
sarnoldrbasak, schopin, teward, my understanding is that this google-guest-agent fix is especially important to get in via security ESM -- that way, unattended-upgrades will install it, and then the affected users will be able to log in to their machines again00:10
Habbielooks like mailman on security-announce let something through13:46
HabbieSubject: ITSM-74207 ubuntu-security-announce Digest, Vol 233, Issue 113:47
mdeslaurHabbie: yeah, it's me, I checked the wrong box, sorry about that13:48
Habbieno worries, just wanted to check it was an incident and not a misconfig13:48
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Juesthello, is keyserver.ubuntu.com safe to use? why it has been adopted by a lot of apps including gnupg? was it intended to be a public service unlike the debian one which is reserved for packages?22:10
Juestpardon for the questions, i prefer chat 22:10

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