=== P1ro_ is now known as P1ro [01:24] why does cross-compiling with s390x-linux-gnu-gcc take so long on ubuntu [01:26] how fast is it on debian or arch or void etc? [01:33] debian is so much faster it makes it worthwhile to use distcc with a debian container [01:38] wow [01:46] Hello [01:46] Hello Ubuntu's [01:46] Does Davinci Resolve work well with Ubuntu? [01:47] different people need different results from their tools; it's probably best to give it a try and see if it meets your needs [02:07] sarnold: compare: https://github.com/SoniEx2/wasm2kotlin/actions/runs/7734644280/job/21089001998 (look at those *timeouts*) vs https://github.com/SoniEx2/wasm2kotlin/actions/runs/7735002870/job/21089975043 [02:11] Soni: heh, half the time .. ouch [02:11] sarnold: *with* timeouts! === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:15] Wow it's so big ;') [02:16] It's throbbing uncontrolably in my feminine hand! Wow ! [02:24] sarnold: (we think without timeouts it takes like a couple of hours? so like... something is definitely wrong with ubuntu's s390x-linux-gnu-gcc for some reason) [02:46] Hello === preson1c is now known as highrate === preson1c is now known as highrate === P1ro_ is now known as P1ro [03:47] hi all,is it safe to delete old kernels and package configs.im using ubuntu cleaner [03:47] well old kernels just take up space [03:47] but i feel like autoremove should be removign those [03:48] tnx rbox :) [03:48] and purge should be removngi configs [03:48] dont need some stupid "cleaner" to do any of that [03:49] what about apt cache? [03:51] what about it === runelind_ is now known as runelind [03:51] is ok to delete the apt cache as well ? [03:51] you're just gonna have to do wnload it again [03:53] so the apt cache unload themselves automatically u mean ? [03:54] what? [03:55] re: you're just gonna have to do wnload it agai,is that a go for deletion? [03:57] whats the point of deleting it [03:57] if you're just going to have to download it again in a few hours or a day [03:58] clear,coz i keep on getting not enough disk space pop up [03:58] lol [03:59] soudns like you need t odelete something substantial [03:59] or get a bigger disk [03:59] true [03:59] tnx all === alexa_jones is now known as alex_jones === pengamen is now known as asalapatt === asalapatt is now known as pengamen === Dieu is now known as yuta === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [10:43] Failed to start proc-sys-fs-binfmt-misc.automount: Transaction order is cyclic [10:44] Any idea what's going wrong? boot process stops. I never heard of this proc sys fs binfmt [10:44] Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS [10:45] also systemd-binfmt.service is not started [11:03] Aison: when systemd detects cycles, it ignores one of the involved services, see e.g. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/193714/generic-methodology-to-debug-ordering-cycles-in-systemd [11:04] You need to pinpoint the offending service; it's not proc-sys-fs-binfmt, that's a "good one", to be able to execute various programs such as wine .exe files [11:18] alkisg, found it: it was a bind mount in fstab... === sonOfRa_ is now known as sonOfRa === five6184804 is now known as five618480 [11:45] hi guys, how are expanded variables I can see in /etc/grub.d files? [11:45] can't see if my root UUID partition is set properly [11:46] ohh, it's in /boot/grub/grub.cfg, I see [11:47] but I'm still wondering ... are those variables env vars? [11:48] see the grub manual how grub is generated [11:48] !grub [11:48] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [11:52] can't see anything there about $LINUX_ROOT_DEVICE or $linux_root_device_thisversion [12:16] i created a hotspot connection (adapter is rtl8723be). however its undiscoverable since both RATE and SIGNAL (output from nmcli d wifi list) are literally 0 [12:17] is there something wrong with this specific controller, the driver or NetworkManager conf? [12:25] not all driverssupport all features/modes of operation. my bet is on the driver. [12:29] it generally helps to answer questions when you provide basic information such as which ubuntu release and kernel version you're using. [12:30] anyone has any idea why ubuntu is so slow? https://github.com/SoniEx2/wasm2kotlin/actions/runs/7734644280/job/21089001998 (look at those *timeouts*) vs https://github.com/SoniEx2/wasm2kotlin/actions/runs/7735002870/job/21089975043 [12:30] ubuntu 22.04.2, linux 5.15.0-92-generic [12:31] KBar, current is 22.04.3 .. time to do apt dist-upgrade [12:32] i've got ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS on my thinkpad and I simply cant make bluetooth function well. Reconnecting to my paired headphones never works. I have to forget the headphones, restart BT/laptop and then pair again for them to actually connect. Any suggestions? [12:35] oerheks: shoot. i only have 2.1G of disk space available. would that be enough? [12:36] only you can tell if you try. [12:36] lol [12:36] tennisanders: post URL from terminal for> (lsusb; sudo dmesg|egrep -i 'blue|firm)|nc termbin.com 9999 [12:37] im just not in the mood of "try and see" [12:37] (it usually ends in some wreckage and spending some time to fix it) [12:38] so reclaim some space, it's usually easy [12:38] ncdu can help, or baobab for a GUI [12:39] apt --purge autoremove [12:39] yeah, nothing to purge [12:40] looks like 22.04.3 is on kernel 6.2, right? [12:40] jeremy31, https://termbin.com/0t4a [12:41] KBar, with HWE, 6.5.0-15 [12:42] sweet. ill try upgrading then. thank you === omnigoat2 is now known as omnigoat === Dieu is now known as yuta [13:31] jeremy31, sorry had to leave in a rush so not sure if you answered me [13:34] ok, ive upgraded [13:37] Hi all [13:37] O/ [13:38] i guess im gonna have to install kernel headers and modules manually? [13:38] !hwe | KBar [13:38] for some reason they weren't updated from linux-modules-5.15.0-92-generic === Tito is now known as V1A [13:57] ok, running `sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-22.04`. wish me luck [13:59] there are tracking / met / dependency packages for modules and headers for both the vanilla and hwe kernel version tracks [14:00] *meta (not "met") [14:03] phew, it booted up [14:04] ok, everything upgrated to latest version [14:04] the issue persists [14:09] How do I find out for which architectures a snap is available? 'snap info --verbose' doesn't give me that. [14:13] nteodosio, only on snapstore, not via CLI === Dieu is now known as yuta [14:15] oerheks, that is sad! But anyway I tried snap-store and couldn't find any mention to that there? [14:16] manually configuring rate and tx-power is not allowed either [14:16] oerheks, are you perchance refering specifically to the new, non-gnome-software store? [14:17] if you press on 'latest stable', the menu gives architecture options https://snapcraft.io/gnome-clocks [14:17] not with all snaps though, that depends on the maintainer [14:18] Aha, confirmed, thanks! [14:20] i also tried each of the antennaes [14:20] to no avail [14:21] KBar, likely the driver is not hotspot compatible [14:22] How can I allow these old key algorithms for ssh on my ubuntu client? [14:22] Their offer: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 [14:22] oerheks: that was my biggest fear :( [14:24] KBar: curl -sH "Snap-Device-Series: 16" https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/info/firefox|jq '.["channel-map"][] | select(.channel.name == "stable") | .channel.architecture' [14:25] ^ nteodosio [14:25] impressive cli witchcraft [14:25] Yuck! Thanks for the redircection by the way. (: [14:25] solved === five6184808 is now known as five618480 === five6184801 is now known as five618480 === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [15:07] HI [15:10] welcome povilas [15:17] oerheks: not sure if its definitive, but `nmcli -f WIFI-PROPERTIES.AP device show wlo1` suggests AP mode is supported [15:18] and if i create a default hotspot connection from scratch (`nmcli device wifi hotspot`), it is visible to other devices [15:19] but then it cannot lease IP addresses [15:20] probably sets up the DHCP server wrongly [15:30] what happens if i set a setUID on a directory ? === xrandr1 is now known as xrandr [15:35] Hi, I am having severe problems with an old courier-imap server. My inbox is filled with spam (600.000 mails) and I cannot move any mails. It just times out I guess. How can I solve the problem? Right now I am searching server error logs. I already tried to reboot the entire server [15:35] mails are usually files [15:36] so delete the files with spam in it [15:36] I would like to do it but nothing is possible ... [15:36] I try to move 6 mails from 1 folder to an other and it just does not do it [15:37] you connect via ssh [15:37] delete the files === sotaoverride is now known as Guest5092 === sotaover1ide is now known as sotaoverride [15:38] one file per mail? [15:38] yes [15:38] what to delete? Is not it that there are inbox files? [15:38] compressed archives? [15:38] that depends on your smtp server but usually it is just one file per mail [15:39] Can I change the courier-imap config to speed it up? [15:39] this has nothing to do with imap if you connect via ssh to clean up the files [15:40] you just have to find out where your mail server stores the mails [15:41] I have courier-imap and qmail [15:42] so try /var/qmail [15:42] but that really depends on your setup [15:44] I did ls -al in that folder and it hangs xD [15:44] your hdd is dying perhaps? [15:44] pagios: `info coreutils -n 'directory setuid'` [15:44] I think it has 600.000 files and that for hangs? [15:44] instead of ls try find [15:47] SMART Overall-Health Self-Assessment: The overall health self-assessment test result is "PASSED," indicating that the drive has passed the SMART self-assessment. [15:49] will I crash my mailserver if I start moving such files? [15:49] maybe xterm doesn't make it hang [15:49] there is a folder cur and new and also a file maildirsize [15:49] and also some folder: tmp [15:50] xterm is often faster than some of the slower terminals, ime [15:50] I think if I could slize this folder a bit and e.g. get a folder for mails from each year this could make a difference? [15:51] there are 464309 files inside the cur folder [15:56] it is up to you how you want to handle the situation === Dieu is now known as yuta === five6184800 is now known as five618480 [16:39] Hey folks. [16:40] I get these build errors when trying to build openafs: https://paste.debian.net/1306011/ [16:40] I appreciate any help. [16:45] johnfg, https://git.openafs.org/?p=openafs.git;a=commitdiff;h=c4c16890d9d2829f6bef1ef58feafb30b1d59da3 [16:50] AFAICT I don't have a hardware issue, TTY says wrong password for every account, and journalctl -b 1 shows logs from January 23 despite using the computer daily... I am so confused. [16:50] I'm in chroot because of the login issue still. [16:51] journalctl -b 1 shows the latest boot of a system after chrooting into it. Am I wrong? [16:52] stewi, i think you can still use Recovery mode [16:55] What do you mean by recovery mode? [16:56] fallback didn't make any change [16:57] stewi, from Grub -> Advanced Options -> Recovery Mode -> Root Shell [17:01] I'm using systemd-boot, but I don't think it really makes a difference. AFAICT the kernel is booting fine. It's just that something goes seriously wrong in userspace and I'm struggling to diagnose it. [17:02] Thanks ioria. So where and how do I patch to make this fix work? [17:03] stewi, might be a permission issue on your home dir; from the chroot , check stat /home and stat /home/ [17:03] johnfg, you patch it [17:04] even root can't log into tty though! It's crazy [17:04] wrong password every time. [17:04] that's normal, if you did not set a passwd [17:04] I've set it (through chroot) a few times trying to get it to work [17:06] I'm making a new user (through chroot) now to see if that works [17:08] Does anyone know how to view logs related to tty logins? [17:11] At what point do you guys give up and re-install? [17:11] And don't tell me that you can fix everything [17:14] Newly created user can't log into tty [17:15] stewi: I give up as soon as I can't log in anymore [17:16] though I usually have an image of my system backed up, so i usually don't lose much of anything [17:21] lmao. Yeah true I'm probably best off reinstalling. To be honest I've screwed and messed around with this system a lot over 4 years. [17:38] I'm not giving up though [17:39] 4 years is usually my default for wipe clean and start fresh again [17:39] regardless of the state of the machine [17:44] Despite using it every day, journalctl only has logs up until january 24th. [17:44] I need to know why. [17:46] tty login attempts always returns incorrect password, journalctl has no logs before jan 24. This is too weird for me to give up. [17:48] no logs after 24th of january* [17:50] I wish I had ideas for you === lubuntu_ is now known as lulu === lulu is now known as lulubye === lulubye is now known as lulu === lulu is now known as lulubye [17:52] Thing is, if I go to /var/log/journal I see modification times up until my recent boots. [17:53] But running journalctl -b 1 in chroot gives me january 24th. === uf4 is now known as uf [18:04] hiya [18:05] who else here likes team fortress 2 [18:07] i just started using this OS yesterday lol === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [18:19] well, I am giving up for now. backing everytning up and reinstalling tomorrow because I need it working. I will be spinning up a VM to continue investigating however. [18:23] guys why wont firefox launch???:?? it wont work and i need it for litteraly everything im new to lubuntu please help [18:23] try starting it in terminal to see what it says [18:24] k [18:27] how do i start something in the terminal [18:28] goofy_goober, open a terminal and type firefox [18:29] k === xrandr1 is now known as xrandr [18:49] I've network settings on Settings > Network > ethernet interfaces. What software/service manages the interfaces? [18:50] I mean what is the name of the service that handles that GUI network stuffs for the ethernet? [18:50] I am using ubuntu 22.04 [18:53] Angs: the part you are referencing is a built-in feature to Gnome. What it manipulates is NetworkManager [18:57] pragmaticenigma, thank you. [19:21] Is there a way for ubuntu itself to build and install: openafs 1.8.10-1ubuntu2 source package in Ubuntu? [19:21] It's on launchpad. [19:22] Here's the URL: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openafs/1.8.10-1ubuntu2 [19:24] johnfg: what version of ubuntu are you running? [19:24] 22.04, all patches and upgrades. [19:25] johnfg: The launchpad is for 23.10, and likely had dependencies on packages in 23.10. You could upgrade to the latest Ubuntu, or wait until 24.04 is released which hopefully includes that === JanC_ is now known as JanC [19:28] So how do you install a package from launchpad? [19:31] johnfg: I offered the supported suggestions. The listing you found is tied to Ubuntu 23.10. The options are to wait until 24.04, or upgrade your system to 23.10. === nncanepa0 is now known as nncanepa [20:05] it still wont start, any advice? im very new to this OS === alexa_jones is now known as alex_jones [20:10] am i the only one who has their desktop icons at the bottom of the screen instead of the side [20:11] you can change them in the settings where they go [20:11] ik [20:11] i like them at the bottom [20:12] oh [20:12] am i a... monster? [20:12] goofy_goober: you mean the "taskbar" icons, right? [20:13] no lol [20:13] the desktop shortcuts [20:13] goofy_goober: Do you have a support related question? If not, it sounds like you might want to discuss your icon preferences in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel. [20:13] ahhh [20:13] where is off topic [20:13] i thought this was like a general lol [20:13] goofy_goober: just type /join #ubuntu-offtopic [20:13] goofy_goober: nope, this channel is for any troubleshooting === nshirelaptop3 is now known as nshirelaptop === Proton05393728 is now known as Proton0539372 [21:49] pleased to see there is finally some progres on 2044657. light at the end of the tunnel [21:50] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/2044657 [21:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2044657 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu Mantic) "Multiple data corruption issues in zfs" [High, In Progress] [22:07] i have a problem, firefox wont start up. i tried the shortcut, i tried the terminal, i tried the start menu but nothing works how do i fix this?