
mwhudsondannf: can't you just whack linux/whatever in the triggers?01:36
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sarnold"ow, he got whacked right in the triggers"01:56
dannfsarnold: heh. mwhudson I tried that - linux-generic (w/ a bumped version) - and it got installed, but no reboot. I'll just try the reboot protocol03:07
mwhudsondannf: huh03:07
dannfmwhudson: oh, no - you're right - i just missed that part in the log!03:12
mwhudsondannf: oh good!03:13
mwhudsoni knew there were some packages that triggered a reboot if upgraded and it would be silly if the kernel wasn't on the list!03:14
Skiahelmut: thanks for pointing out `dumat`. I've freshly integrated Canonical QA team, so I won't take any decision on my own, but I've forwarded the information to my colleagues for discussion. That definitely sounds like a tool we could run on a weekly basis a output the report somewhere useful. :-)08:58
helmutSkia: for debian, I run it 4 times a day (once per mirror push). it usually runs in less than 2 minutes (incrementally). hence I'd recommend running it more frequently and only flagging differences to the previous output to avoid getting 4 reports per day09:33
ginggsrs2009: are you aware unity FTBFS in Noble?  I just filed a bug to track it LP: #205134309:35
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2051343 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity: FTBFS in Noble" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205134309:35
Skiahelmut: okay, thanks. The discussion for now is whether or not we should setup a regular job to monitor this. This will be escaladated to the right people by paride, and if a decision is taken to run this regularly, we'll likely come back to you for the details :-)09:38
fheimesHi @plusone I'm wondering if you can help on a s390-tools / s390-tools-sign upload to noble, that is stuck since ~9d, waiting for approval.09:48
fheimesBritney says that 's390x not built yet' (https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#s390-tools) and LP indicates that the build is not approved yet 's390x (Unapproved)' (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/s390-tools/2.30.0-0ubuntu1).09:48
fheimesAre plusone member able to approve or who can approve (in this dev-release, means non-SRU, case)?09:48
helmutSkia: cool. for doing that jugdement, my sample report https://subdivi.de/~helmut/ubuntu-20240125.yaml (with lots of false positives due to over-approximating supported-ness) can be a basis.10:01
helmutSkia: the question probably becomes whether there is sufficient signal to be found in that noise to make it worth continuing regularly10:01
Skiayes, I agree, but on that, I clearly don't have enough background and experience to have any kind of judgment :-)10:02
parideHi helmut! Indeed I didn't have the opportunity to do more testing with dumat on the Ubuntu archive after the Debian reunion past year10:04
helmutroughly speaking, I expect that sitting down for an hour and tweaking that is_supported function for ubuntu can cut down the report size to 10% (which is roughly the signal/noise ratio I expect)10:05
paridehelmut, I'm going to play with the tool again to have a more meaningful discussion. Ideally I'd like to have the tool spot an actual issue in Ubuntu, to have something concrete and immediately useful to iterate on.10:12
paridehelmut, I doubt I'll manage to do that today, more likely next week.10:13
paridehelmut, btw thanks for pinging here!10:13
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helmutparide: rather than work through the tool, I recommend sampling the report and giving feedback on that (or improving it by tweaking the analyzer)10:24
helmutparide: for the evaluation, you can totally skip data acquisition and feature extraction and work from the sqlite3 db. only if what you get from there is useful, look into the other part10:25
paridehelmut, makes sense, thanks11:13
tsimonq2paride: I'll pass you some Standard instructions for an Ubuntu deploy today.12:51
tsimonq2For now, I'll juet run a cronjob on my server :)12:52
paridethanks Simon!12:54
bdmurraydbungert: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/ironic-python-agent might be interesting to look at. I'm seeing 403s in the log file.13:55
tsimonq2paride: You're welcome :) I started a repo here: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/+git/dumat (cc helmut) - when you get the chance next week, check back there, I'll ensure the README is up to date :)15:14
* sudip can also run dumat if that helps, but wont have time to look at reports it generates15:43
arraybolt3fill me in since I've apparently been living under a rock - what is this `dumat` tool?16:03
arraybolt3packages.ubuntu.com isn't letting me search for it :P16:03
arraybolt3can't find it with apt-cache search on a Noble machine either16:04
sudiparraybolt3: its a "/usr-merge analysis tool"16:05
EickmeyerWorking on LP: #2038849, but not willing to pilot-in because 😱20:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2038849 in jack-capture (Ubuntu) "jack-capture FTBFS" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203884920:33
Eickmeyersudip: Pretty sure this one is yours, but since I'm the audio guy, I get to do it.20:34
sudipEickmeyer: yes, thats me20:35
Eickmeyersudip: Not your patch, but that spelling patch is missing a DEP-3 header. Unfortunately, I know for a fact that maintainer has been MIA for years now. He was part of the multimedia team, but left without warning quite some time ago. 😞a20:39
EickmeyerNot even worth a bug in that case, sadly.20:40
sudipwell, upstream still has the same spelling - https://github.com/kmatheussen/jack_capture/blob/master/README#L16520:42
sudipand the patch says its forwarded20:42
EickmeyerI meant regarding the DEP-3 header, specifically.20:43
Eickmeyersudip: Either way, uploaded. πŸ˜ƒ20:43
Eickmeyertsimonq2: ^20:44
sudipthanks Eickmeyer. I will raise a PR to upstream, so if I am working on jack-capture next time, I will remember to update the patch and add dep3 also20:45
EickmeyerSounds good. I'm on the multimedia team too, but I'm not sure I want to step on any toes wrt that package.20:45
sudipEickmeyer: fyi, https://github.com/kmatheussen/jack_capture/pull/5420:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Pull 54 in kmatheussen/jack_capture "Fix spelling error" [Open]20:58
Eickmeyersudip: Yeah, I had no doubt the issue was forwarded upstream, the only thing I was missing (that lintian griped about) was the missing DEP-3 headers.20:59
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: I see https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=falcosecurity-libs failing on all 32-bit arches. Maybe better to let it fail & be removed on armhf?21:00
sudipEickmeyer: yeah, I understand. but I think upstream might have missed the mail with the patch. so this PR.21:01
EickmeyerAh, very good.21:01
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Why are you scared to @pilot in? It's a community effort too. :)22:14
tsimonq2arraybolt3: And when's your next session? ;) ;)22:15
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Just ERR:NotMuchTimeToday22:15
tsimonq2*shrug* makes sense22:15
EickmeyerOther fires too.22:15
arraybolt3tsimonq2: ETA:<infinity symbol>22:16
Eickmeyer♾️ arraybolt3 ?22:16
arraybolt3I want to but there's a lot of work I'm buried under.22:16
arraybolt3So I don't know when the next time I'll be able to patch pilot is.22:16
arraybolt3Right now I'm fighting fires in multiple places, but thankfully it's all FOSS-related fires so I'm firmly plugged in :D22:17
tsimonq2I do think that's the case for many people right now, I'm *trying* to look at stuff for the LTS, and I get the general feeling I'm not alone.22:17
tsimonq2So for the record, if anyone sees my recent actions and is wondering, "why now?" - it's because LTS has been my focus.22:18
tsimonq2It's also social processes, not just technical ones. I do feel I owe a general apology for some of my brashness, that being said, I'm dialed in. :)22:25
tsimonq2Cross-posting here: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/24-04-feature-freeze-and-transitions/41948 :)22:27

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