
valoriejust got home from the dentist; will go look immediately00:25
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> I don't see the email and I even checked the SPAM folder.00:35
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Could my email address potentially be allowlisted?00:54
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> I'd check the queue, otherwise if you PM your email address I can forward it to you00:55
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> I also vote yes.00:59
valoriefor some reason I've recently gotten NO k-council emails01:03
valoriechecked spam, etc. 01:03
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> This is confusing. May I suggest (RFC-2119 ;) ) you all move to a public (or private?) lists.ubuntu.com address?01:03
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> I don't think I ever received a KC email.  Maybe my LP profile needs updated?01:04
valorieRick's link to check it out didn't work for me, and I used my login name: valorie-zimmerman01:04
valorieoh, I'll look at profile01:04
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> https://launchpad.net/~/+editmailinglists01:05
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> That magic link works for anyone logged into LP ;)01:05
valoriein any case, I'm a YES on the extra amount01:05
valoriethanks @tsimonq2, that worked01:06
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> <301:06
valorieso the mails were going to my kub account email; evidently that is the link that isn't working01:06
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Anything in the mod queue from me?01:07
IrcsomeBot_<DarinMiller> Thanks from me too.   I was not subscribed.01:07
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> I'm happy to help :)01:07
valorie@Rick_Timmis your website link ain't workin'01:10
valorieMailing list moderation01:12
valorieThere are no mailing list messages requiring your review.01:12
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> o_o whaaaaat01:12
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/16bdf161/file_72079.jpg01:13
valorieis lists.ubuntu.com on mailman?01:13
valorieyes, I saw the email in the archives01:13
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> I *think* (please verify) that lists.launchpad.net is an earlier iteration of what runs on lists.ubuntu.com today01:13
valoriethere is always a way if one is stubborn enough01:14
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> this is true ;)01:14
valorieok, dinner time01:15
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> valorie: enjoy :)01:17
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Looks like the vote passed, if anyone is willing, please send a followup to the thread indicating that to Jonathan. To be clear, it needs to be pedantically specific: on 02/02/24, Scarlett shall be authorized for an extra $250, and hereby modify the aforementioned payment schedule to $2250 for the next two. Be as explicit as possible01:19
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> The reason I'm being pedantic myself is because it's a legal reference, technically speaking :) not meaning to be overbearing at all, just want to minimize further back and forth01:20
valorieI can send a new email but since I don't have the thread, can't reply to it02:14
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Which email client?02:19
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Meh, regardless I'd say send *an* email if you're willing Val :)03:12
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> This email was a bit of a catch 22 don't you think :D https://lists.launchpad.net/kubuntu-council/msg01144.html whoops, glad it's sorted now03:13
valorie@tsimonq2 I sent the email a few mins ago03:48
valoriesearching for the email thread we discussed on the phone and am not able to find it; when should I look?03:49
valorieI mean, which month?03:50
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Which one in particular? :)03:50
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Ah, sec03:50
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2024-January/002857.html03:51
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Thank *you* for the followup email to the KC list re: Scarlett and taxman :)03:52
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Er, to Riddell?03:53
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> *shrug* hey whatever works ;)03:53
valorie@tsimonq2 yw. Did you get NO replies to that email?04:23
valoriethe one re: vbox04:24
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2024/01/30/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t20:0804:25
valorievaguely disappointing discussion, although your email was 1. very long & 2. somewhat accusitory05:16
valoriebullet points are good05:16
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> Have replied with a +1 (re @tsimonq2: Thanks :) valorie @RikMills @DarinMiller when you have a second ^^^^)07:48
sgmooreG'morning all. So it seems somehow scarlett.gately.clark@gmail.com is being used as my email and I am actually scarlett.gately.moore@gmail.com now. Please update your contacts lists. Thanks!!!08:46
IrcsomeBot_<Rick_Timmis> Yes, I had the old email in my contacts10:11
IrcsomeBot_<Rick_Timmis> I had a chat with Mauro G, Aaron P and Merlijn from canonical yesterday, they're very excited at what's happening here in Kubuntu10:12
IrcsomeBot_<Rick_Timmis> I also got a bit carried away with the Hugo work, that Carl Schwab had started. I felt his design was a bit too far removed from what we have today, so I did a bit of tweaking. Anyway, short story is, I've mostly rebuilt kubuntu.org in Hugo, and I'll have a demo over the weekend, which I'll host somewhere and share a link10:15
sgmooreI am working on our Bug management story on our brand new Wiki on invent :) If you are not in the team yet I need invent handles to add you.10:24
sgmooreIt is still a WIP but here is a start: https://invent.kde.org/teams/distribution-kubuntu/docs/-/wikis/Bug-Triage-Story-WIP10:45
RikMillssgmoore: looks good :D11:14
sgmooreAlso, some food for thought.. I don't know the best place to bring this up, but we need more donation options on our donation page ( pay pal is so last year and the max allowed is 50? ) Obviously I want a job for a long time to come :) I plan on working out a fundraising campaign but need this fixed first.11:23
ricktimmis_Yes agreed, I'll take an action to look into that and fix it up. Also Valorie was talking about ideas for Fund Rasiing, which I believe the KC thought was also a good idea, so perhaps some thinking on that too.11:25
sgmooreAdding people to the Kubuntu team as I find them https://invent.kde.org/groups/teams/distribution-kubuntu/-/group_members12:09
sgmooreStarted some workboards, feel free to add :)12:10
sgmooreI got almost everyone in here but can't find valorie or Mamarok on invent12:16
ricktimmis_Nice work on the Bug Reporting. I made a couple of edits to the General Advice, as the text was flowing right off the page,and it was hard to read in that code block. HTH12:53
sgmooreYeah still working on it, making tables12:55
ricktimmis_Yes, I'll leave it alone now, just couldn't stop myself wanting to help12:55
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> Is the plan for us to move this: https://github.com/kubuntu-team/kubuntu-manual12:56
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> to this: https://invent.kde.org/teams/distribution-kubuntu/docs12:56
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> ?12:56
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> Also @tsimonq2 I +1 for the payment plan.12:57
sgmoorewe can't actually push to those projects :( So we need to sort out hosting that manual somewhere linked to kubuntu.org?12:58
ricktimmis_You mean we can't push to Github ? i.e it would be better for it to be on Invent ?13:00
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> We can push to GitHub just fine.13:00
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> I've just been doing releases on GitHub then linking from the website. We did have docs.kubuntu.org at one point.13:00
sgmooreI mean on invent. The projects are for assinging to workboards only, we can't use them as repos. Weird I know, thats what Ben told me and I found out the hard way.13:06
sgmooreKeeping it the way we have it seems fine with me.13:08
sgmooreIf it's not broke, no need to fix it :) What really needs fixing is the development docs. Those are way outdated. Like from my days and I know alot has changed.13:09
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> Yea I don't think much has been documented. Now there are some that Rick wrote that are in the kubuntu-manual so might need some PR's there or just remove them from the manual.13:10
ricktimmis_Ah OK Understood about Github, actually I can understand that, and it's fine IMHO13:50
ricktimmis_No worries on the Manual Aaron, I'll work that into the new site13:51
arraybolt3so... I guess I'm on the Kubuntu team now :D Just noticed that I was added to the Distribution - Kubuntu group on KDE Invent. Thanks for having me, and hopefully I'll be able to be of some help!14:56
sgmooreMy weekly report: https://www.scarlettgatelymoore.dev/some-exciting-news-kubuntu-im-back/16:24
ricktimmis_Ooo let me go have a read..16:24
ricktimmis_What a smashing update, that reads just brilliant. How very exciting, and so good to have you back :-D16:28
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> Honeycutt not Hunycutt lol16:28
arraybolt3just read it, loved it16:35
sgmooreoops *goes to fix*16:40
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> haha16:40
sgmooreSo happy to be back! So exciting!!!!16:42
sgmooreSo I posted on my various social platforms, I don't know is is the social media controller for Kubuntu, but if they could tweet/boost etc that would be super awesome.16:43
sgmooreI am admin on facebook page, so got that one.16:43
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> I have the Mastodon.17:00
sgmooreOk, I follow you ( sgmoore )17:01
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> I no longer have Twitter since they axed TweetDeck17:01
sgmooreJust so everyone knows, Fridays will be my short day ( though I do start early :) ) I have church commitments I would like to keep in tact.17:02
ricktimmis_Q? Do we still have Linode Sponsorship, and Bytemark. Anyone know what we're using the serversfor ?17:04
IrcsomeBot_<ahoneybun> I don't think we do?17:05
ricktimmis_Yes, I remember Linode stopping, but wasn't sure about Bytemark17:05
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Altispeed will host whatever infrastructure we need, if the other option is paying a provider17:21
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> We have a datacenter (which I have physical access to) and an account with Digital Ocean17:22
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Lubuntu is actually hybrid Altispeed servers and Thomas Ward's personal server farm :) I think he rents an OVH server17:22
ricktimmis_I could do with a tinee tiny little webserver to stand the POC of kubuntu.org on17:22
ricktimmis_Just static pages17:23
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Altispeed also does static site hosting and we have several people with Hugo deploy experience17:23
arraybolt3just fyi, there's an Oracle Free Tier VPS out there17:23
arraybolt3for experiments and small stuff, it might suffice for stuff17:23
ricktimmis_If your able to hook me up Simon, that'd be grand.. 17:24
ricktimmis_I'll check out the Oracle link too thanks. However, for this demo and altispeed static host would be magic.. Pretty please17:25
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Could the KC please ratify that, then send an email to help@altispeed.com with what we're looking for? :)17:25
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Thanks! Not my call on that particularly, my boss likes audit logs ;)17:26
valorie@sgmoore - thanks for the contact update19:27
valorieI set up 2Fa on Gitlab, logged in, and read the blog post - excellent!20:04
valorieI was just able to use paypal to donate, it still works (hopefully20:12
ricktimmis_I guess we need to understand where those donations materialise21:50

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