, so i chose a random one16:24
schopingeekbri: I won't have much time to dive into this, but it seems like there are IPs that are mismatched, e.g. the gateway for the default route.16:32
geekbrii may have chosen a bad config to include, let me redo this. I have the gateway correct in the one im looking at as far as I can tell16:34
danilogondolfogeekbri, I left a comment in your gist16:34
geekbri@danilogondolfo oh wow, let me compare to what i've got currently and see how close I was and give yours a try!16:35
geekbri@danilogondolfo Thanks I've tried it. It does not work. It seems to have the same issue as mine so I suspect I'm missing something entirely.  the static IP never appears in the routes16:36
danilogondolfowhat IP never appears in the routes?16:37
geekbrisorry there are 2 network devices and the new device has a static ip of which appears in the old routing tables16:39
geekbrii did notice i may simply need to change the name of device in the one you provided which i failed to do though so let me try that first.16:40
danilogondolforight, I just translated your ifupdown file, which refers to eth116:40
geekbriyeah sorry, thank you i appreciate that greatly. It was just an easy thing to overlook16:40
geekbrii think you might have made it work, I think even if it doesn't work with your translation I've got what i need to figure it all out16:41
danilogondolfo:) nice!16:41
geekbrioh my god it works, you are my savior of the day16:41
geekbriim able to ping the server externally at the secondary interfaces static ip. You have done me a solid16:42
geekbriI'm going to go post this somewhere on the internet for the next person like me16:43
geekbriIt's always funny how when you have the answer you look at it and you're ilke... well yeah of course why didn't I figure this out?16:44

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