
=== mfo is now known as Guest1395
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
arraybolt3Does anyone know of a CLI frontend to the software-properties subsystem, like software-properties-cli rather than software-properties-qt?14:24
arraybolt3looks like for automation, you're expected to use python3-software-properties, but I'm trying to modify an update manager related thing in a C++ app.14:25
arraybolt3meh, the code of python3-software-properties is quite straightforward, I can just reimplement what it's doing in C++.14:29
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
=== ben__ is now known as ben
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
kanashirovorlon: I am having some issues to add abi=time64 to DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS in gem2deb, when dh_ruby is called apparently the build flags are already defined. For instance, -D_TIME_BITS=64 is not included after that (I think this is what we want here)20:53
kanashirosince I will need to rebuild the ruby package another time to remove support of ruby3.1 (now I want to add support for ruby3.2), I am going to move on without this patch and next time we can fix this21:30
kanashiroFWIW ruby3.2 was built with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=abi=time64 already21:32
vorlonkanashiro: right, dh_ruby isn't going to be able to modify the environment of other parts of the makefile?21:46
vorlonkanashiro: anyway, ack21:46
kanashirovorlon: the makefile is generated by the gem mkmf (defined by upstream each upstream project), I could try to patch the config for all packages but it would be a bit hacky. Right now, dh_ruby does not support that.21:50

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