
xu-help39wHi, I am trying to install xubuntu on my older Elitebook 745 laptop. The install goes smoothly and works fine. After it is finished, I restart my laptop and the system won't boot. It keeps going back to the manufacturer logo. If I set direct boot from my hard drive, I get a black screen with flashing white lines, similiar to those, which appear22:05
xu-help39wwith a broken GPU. I can access my bios, I can go into Try Xubuntu session and it works.22:05
xu-help39wThis is my first time dealing with a different OS and I am completely lost. Any suggestions?22:05
diogenes_Vx15xu-help39w, are you still here?22:13
diogenes_Vx15and you are no longer here.22:16
xu-help39wIve also noticed that if I start pressing buttons the output on my screen changes so Im guessing its not just blurred lines but some sort of GPu related bug22:22
diogenes_Vx15xu-help39w, what system was running on that machine before you intalled Xubuntu?22:23
diogenes_Vx15and? did it have any GPU related issues?22:24
xu-help39wNo, it was completely fine. I was using it today22:25
diogenes_Vx15ok now let's first start with the very beginning, how did you write the Xubuntu ISO to the USB drive? using rufus?22:26
xu-help39wI used balenaetcher22:29
diogenes_Vx15that's good, then let's get to the next step, go to BIOS > Boot section, take a pic, upload it to imgur.com and share the url with us.22:30
diogenes_Vx15xu-help39w, try to place 'Boot from EFI file' as the first boot option.22:37
xu-help39wI cant change the positon there. I can only change the priority in bios, however I have already set my disk to be at the top.22:39
diogenes_Vx15xu-help39w, ok then as soon as the PC starts, keep pressing either f12 or ESC, you need to get to the boot menu and pick the option to boot from EFI File.22:41
xu-help39wOkay, for some reason it is working now. Ive ready tries that but couldnt get it working, I guess my previous installation was corrupted. Thanks a lot!22:44
diogenes_Vx15no problem.22:44

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