
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
knomebluesabre, JackFrost, pleia2, ochosi: PoC for serving release notes (and other documents) from github pages with jekyll: http://ghp.knome.fi/11:14
knomeobviously will need to tweak the looks a bit11:15
knomeand the source: https://github.com/knomepasi/ghp.knome.fi11:15
knome(also, hi, it's my first dabble with jekyll!)11:16
pleia2knome: neat20:09
bluesabrehttps://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-installer - Flutter installer fork for Xubuntu... things to do: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bxfCEXdCLhFmfY4h7qKkmJGXmEUbEX-8sR_A_XshRTE/edit?pli=123:22
bluesabre(I've only just forked the repo, leaving notes for myself or anybody else that wants to take a crack at it)23:23
bluesabreHere's what Edubuntu's is looking like: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/help-with-edubuntu-desktop-installer/41683/1323:39

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