
sarnoldJuest: "safe to use", well, that's a good question. the security model of openpgp is based around validating the signatures on keys and building a chain of trust, etc00:53
sarnoldJuest: but most people weren't using the SKS keyservers that way, and when those were bombarded with junk signatures that would DOS gpg, evyerone sort of realized that we're asking more of the keyservers than we thought we were00:54
Juesti see00:54
sarnoldJuest: the keyserver.ubuntu.com keyservers are definitely intended for public use, we host them so that the FOSS communities can use them, and communicate better with each other00:55
sarnoldJuest: obviously, if they wind up being abused by a handful of users, our IS folks might put protections in place to prevent the abuse, but standard end user things is just fine00:55
Juestthank you sarnold 01:15
sarnoldsure thing Juest :) have fun :)01:15
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