[00:05] I should get back on that OpenBSD port. might be ready by the time the next release is out [13:24] Hardcoded to disregard fstab entries that "does not exist", right? Glanced quickly at the source. Was hoping to add a line with x-systemd.automount (so the device is not required to exist) [13:30] plundra: i think we have a PR for that [13:30] not sure if "problem report" or "pull request" [13:30] The former I think, no hit in open PRs for mounts or fstab at least. [13:31] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/4342 [13:31] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4342 in canonical/cloud-init "fstab entry for disk without filesystem" [Open] [13:31] Maybe :) At least some what related. [13:32] I'll do it with write_files and append for now. [16:36] plundra: yeah, it's a problem :/ [21:00] ananke: there is a secondary manifestation of that cloud-init status --wait bug that just showed up in SRU release verifcation testing. https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4842 is resolving that other case of interacting with systemctl in early boot. [21:00] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4842 in canonical/cloud-init "fix: Handle systemctl when dbus not ready" [Open] [21:01] We're fixing that now too and will pull it shortly into into a 23.4.3 release. [21:31] blackboxsw: ohh, great, cheers