
debodhihttps://i.imgur.com/O7JaFFJ.png   Is the snap store only available for ubuntu?05:35
ogra_debodhi, it surely is ... 08:05
ogra_(given it is the default Sw to install/remove packages in ubuntu)08:05
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debodhiogra_: ok, the question was it *only* available for ubuntu, as I'm unable to install it, as can be seen in the screenshot, it keeps saying to try other channels, but none work, etc.16:10
debodhiit feels like you answered the question without the word only in it..... although perhaps I'm just hoping....16:11
ogra_debodhi, it should work on any system that supports snaps 16:23
ogra_not sure why you do not get the full channel list though, is your snapd outdated (do you have the latest snapd snap on your system) ?16:24
ogra_(checking the metadata of my installed snap-store, it requires at least snapd 2.41)16:25
ogra_that should be fine then ... 16:26
ogra_does "snap info snap-store" list 8 channels for it ? 16:26
ogra_(4x latest in different variations, 4x preview)16:26
debodhino, as shown on screenshot, it say "error: no info for snap-store" 16:27
debodhierrr no snap found for snap store16:27
debodhierror: no snap found for "snap-store"16:28
ogra_right ... weird ... 16:28
ogra_there isnt really any technical reason i could imagine that might prevent you from seeing all channels ... snaps are 100% distro independent so as long as snapd is supported you should have access to all snaps in the store 16:30
ogra_(and to all channels of these snaps)16:31
ogra_do you have any "transparent" proxy that could intercept https calls to the store ? 16:31
debodhiI'm able to find and install snaps from command line...  I tried a few https://paste.debian.net/1306121/16:32
debodhiI did "snap find games" and picked 3 to try, the rest of that stuff was dependencies for them16:34
debodhi(so no, I don't think I have any proxy)16:36
ogra_hmm, you dont have the snapd snap ... try "snap install snapd" (might need a reboot on non-ubuntu systems to make it start from the snap version)16:45
debodhiit appeared to restart itself after install, but I'm rebooting anyway, thanks16:48
debodhiIt didn't change the behavior in regards to snap-store tho.16:53
ogra_but "snap version" does tell you about 2.61.x now i hope ?16:54
debodhiNo, still says 2.60.416:55
debodhibut thats what it says in the list anyway16:55
ogra_it shouldnt ... 16:56
ogra_$ snap info snapd | grep latest/stable16:56
ogra_tracking:     latest/stable16:56
ogra_  latest/stable:    2.61.1                  2024-01-04 (20671) 42MB -16:56
* ogra_ is baffled16:57
ogra_not sure but you dont really seem to access the snapcraft.io store properly ... see https://snapcraft.io/snapd ... 16:58
ogra_(top right)16:58
ogra_not sure how you could even remotely get a 2.60 version when you run snap install snapd ... there is only 2.61.x available 16:59
debodhii386 arch17:00
ogra_OH !17:00
ogra_your kernel says -686 ... 17:00
ogra_right, i386 support was dropped in 2018 ... so all you get will be really old stuff then17:00
ogra_that indeed solves the mystery 🙂17:01
debodhihttps://i.imgur.com/15XdENB.png on the site you sent shows 202317:02
debodhiOh you mean for snap-store17:03
debodhiit doesn't list i386 at all under arch, so that explains something17:03
ogra_right, snapd will still be built for i386 ... but no newer snaps 17:04
ogra_so all you can get is anything that has been packaged against 18.04 ("base: core18" in "snap info --verbose <snapname>") ... but snap-store is definitely packaged against core2217:05
debodhiah ok.  yeah trying to install that as a test, it gives an error message that makes sense.  snap-store didn't give such an error message.  17:07
debodhierror: snap "core22" is not available on stable for this architecture (i386) but exists on other17:07
debodhi       architectures (amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x).17:07

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