
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> I will,. thanks (re @teward001: remove universe from the partner repos line.)10:53
cristian_cdiogenes_Vx15, because installer didn't do that19:29
cristian_c(I've just installed into previous ext4 partitin)19:30
cristian_cdiogenes_Vx15, any ideas?19:30
diogenes_Vx15cristian_c, do i know you?19:34
cristian_cdiogenes_Vx15, I don't know, you've replied to my question20:09
cristian_cyou've replied about grub's question20:10
diogenes_Vx15cristian_c, i don't remember sorry, it must have been long time ago.20:19
cristian_cless than 24 hours20:20
diogenes_Vx15i am in many chats and reply to many messages that's why 24h to reply to a message is too much time to remember.20:22
cristian_cI've made a new installation of lubuntu 23.10 with a ia32 uefi. Of course, I've not installed grub/bootloader and I can't boot lubuntu if I don't install that properly. I've made several attempts but I don't know how troubleshooting this stuff. Any ideas?20:23
diogenes_Vx15cristian_c, you should install grub when you reinstall the system.20:24
cristian_cdiogenes_Vx15, I've already installed the system20:43
cristian_cdiogenes_Vx15, but I can't boot that if I don't install bootloader properly20:44
diogenes_Vx15cristian_c, then you have 2 options,  either reinstall or chroot.20:44
cristian_cdiogenes_Vx15, as I said, when I installed the system, it didn't install the bootloader too20:44
cristian_cit needed an efi partition20:44
cristian_cI tried to install the bootloader to a different efi partition to the builtin storage20:45
cristian_cdiogenes_Vx15, I've already tried to install bootloader in chroot from live OS20:46
cristian_cthe issue is that I don't know exactly how to install that properly, since I can't boot anyway20:46
cristian_cbecause uefi it's not trivial as you can think20:47
cristian_c(considering lubuntu was installed on the sdcard, with the bootloader installed on the mmc storage)20:47
diogenes_Vx15that's the key word 'properly' it's not enough to just install but to install properly and you just let installer do it's job because the installer would install the system and the bootloader for you.20:47
wxlreading the manual helps too https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.3/installation.html?highlight=efi#manual-partitioning20:49
cristian_cdiogenes_Vx15, but it doesn't in that case20:50
cristian_cwxl, that option is disabled20:51
wxlyou have the swap mounted? that's discussed in the manual too20:51
cristian_cwxl, no20:52
wxlare you sure?20:52
cristian_cthere was just an ext4 partition on the sdcard20:52
wxlwhat was on it?20:53
cristian_cwxl, no swap partitions have been created20:53
wxli didn't ask about that20:53
cristian_cwxl, the ext4 partition included lubuntu 22.04.320:53
arraybolt3Lubntu uses a swapfile, not a swap partition.20:53
wxlwhich had a swap file20:54
arraybolt3So if you have a Lubuntu 22.04.3 ext4 partition, that may very well have a swapfile.20:54
wxland by default, the swap file will be mounted20:54
wxlwhich will cause you to do manual partitioning20:54
wxlagain this is covered in the manual https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/1.3/installation.html#setting-up-partitions20:54
cristian_cwxl, sudo swapoff -a changes nothing20:59
cristian_cmanual partitiining is the only option to be shown20:59
wxlwas that partition a bios setup or a efi one?21:04
wxlassumedly a bios one given that you only mention one partition, no?21:04
cristian_cwxl, if you talk about ext4 partition that was the root partition21:05
cristian_cnow, in place of that there is an ext4 partition with 23.10 installed21:05
wxlit wasn't an efi installation, right?21:05
cristian_cwxl, it's an efi instalaltion21:05
wxlthe previous one was?21:05
wxlwell then that's strange21:07
wxli'd just delete the partitions and start over21:07
cristian_cwxl, ok, but it didn't solve the issue21:07
wxlit will if you do it21:08
cristian_cI mean, if I delete the ext4 partition I can't still solve the bootloader issue21:08
wxlthere's a lot of caveats when trying to install with a previous install21:08
wxlif there's no such thing, then you don't need to do manual partitioning and the installer will automatically resolve the bootloader21:08
cristian_cwxl, I've choose to format ext4 when I installed 23.1021:08
cristian_c*I choose21:09
cristian_c*I chose21:09
cristian_cwxl, when I select the storage where to install to, I see just the manual partitioning21:12
cristian_cthe option to format/delete the partition is on the next screen21:12
cristian_cwxl, maybe, do you mean deleting the partition out of installer?21:12
wxldo the deletions outside the installer21:12
cristian_c(before running the installer)21:13
cristian_cwxl, it seems the sdcard with ext4 partition has msdos partition table (as kde partition manager says)21:14
cristian_cwxl, should I change also partition table?21:15
cristian_cto gpt21:15
wxlmight not be a bad idea21:16
cristian_cwhen creating ext4, permissions -> only root as default21:17
cristian_cwxl, I get four option when selecting the sdcard storage in the lubuntu installer21:21
cristian_cthe manual doesn't explain what is the proper way to do that21:22
cristian_cwxl, I've chosen to erase the disk but it doesn't solve to issue to install the bootloader to a different partition21:23
cristian_c*it doesn't solve the issue21:24
wxlthe only explanation for that i'm aware of is that you booted in bios mode21:25
cristian_cwxl, there is no bios mode for this machine21:26
cristian_cit just supports only efi mode21:26
cristian_cwxl, and the installer shows 'EFI' in the top-left21:28
cristian_c* 'EFI' icon in the top-left and 'GPT' icon in the top-right21:29
wxlthen how do you know it doesn't solve the problem?21:32
cristian_cwxl, because this way I can't choose where to install bootloader21:32
cristian_c'Erase disk' decided to install bootloader into sdcard21:33
wxlwhich is what it's supposed to do21:34
cristian_c<cristian_c> I tried to install the bootloader to a different efi partition to the builtin storage21:35
cristian_c<cristian_c> (considering lubuntu was installed on the sdcard, with the bootloader installed on the mmc storage)21:35
wxlputting the bootloader on a different storage volume is a pretty advanced thing21:37
wxltbh i'm not even 100% sure it will work. never done it and don't know of anyone who's tried21:37
wxlat that point you're kind of on your own21:37
cristian_cwxl, the previous installation was done this way21:37
wxlwell i assure you the installer undoubtably did not do it21:38
cristian_cwxl, the bootloader was installed manually to an efi partition21:38
wxlthen i would do whatever you did before21:39
wxlif you don't know what it is, i don't think you're going to find much support here for it21:39

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