
tizazwhy does my browser not open. it says input/output error00:08
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noalternativeI need help writing windows install usb in ubuntu.   I need to repair Windows in dual boot.03:31
noalternativeI have tried boot-repair  but it  did'nt work03:31
noalternativeI have also woeusb but get errors.03:31
noalternativeCan anyone help with this?  I am running 22.0403:32
peirikHow do you guys keep track of which package manager you used to install a certain app?05:46
peirikExample, I have Sublime Text installed. But I don't remember if I installed using brew, apt or snap05:46
rboxthats easy, dont use brew05:47
peirikNow I need to check each of those "stores" to see which one was used05:47
rboxand dpkg will tell you whats been installed with apt05:47
peirikok, forget brew then05:47
peirikthere's still apt, snap and flathub05:47
peirikand its still a pain to figure out each time which source the app was installed from05:48
peirikit would be great if the OS could keep track of this for me05:48
rboxkeep track?05:48
rboxdoes ubuntu even ship with flathub support?05:48
peiriklike an "installed apps" list, with quick info about each installed app (where its located on disk, and from which source it was installed)=05:48
wwackorbox, does rascul keep track?05:49
wwackoany yall nerds got tux tattoos?06:11
=== boswandeling3 is now known as boswandeling
GeekShadowHello, I installed Ubuntu 22.04 with default Gnome on my computer in French, but I have some part untranslated...09:31
GeekShadoweg : http://lutim.anartist.org/D1SPdCIm.jpg http://lutim.anartist.org/TXao9hGE.jpg09:31
GeekShadowis there another package I need to install to have those translated ?09:32
wwackoim not a pro or anything but the old addage holds true - you get what you pay for09:35
lotuspsychjeGeekShadow: did you check gnomes settings/languages if you got the translation pack installed?09:52
cart_Hi. I am trying to reinstall my Ubuntu ontop of my already existing UBuntu. All forms of "Upgrade" failed and I now resort to lambasting the setup and trying to keep all my files at the same time10:10
cart_Problem is.. I am already dual booting so in the setup I choose "Install Ubuntu 23.10.1 alongside them"  (Them meaning Windows). I then then click on the blue text that says "advanced pertitioning tool"  BUT nothing happens when I click it10:12
cart_It just does not do anuthing and stays at the screen10:12
cart_Can I launch it in another terminal or something?10:12
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namefulhi all.is it safe to empty the contents of folder journal? it is under /var/log/journal10:43
oerheksnameful, no, if you want to clean out journal, see https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2020/12/clear-systemd-journal-logs-ubuntu/10:45
oerheksfirst rotate, then clean with vacuum10:45
oerheksnormally it would not grow , as set in  /etc/systemd/journald.conf10:46
namefulit is already at 3gb,is that still normal?10:46
namefulill check the link.tnx oerheks10:47
oerheksmine is 1.9 now ..10:47
namefulwhat about the folder snaps,is it safe to empty it? located at /var/lib/snapd10:48
oerheksno, remove the snaps with sudo snap remove  --purge <package>10:49
pagios how can i tell the bootloader that i have a luks partition to decrypt? when booting it is not asking for decryption asd seeinf the disk as corrupt since encrypted10:50
namefulok,another folder to skip then10:50
wwackowhats the maximum number of a megabytes ubuntu supports?10:52
=== neo|desktop is now known as neo
seravitaeHello, I was wondering if someone could potentially point me in the right direction of different places I can capture evidence for a bug. It appears quite serious - using Thunar/engrampa to open zip files undertakes strange behaviors including extracting files that were not intended, crashing with a general protection fault, and it also on several occasions destroyed unrelated data in the same directory.11:22
seravitaeI'm not sure which application is causing it, thus I don't know which team's website to file the report.11:23
wwackodid dell work with you guys on their linux line?11:44
fwehtwhen i print a file from a pdf (evince) to a location, why does it forget which location i used the last time when i open a different pdf?  isnt it a common usecase that i want to extract excerpts from different pdfs into a single folder?  also i have no "recent locations" tab..11:51
dob1what is the channel about snap packages ?12:50
ubottuSnaps are containerised software packages similar to Flatpaks and AppImages. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io12:51
ubottuUbuntu Core is a version of Ubuntu with transactional updates completely built from snap packages (also see !snap). For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see https://ubuntu.com/core12:51
dob1ok snappy12:54
cart_Hi. I am trying to reinstall my Ubuntu ontop of my already existing UBuntu. All forms of "Upgrade" failed and I now resort to lambasting the setup and trying to keep all my files at the same time13:04
cart_Problem is.. I am already dual booting so in the setup I choose "Install Ubuntu 23.10.1 alongside them"  (Them meaning Windows). I then then click on the blue text that says "advanced pertitioning tool"  BUT nothing happens when I click it13:04
cart_Can I launch it in another terminal or something?13:04
pragmaticenigmaWhy not use the live disk to move your files from your ubuntu partition to somewhere safe? Then just reuse your previous Ubuntu partition?13:05
cart_pragmaticenigma: Because I do not have the space13:06
cart_I have done this before.13:06
cart_you install ubuntu just ontop of the older one13:06
cart_Worked fine in the past13:07
BluesKajHi all13:10
PoppiflowerHey I have a quick question (hopefully). I am testing some hopefully not so invasive device assurance tools for a company, and without making any modifications to the ubuntu image, have installed it on a laptop and installed the device assurance tool. When running, it shows that XServer-xephyr is running a remote access service, and while I13:38
Poppiflowerunderstand what X server is, not quite sure I understand what xserver-xephyr is and why it needs that remote port. If we were to ask our employees to uninstall that, would that be catastrophic to users, or is there a reason why it needs to have a listening port showing up?13:38
pragmaticenigmaPoppiflower: You cannot remove that without disrupting the system. The correct approach would be to make sure the filewall does not allow remote access to that port13:39
pragmaticenigmaPoppiflower: A proper test would be to remotely attack the system. Why are you trying to pen test it from inside? That's like trying to break into your own home while inside.13:40
pragmaticenigmafilewall should be firewall13:41
PoppiflowerI am just doing really basic checks for things that the service finds as running - trying to understand the baseline of what the tool catches and flags for, not necessarily Ubuntu. Not trying to attach from the inside, just get a better understanding. :)13:41
ogra_the question is really, why does it run ?13:41
ogra_it should definitely not ... at least by default13:42
PoppiflowerSo... xserver-xephyr shouldn't be running by default? I just installed this grabbing 22.04.3, using the full install, and it appears to run by default after installation is complete.13:43
pragmaticenigmaPoppiflower: Do not mess with it13:43
PoppiflowerThe only other thing I have done is update all software packages, but, I wouldn't consider that abnormal/13:43
PoppiflowerI don't plan on it :)13:43
PoppiflowerLike I said, just trying to understand the cause, not fix the problem.13:43
pragmaticenigmaXServer-xephyr is a nested Xserver. It allows an applications to draw a new window without stealing focus from other windows. Like Firefox wants to display an error message. If it runs inside the nested instance, then it can display all the pop-ups and error messages it wants to, without disturbing the user while they are working in LibreOffice13:44
pragmaticenigma(that's a very crude understanding I have of it)13:44
PoppiflowerThat is a better understanding than I had.. and that also makes a lot of sense. :)13:44
pragmaticenigmaSoon it won't be a problem when Wayland is the only option installed by default.13:45
PoppiflowerIf the operating system is already using wayland though - is it normal for that to then be running?13:46
Poppiflowerif the installation* , not Operating System13:46
pragmaticenigmaYes, as not all programs are fully compatibile with Wayland. And to use XWayland compatibility, requires an Xserver instance13:46
PoppiflowerAlrighty. I'll bring that back to the device assurance tool we are testing and see what they say about changing their check for that when testing against running services or open ports.13:47
PoppiflowerThank you very much both of you!13:47
pragmaticenigmaThat's the problem with scanning tools... It's assumed they're turnkey solutions, when they're anything but. They need to be tuned, and honestly, if a tool flags a "problem" but can't offer an explanation of what something is used for, then it's a bad tool13:49
PoppiflowerIt does offer an explanation, but, not an explanation I like :D And their explanation would have broken the system.13:50
PoppiflowerI am aware that this is not going to be turnkey - especially on linux but, I also want to double check what I find before assuming the wrong thing.13:50
PoppiflowerI figured that removing this would have been a bad idea, but - I could have been wrong.:D13:50
pragmaticenigmaIn my experience a lot of those tools make use of "well-known" types of documents to assume what is what. That's why at the beginning I said, a tool needs to scan from the outside to make sure all ingress points a locked down. Scanning from the inside is very much like calling an open window a security risk, even though you are on the inside too and you opened the window for some fresh air.13:51
PoppiflowerRe: the tool, we are looking at Kolide / OSQuery, so we have a lot of leeway with that, but, was just wanting to look at what their primary checks would find vs what we would have to write ourselves.13:51
pragmaticenigmaThe "well-known" may say that port 80 is an HTTP server. But if there are no HTTP servers installed, then something else has co-opted that port and should be interogated before telling the user, they have a web server running.13:53
pragmaticenigmaOr it may assume apache is installed, when NGinx is13:53
PoppiflowerOf course, but in our situation, if anything is running on port 80, whether it is apache, nginx, some random tool that isn't a web server, we don't want it accessing corporate services at all. So trying to find that even middle ground.13:53
pragmaticenigmaAt least you have an organization that understands tuning is needed.13:54
PoppiflowerOnly sometimes. :D Have to pick your battles. :D13:54
TomyWorkcan anyone recommend a good SIP client for (k)ubuntu 22.04? I used to use yate, but that vanished from the repos between 18.04 and 22.04. I tried gnome-calls, but that doesn't use my VPN IP as the source IP, so it isn't able to connect. I tried jami, which can connect but then can't make audio calls due to an "Unsupported media type", probably owing to the crummy pbx software we're using13:54
pragmaticenigmaPoppiflower: for that one, make sure that they understand a device under test needs to have an external check as well, to verify that the open service is local to the machine.13:55
pragmaticenigmaTomyWork: For recommendations, please ask in the Offtopic channel #ubuntu-offtopic13:57
pagioshi all,  i am reading about PXE boots, and i see that this is the image used for network boot. it is a small one and i am wondering what needs to be modified to allow a full KALI ISOO to be installed instead of a mimimal one. if i understand correctly this will mainly boot kali on the network but install FILES over the internet. which i dont want. i would like to use my locally hosted kali setup server https://http.kali.org/kali/dists/kali-rolling/main/in14:00
pragmaticenigma!kali | pagios14:00
ubottupagios: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/14:00
pragmaticenigmapagios: pretty self explanitory. Help for Kali is not available here.14:05
pagiosits linux14:05
pragmaticenigmaThen use #linux14:05
leftyfbpagios: try /join #linux14:05
leftyfbor go to Kali's help channel14:05
leftyfbthe ad part is, they posted in #linux before they posted here14:06
pragmaticenigmathe spray and pray method14:07
pagiosany useful comments?14:09
leftyfbpagios: yes, seek support for Kali Linux in #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net or in #linux. Not in #ubuntu14:10
leftyfbpagios: you've been told this multiple times here14:12
pagiosplease stop mentioning my name14:14
pragmaticenigmapagios: Linux refers to the kernel, not the operating system. A distribution is a collection of software packages that are curated, and sometimes maintained by a group of people or company to create a fully operating system that operates using the linux kernel. Some distributions borrow from others in the spirit of open source, but usually with a different goal or purpose in mind. This difference is why something like Kali is not14:14
pragmaticenigmasupported here. The volunteers here may not be monitoring or aware of the design decisions behind how Kali is constructed. Kali is one of the biggest departures from mainline Ubuntu there is. In the end, what you should be doing is finding the most concentrated area to ask your question that is going to have the most people with the same topic in mind. That's not here.14:14
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: pagios has been asking about other distro's in here for years. They get it. They just choose not to14:16
pagiosok i have no time for your side talk now14:17
leftyfbpagios: ok, take your trolling elsewhere14:17
pagiosignored list bye14:17
ThermoriaxMay I interrupt the fight with ubuntu question? :) Recently the software updater has started offering me ubuntu pro stuff instead of the usual "all up to date" or "need to reboot" messages. I don't thiiink I clicked on anything to suggest I want them, and I'd rather it just go back to the usual behavior. Any ideas?14:25
wwackoim an angry nerd from massachusetts with a gay tux tatoo and a fat ugly wife14:26
pragmaticenigmaThermoriax: It's Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu. They made a design choice to put "ads" in the update tools.14:27
leftyfbThermoriax: there's unfortunately nothing that can be done about that at the moment14:27
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Thermoriaxpragmaticenigma: Ah, what a great way to convince me to switch from ubuntu.14:28
pragmaticenigmaThermoriax: I'm right there with you14:28
ThermoriaxAnyway, thanks for the explaination...I thought mybe I'd accidentally set an option somewhere or something.14:29
pragmaticenigmaThermoriax: Ubuntu Pro is free for personal use, on up to 5 machines. Once the machine is enrolled, I believe those messages should go away.14:29
ThermoriaxWhat's to keep them from deciding it's not free later?14:30
leftyfbThermoriax: you should read up on what ubuntu pro is https://www.howtogeek.com/902519/what-is-ubuntu-pro/14:31
pragmaticenigmaThermoriax: That's a tomorrow problem. Today I will hope they continue to honor their statement from nearly 20 years ago, that Ubuntu will always be made free and remain free14:32
leftyfbThermoriax: if they decide to charge for it for personal use, then absolutely nothing changes as far as package updates on your machine14:32
ThermoriaxGood luck with. I think I'm going to use this as motivation to go through with my 'immutable distro' curiousity.14:32
boaaaanyone has a line on mark shuttleworth here?14:36
lotuspsychjeask your real question boaaa, what are you seeking for?14:37
boaaaNot a ubuntu question per se, but certificate on his website seems to have expired.. someone in charge should fix it before they get yelled at. not a good look for a man who made his fortune on web certificates14:37
pragmaticenigmaThis channel is run by volunteers... You can try contacting canonical and see if they can relay the message to their CEO https://canonical.com/contact-us14:38
boaaaOk will submit a form14:40
ogra_pragmaticenigma, FYI it is free even for business use for up to 5 machines ... no restriction beyond the number15:04
lotuspsychjeThermoriax: see/affect bug #204777815:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2047778 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Software Updater unable to cancel Ubuntu Pro upgrade" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204777815:07
pragmaticenigmaogra_: It's not that general. The business has to be owned by the user to be elligible.15:19
ogra_pragmaticenigma, we dont care really ... it is five free licenses per user, wether you make a million a day with them or not does not matter 😉15:22
pragmaticenigmaperhaps not, but providing accurate information is something that should be cared about15:24
ogra_(so if you have fifty customers you are an admin of, each of them running an ubuntu fileserver and three workstations in their office, you just create an account per customer and have them get the free security updates ... nobody will come after you)15:24
ogra_if you run a datacenter with 100 physical servers and sell wordpress VMs, *then* you will need to (and likely want to) pay for the extra security of your wordpress installs ...15:25
pragmaticenigma!ot | ogra_15:26
ubottuogra_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:26
ogra_yeah ...15:26
GeekShadowlotuspsychje: it's installed15:26
ogra_just wanted to fix the wrong wording, our marketing is bad enough already in this case15:26
CoolDude65I'm having some hardware trouble.16:11
CoolDude65# M.2 SSD shows up in BIOS but not in Ubuntu16:11
CoolDude65I have three M.2 NVME SSD's plugged into my motherboard.16:11
CoolDude65All three show up in the BIOS but only two of them show up with `lsblk` or `fdisk -l`:16:11
CoolDude65$ lsblk16:11
leftyfb!paste | CoolDude6516:11
ubottuCoolDude65: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:12
CoolDude65Sorry about that.16:15
CoolDude65I'm having some hardware trouble: my M.2 SSD shows up in BIOS but not in Ubuntu16:15
CoolDude65I have three M.2 NVME SSD's plugged into my motherboard.16:15
CoolDude65All three show up in the BIOS (see screenshot https://imgur.com/a/YLwJQ6W) but only two of them show up with `lsblk` or `fdisk -l` (https://dpaste.com/4NUVLGRNU).16:15
CoolDude65The third SSD is brand new. How can I get Ubuntu to recognize it?16:15
PriceyHow can you get ufw to allow icmpv6 messages, e.g. router solicitation? I've been disabling the default ufw allow/in/fwd rules and allowing only specific paths. So far so good, ipv4 all working fine. Then I notice my lxd guests can't obtain ipv6 slaac addresses...16:15
leftyfbCoolDude65: what release of ubuntu?16:18
CoolDude65leftyfb: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS16:18
leftyfbCoolDude65: what kernel?16:19
CoolDude65leftyfb: 6.5.0-15-generic16:19
cahoots_hi, when i do 'ls a*' and hit tab twice, it doesn't show me all suggestions that start with "a". any ideas how to fix?16:20
cahoots_as in, when i type 'ls a*' but don't hit enter, just tab twice16:20
Priceycahoots_: try 'ls a' and hit tab16:21
Pricey(The * might work in some other shell... but you'll be in bash which I don't think works that way)16:21
cahoots_Pricey, this is not always what i want, though. for example, if i do 'ls *.cpp' and hit tab twice, i want to see all files ending in ".cpp". bash on macos works just like this16:21
ritterworldHi :) I'm having a challenge with an Audio Interface Focusrite Clarett+ 2Pre and Ubuntu 23.10 mantic with 6.7.2-060702-generic #202401251943 installed through mainline. I use https://github.com/geoffreybennett/alsa-scarlett-gui to configure it. and i can see in it as well as in alsamixer that i have 12 PCM Inputs, they all have signal, they are16:22
ritterworldprocessing etc. but in the Sound Settings I dont see any Input Device. is there a way of how to add a specific PCM Input there?16:22
pragmaticenigmacahoots_: when you type in 'ls a*' and then try to tab complete, it's trying to tab complete files that start with the litteral characters 'a' and '*' ... the astrixs is a wild card that is interpreted by ls, not the command line.16:23
cahoots_pragmaticenigma, why would this work differently in macos bash, then? i haven't changed any configuration around auto-complete in either ubuntu bash or macos bash16:24
ritterworldmaybe a differenct bashrc ?16:24
pragmaticenigmacahoots_: it's apple, known for doing things "differently" ... I have no idea how they configured their terminal environment16:25
pragmaticenigmait might not even be bash16:25
Priceycahoots_: Are you sure you're using bash on macos? Doesn't it default to zsh or something these days?16:25
ritterworldcahoots_ and even if the bashrc is the same maybe the command used to do certain thing is in a differnt version/flavour on bash16:25
Priceycahoots_: "echo $SHELL" on macos. I think you'll find it's /bin/zsh. Yes, that behaviour works for me on macos16:26
Priceycahoots_: If you want to change your shell on ubuntu, that's possible, but a different question.16:26
lotuspsychjeGeekShadow: some parts of gnome are not fully translated in some languages, maybe you can bring it up in #ubuntu-translators16:29
cahoots_Pricey, "echo $SHELL" shows the default shell, but that's not the same thing as the currently running shell. for me, "echo $0" returns "-bash"16:29
cahoots_yeah, this may be a version difference for bash or something16:30
Priceycahoots_: On macos, "echo $SHELL" by default should return "/bin/zsh". I don't know what you mean by "the default shell".16:30
pragmaticenigmaUm, considering you're using `echo $0` instead of `echo $SHELL` for macos, should be the first clue things are different.16:30
Priceycahoots_: Yes, bash and zsh behave differently. It sounds like you've got zsh on macos and bash on ubuntu. That's the immediate reason your tab completion works differently.16:31
ritterworldI'm having a challenge with an USB Audio Interface Focusrite Clarett+ 2Pre and Ubuntu 23.10 mantic with 6.7.2-060702-generic #202401251943 installed through mainline. I use https://github.com/geoffreybennett/alsa-scarlett-gui to configure it. And I can see in it as well as in alsamixer that i have 12 PCM Inputs, they all have signal (basically the16:37
ritterworldrouting is correct), they are processing etc. but in the Ubuntu Sound Settings I don't see any Input Device. is there a way of how to add a specific PCM Input there?16:37
cahoots_i do not have zsh on macos. it's using bash16:38
cahoots_that is, zsh exists on macos, but i'm using bash16:39
pragmaticenigmacahoots_: if `echo $SHELL` does not return the path to bash, you are not using bash. You might be running bash inside of zsh, and when bash cannot complete a command, the command is bubbled up to the host environment for execution or to throw an exception.16:42
pragmaticenigmain any case, the answer to your question is that your approach to tab complete `ls a*` will not yield the expected result, because there isn't anything supported that ability to perform that action. the tab completion uses what is typed in as a string litteral, it doesn't interpret it further. so your `ls a*` and tabing is attempting to find something in the current working environment that starts with the two characters 'a' and '*'16:45
CoolDude65# M.2 SSD shows up in BIOS but not in Ubuntu17:16
CoolDude65I have three M.2 NVME SSDs plugged into my motherboard.17:16
CoolDude65All three SSDs show up in the BIOS (https://imgur.com/a/YLwJQ6W) but only two of them show up with `lsblk` or `fdisk -l` (https://dpaste.com/4NUVLGRNU).17:16
CoolDude65The third SSD is brand new. How can I get Ubuntu to recognize it?17:16
CoolDude65- `lspci` shows three nvme devices. Only two of them say `Kernel driver in use: nvme`. https://dpaste.com/96VC6NP8C17:16
leftyfb!paste | CoolDude6517:17
ubottuCoolDude65: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:17
ritterworldFYI i was able to fix the issue with > installing pavucontrol > configuring the Clarett+ 2Pre audio to Pro Audio > disabling all other devices > and use PCM 1 which equals to Auxiliary 017:32
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duckx0rI used the Muon package manager to lock a package to a specific version, but when I try to release the lock, I get the message "The package code could not be locked. Failed to write lock file." also `sudo apt-mark showhold` is empty. What type of lock is being placed on this package and how can I remove the lock?18:08
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arraybolt3I keep finding myself doing things like `sudo apt install virtualbox=biglongversionstring` in order to install something from -proposed. It looks like I could just do `sudo apt install virtualbox=mantic-proposed` or the like. Is that actually possible?18:57
arraybolt3(can't confirm it myself right now since I'm already mid-install)18:57
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ioriaarraybolt3, yes, with the -t option20:52
ioriaarraybolt3, apt  install -t mantic-proposed/multiverse virtualbox20:52
miguel2013this is my favorite chanel21:07
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eelstreboris there software for accessing bodycam data?22:28
pragmaticenigmaeelstrebor: you may want to try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic for software recommendations. The focus here is more for supporting what is already installed22:30
sarnoldarraybolt3: apt install -t proposed thingy23:20

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