
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
dob1hi, running skanlite I get this error https://dpaste.org/ubkRn12:57
ogra_dob1, thats crlarly a packaging bug ... seems their snapcraft.yaml has a layout that breaks /etc (by overmounting it with their own from the snap) so /etc/machine-id (which is usually populated into the snap env) from the host can not be found 13:32
ogra_dob1, file it by looking at the contact line in snap info skanlite ... 13:33
dob1ogra_: hi, it can depends by the fact that I don't use gnome?13:34
ogra_dob1, the issue is here: https://github.com/KDE/skanlite/blob/release/23.08/snapcraft.yaml#L7413:36
ogra_thats fatal ... 13:36
dob1can I open an issue on github for it?13:37
dob1ah they disabled issues13:37
ogra_(i assume they do that to get sane.d configs in place .... but instead of binding the /etc/sane.d dirs they just overwrite all of /etc)13:37
ogra_right, check snap info for the package, it has a bug link in "contact:"13:38
dob1ok I just to understand13:38
dob1ok but just to understand13:38
dob1this is a fatal bug right?13:38
dob1have they tried to run it once?13:38
ogra_yes, i doubt it will run for anyone 13:38
ogra_no idea, i dont know them 🙂13:38
dob1it's a bit bad13:39
ogra_i just took a look at the package and it is clearly packaged buggy 13:39
dob1that they didn't try13:39
ogra_dunno if they tried ... perhaps they did but in a hacked up test env or some such13:39
dob1ok it can be13:39
ogra_either way, they should only bind the subdirs they need and not all of etc ...  then it should be fine 13:40

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