=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [10:25] andersson1234: unfortunately it's still not working, I don't see any changes, jobs started after your message are still failing to send reports back to GH after completing [10:25] ah he's not around [10:45] bluca: sorry to hear that, I'll look again today [10:51] thanks! [12:28] just to clarify bluca: you're getting absolutely no responses? [12:31] nope [12:32] e.g.: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/31096 [12:32] PR opened 7 hours ago [12:32] no more jobs visible on https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#pkg-systemd-upstream [12:32] but no result reported [12:34] another example, https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/31097 [12:34] opened 2 hours ago [12:34] there are 2 jobs listed as running, the other 2 are already done, but no report sent back [13:25] I'm about to try a fix I made a little while ago, let me know if you start getting some results back [13:26] thanks, will do [14:03] andersson1234: that worked, some results are starting to show up [14:05] awesome, thanks [14:08] is this a "permanent" fix or could it be de-applied? iirc that happened in the past [14:12] we're still reviewing the MP, so I'd vote for a cowboy for now :-) [14:13] eheh ok thanks, let me know once it's all settled [17:36] results have stopped coming in it seems, is it possible that it was already rolled back?