
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
FloMG19Good afternoon. I hope it's okay if I ask you a quick question about versioning. The channel should fit more than #ubuntu.13:37
FloMG19I checked out the kernel source for linux-headers-5.4.0-126 on different ways. (Git.. Downloading Deb files from security.ubuntu..) and the Makefile says it's I am bit confused as I would expect something like 5.4.126. Also in the modinfo in compiled modules it mentions 5.4.203. Is that right and the compiled modules are going to work with 5.4.0-126? 13:37
FloMG19The reason is that a customer demands a driver binary for that particular kernel version. 13:38
tjaaltonFloMG19: 5.4.203 comes from upstream. 5.4.0-126 is the packaging revision13:40
tjaaltonor abi version to be exact13:41
tjaaltonyou'd need to rebuild it for every kernel update13:41
tjaaltonwhich is why dkms is handy13:41
FloMG19But if the customer demands the module as binary for 5.4.0-126 from us, it's totally fine to check out the ubuntu kernel from git with the appropriate task, make modules_prepare and go for it? I don't have to install Ubuntu in an older version for executing DKMS, right?13:48
FloMG19For newer kernel versions, I'd do the same. But in this industry (Asterisk/ISDN/Dahdi), it seems to be normal to run on deprecated Linux kernels and to not touch the running system.13:52
FloMG19Then, thank you very much :) And have a nice afternoon14:02
tjaaltonin that case, yes14:04
=== JanC is now known as Guest3217
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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