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goofy_gooberI still havent gotten an answer to my question, what is going on with firefox, i cant open it from desktop, start menu, or the terminal. i really need help, i cant acsess the web00:44
rbox"i can't open from the terminal" says nothing00:46
oerheksreinstall the snap perhaps?00:47
goofy_gooberi did what they said originally, i openened the terminal, typed firefox and pressed enter, and nothing00:47
goofy_gooberill try thx00:47
oerheksor run proper updates: sudo snap refresh  and try again?00:48
goofy_gooberit says, goofy_goober is not in the sudoers file.00:49
goofy_gooberwhat doe sthis mean00:49
arraybolt3goofy_goober: you're using a secondary user account and you didn't give it admin privileges when you created it.00:55
arraybolt3*or* your system is broken, which hopefully isn't the case.00:55
goofy_goober_my system isnt broken im using secondary, ill swap to my main, ill let ya know if it works00:56
oerhekslogical, 2nd non-root account cannot update firefox and it blocks itself.00:57
goofy_goober_yeah i tried my main, the problem is i have no idea how to reinstall snap, ive been using lubuntu for like a day lol01:02
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Guest93I've installed the latest Ubuntu LTS server version (Jammy 22.04.3 LTS) on my Rasp Pi 4B, then installed lubuntu-desktop. Problem I'm having is that xserver doesn't start on reboot. It does start if I open a console and use "startx". "systemctl get-default" returns "graphical.target".03:05
oerheksGuest93, enable graphical login;03:45
oerheks sudo systemctl set-default graphical03:45
oerheksand to reverse to ttty03:45
oerheks sudo systemctl set-default multi-user03:45
guivercalso asked at https://askubuntu.com/questions/1502162/ubuntu-server-on-raspberry-pi-4b-xserver-wont-start-on-reboot  ( oerheks if using askubu )03:47
bparkerI just use systemctl enable lightdm03:55
oerheksrasp pi manager seems the way to go03:56
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Guest93"sudo systemctl set-default multi-user" remove "graphical.target"?04:22
oerheksno, it switches to04:25
Guest93tried this anyway, made no difference. have set back to "graphical.target"04:25
Guest93should i start from scratch and install "ubuntu desktop" from the beginning?04:30
Guest93actually, that installer says 4gb+ only. My Pi has 2gb.04:33
=== Proton05393721 is now known as Proton0539372
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THoRIXI have a dual boot acer helios laptop (windows is on the nvme, ubuntu on an SSD). Once I boot into Ubuntu my drive works as expected. But once I set my laptop to sleep and wake it back up again the nvme drive power state is set to max rather than the default low power. Anyone come across anything like this?05:46
THoRIXI can fix the problem by running nvme set-feature /dev/nvme0n1p1 -f 2 -v 405:46
THoRIXbut i thought this is supposed to be handled by the OS05:46
rip-keyboardhey guys- dont know if this is the best place to ask but im having issues with the keyboard on my laptop (Ubuntu Desktop 23.10 - fresh install) not working at all - in grub it is fine but once the installer/main os launches there is no input at all. under windows it is just detected as a "generic ps/2 input". i have updated to the latest stable06:38
rip-keyboardkernels but still no luck. is there a way to troubleshoot this in anyway?06:38
rip-keyboardif it helps - its a the device is a "INFINITY E15-5A165-BM"06:45
akikwhy doesn't ubuntu server 22.04 stop at the grub menu after install when i press left shift?09:19
ogra_try esc instead ...09:20
ogra_(IIRC UEFI systems use the ESC key)09:20
akikwhy was it changed?09:23
ogra_ask the BIOS manufaturers ... (i guess shift was taken in UEFI so grub had to pick a new one)09:24
akiki pressed left shift and nothing happened09:25
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akiki installed the nvidia driver to ubuntu 22.04 and the gui changed from wayland to xorg10:20
akikhow do i fix this back to wayland?10:20
ravageyou tell nvidia to release proper wayland support10:21
akikoh ok it was my bad. the DE selection in the display manager changed10:22
akiknow there's "ubuntu on wayland"10:22
akikearlier it was just "ubuntu"10:22
akikfoot terminal works now. i'll try glmark2 next10:23
ravageyes the driver install may change that because wayland with the nvidia driver is not very stable10:23
akikravage: do you have a test case that i can run for wayland+nvidia combo?10:23
ravageno. i just use Xorg10:23
akikglmark2-wayland works too10:24
akiki had to install ubuntu because arch has an old version of xpra10:25
ravagethat must the first time ever someone complained about old software on arch10:25
akikyea #xpra said 4.4.5 is so old they don't support it and told me not to use it :)10:26
akiknow xpra repo gave me xpra 5.0.410:27
akikwhat am i missing that gnome settings gui says i don't have a wifi adapter, but i'm using one currently10:30
akikis it because i installed ubuntu server on this pc (the normal installer was unresponsive when it reached the gui)10:33
akikoh netplan. now i have to learn that too10:34
akikthe wifi password is in there in plain text10:35
maggaubuntu server keeps crashing during installation. i tried both the LTS and 23.10 :o10:44
maggadoing it from USB10:44
maggacrashes on "removing previous storage devices"10:44
maggai choose partition, and then the username etc. when i click done there, it just crashes, and i can only restart the installation10:45
maggahttps://magnus.dahleide.com/crash_report.zip - this is the logs. dunno if anyone can see whats the problem.10:49
maggai can enter the terminal from the installation by pressing alt+f2. maybe some magic i can write there10:51
centI have a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04, but I cannot find icinga2 due to the "libboost-regex1.74.0" package being unavailable.10:57
centWhere can I find a repo that provides that?10:58
ravagecent: https://p.haxxors.com/qp3l6p2l.txt11:03
ravagefresh lxc jammy container11:03
ravagemake sure you have universe enabled11:04
ravagebut libboost-regex1.74.0 is in main11:04
ravagedid you run apt update?11:04
centravage, all I have in sources.list points to archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu. That is correct? Doesn't sound like that.11:06
centI was able to upgrade OS packages after install, though.11:06
centapt update works as well.11:07
centupgrad too.11:07
ravagearchive.ubuntu.com is fine in general11:08
ravageyou should have security.ubuntu.com somewhere11:09
ravagethis is the sources.list of a lxc container11:09
centsources.list:  focal-security main restricted universe multiverse11:12
centThat was placed there by the installer. No manual update.11:12
ravagethat is Ubuntu 20.0411:13
ravageyou should not start a new install on an old LTS11:13
centNo. It's 22.04. I instlled a coule of days ago.11:15
centNo I want to get Icinga2 on it.11:15
centI followed the steps at Icinga's Web and got a few packages missing.11:16
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centFrom there I ended up with the repo providing required packages, but being unavailable as a default.11:17
ravageThen you added the repo for the wrong Ubuntu version11:17
ravageIt says focal11:17
ravageThat's 20.0411:17
ravageUsing the wrong repos will mess up the system11:17
ravageAnd icinga2 is part of the default 22.04 repos11:19
ravageReinstall and try the provided package first before you add anything external11:19
centThat is so weird. Let me check my other box. That one has not yet been touched by my "Icinga intervention" :)11:19
centravage, Correct. The other boxe's source.list is COMPLETELY different. Let me correct it.11:21
maggaim trying with a old release ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso now. hoopefully it works :o11:25
tupniyou should use 22.04 really11:26
maggai cant install it11:26
maggait crashes after i choose the partition11:26
maggahave tried 10 times now11:26
maggajust want to check if it works with a old11:27
centravage, Corrected. I must have messed it up by playing around with instructions at Icinga's WEb.11:27
centThe package of icinga2 was removed and installed again. Works well. Thanks.11:28
maggaok this one crashed aswell :o11:28
maggatrying to view the report but it doesnt give me what happend easily11:29
tupniif you're having hardware problems I feel bad for you son11:29
tupnisounds like a hardware problem11:29
maggait already have a proxmox server on it, and works fine11:30
maggasomething is making the installation process crash tho11:30
tupnido you have any weird redundant hardware plugged into the machine while installing; magga ? Should try to de-plug all unneeded connected things during the install process.11:33
maggai only have my keyboard but i can try a different one tho11:34
maggai found a traceback python error in the crash report11:34
maggait says: ValueError ('%s: not an existing file or block device',11:34
maggait says: ValueError ('%s: not an existing file or block device', '/dev/pve/sda')11:34
ravageso you are trying to install a VM?11:35
maggaCommand: ['curtin', 'block-meta', 'simple'] Exit code 311:35
maggaim trying to install it on a SSD disk11:35
ravagebut /dev/pve is proxmox11:35
maggai have proxmox there now11:35
maggabut dont want it anymore11:36
maggajust want ubuntu server now11:36
ravageso this not related to you Ubuntu problem at all11:36
maggait is?11:36
ravageif proxmox was on that ssd before11:36
maggawhen i choose a partition and click next, the ubuntu server installation process crashes11:36
ravagewipe it first11:36
ravagego to a terminal11:36
ravagewipefs -a /dev/sda11:37
maggadoesnt the installation process wipe for me?11:37
ravageit seems to still  detect an old LVM11:37
ravageso clean it before you start the install11:37
maggashould i launch proxmox now then?11:38
maggaand then write that line11:38
ravagelaunch the 22.04 live iso11:38
ravageclick "try ubuntu"11:38
ravagewipe in terminal11:38
maggaim downloading from ubuntu now11:38
maggadunno why its so slow all of a suddne11:38
magga14 mins left on 1gbit line :D11:38
ravagethere are plenty of local mirrors including torrents11:39
maggaah damn it was my connection11:39
maggaim using the "Startup disk creation tool" on my desktop11:39
ravageyep that should work fine11:40
tupnihere's a norwegian mirror, just in case: - https://no.releases.ubuntu.com/22.04.3/11:41
tupnii.e. - https://no.releases.ubuntu.com/22.04.3/ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso11:41
ravagei think on the server iso you dont get the try ubuntu option11:42
maggahow do you know im norwegian ? :D11:42
ravagenot sure if and how you can drop to a shell there11:42
ravageif you can boot the desktop iso use that to wipe it11:42
tupniyou kind of disclosed it earlier, I can post the desktop iso too; - https://no.releases.ubuntu.com/22.04.3/ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso11:42
maggaim making a startup disk with this now11:42
ravagewhat you need is a root shell before you install and use wipefs11:43
ravagehow does not really matter11:43
tupnimaybe you should use the desktop iso as ravage suggests11:43
ravagemy guess is that alt-f2 works11:44
ravageto get to another terminal from the server installer11:44
ravageinstaller is on 111:44
tupniI think it does, but can't remember11:44
maggaok guys im gonna plug in the usb now and try11:45
tupnigood luck!11:45
maggawhats my plan here.11:45
maggaopen the terminal from livecd?11:45
ravagesee above11:46
tupniyes and then 'wipefs -a /dev/sda' and reboot11:46
maggai got a little unsure cause you guys were talking about desktop too11:47
maggaim selecting a boot device now. should i choose 'Corsair Voyager 1100' or 'UEFI: Corsair Voyager 1100'11:47
maggaits my usb btw11:47
ravageuefi is fine11:48
maggaalright so im inside the GNU GRUB now11:48
maggaTry or install Ubuntu server i sthe first option11:48
maggai guess thats what i choose11:48
ravageno idea why the try is there. i boots directly into the installer11:49
maggaalright its showing me alot of random terminal messages11:49
maggahopefully it will return shortly11:49
maggato something that makes sense11:49
maggatheres a lot of green [ OK ] so that makes me happy11:49
maggaWilkommen! Bienvenue!11:50
maggai can choose language now11:50
ravagepress ctrl-alt-f2 and see if it switches you to a shell11:51
maggait does11:51
ravagefdisk -l /dev/sda11:51
ravageshould show you the device you want to wipe11:51
maggaah fuck11:51
maggamy keyborad layout is not .no11:51
maggasetxkbmap no?11:51
ravageloadkeys no11:52
maggaalright it shows 3 devices11:52
maggawen i write that command ravage11:52
ravageif you are sure that device can be completelywiped do it now11:52
magga /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda311:53
maggathe first one is BIOS boot, second one is EFI System, and third one is Linux LVM11:53
maggaravage yeah im 100% sure11:53
ravagethen go for it11:53
ravageit should show you some output about what it removed11:54
magga'sudo wipefs -a /dev/sda'?11:54
maggai get an error11:54
ravageno need for sudo11:54
ravagewhat error?11:54
maggawipefs: error: /dev/sda: probing initialization failed: Permission denied11:54
ravageare you root?11:54
maggai tried with sudo too11:55
ravagei dont know what the terminal drops you to11:55
maggai couldnt do fdisk without sudo11:55
tupnitry typing 'su -' in the shell11:55
ravagetry "sudo -i"11:55
tupnior whoami11:55
ravagethen wipefs again11:55
tupnido as ravage says11:56
maggawipefs: error: /dev/sda: probing initialization failed: Device or resource busy11:56
maggaafter i did sudo -i11:56
ravageok so the installer already initialized something11:56
ravage1 sec11:56
maggawipefs -af /dev/sda11:57
tupniah you forced it11:57
tupniwell it should work11:58
ravageoh nice11:58
tupnitry rebooting now11:58
magga8 bytes were erased11:58
maggashouldnt i verify first11:58
maggabefore boot11:58
ravageyou can do "fdisk -l /dev/sda" again11:58
ravagebut it may need a reboot to read the new partition table11:59
maggait looks different atleast11:59
maggaso now i do reboot?11:59
magga'sudo reboot'?11:59
ravagethen reboot and do the usual installation11:59
ravage"reboot" is enough now 🙂11:59
maggabtw should i choose UEFI?12:01
maggaor just regular12:01
maggaanyone of you guys have a media server at home in local network?12:02
maggawith *nix server?12:02
maggabtw when selecting the disk12:06
maggashould i cross off "Set up this disk as an LVM group"12:06
maggaand should i encrypt it with LUKS?12:07
ravageThat is a choice you have to make yourself12:07
maggaim gonna not go with that choice now12:07
maggacause its probably gonna end up biting me12:07
tupniif you encrypt you'll have to supply the password at each boot/reboot12:07
maggathe LVM group is default however, so i let that be on12:07
tupniI always encrypt everything, it's a subjective choice really12:08
ravageKeep in mind the server does a strange thing with LVM12:08
maggatupni: okay, but other than that. would it make using the system harder?12:08
ravageYou select the whole dist but it will only provision 50%12:08
ravageSo if you want the root filesystem to be 100% you have to resize it later12:08
maggaso it worked guys12:11
maggai am one step further12:11
maggathanks alot!12:11
maggaim unsure about enabling Ubuntu pro12:11
ravagedoes not hurt12:11
ravagebut you dont need to do it during the installation12:11
maggai should setup SSh atleast12:11
maggai can import ssh identify from github12:12
maggaisnt that crazy?12:12
ravageyep that is a nice feature12:12
maggadoes it work tho?12:12
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maggaok hopefully im soon done with using the keyboard at my server cause its too painful12:16
maggaok so it didnt work with my github12:20
maggai just get this when i try to ssh into it12:21
EriC^^try ssh-keygen -f "/home/lillemagga/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "server"12:22
maggaroot@server: Permission denied (publickey).12:23
maggaafter i did that12:23
EriC^^try with sudo magga12:24
EriC^^magga: also do "sudo chown lillemagga: ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/id_rsa"12:25
maggastill getting root@server: Permission denied (publickey).12:26
maggai guess its somethin to do with my key?12:26
EriC^^and "sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh" and "sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa"12:26
EriC^^what does "echo ~" give?12:26
EriC^^you want to do these as your user lillemagga12:26
maggait gives me /home/lillemagga12:27
EriC^^ok try the chmod commands12:27
maggai guess i can just set up the openssh differently on the server12:28
EriC^^magga: first exit the root user12:28
EriC^^and see why known_hosts isnt being created12:28
maggaalright so12:28
EriC^^then ssh -vvv user@host should show what's happening with the permission stuf12:28
maggathe problem was how i did ssh12:29
maggamy alias was: sshserver='ssh root@server'12:29
maggachanging it to lillemagga@server worked12:29
EriC^^ok, cool12:29
maggabtw could i ask. how do i know what key it uses?12:29
maggadid it pull it down from github and onto my server?12:30
EriC^^dunno that depends on what you ran from github, but ssh -vvv should give more info about it while it connects12:30
maggawhats really annoying tho is everytime i do 'ssh lillemagga@server' now it gives me this: i have to verify yes/no/[fingerprint]12:32
EriC^^yeah cause it's not saving it for some reason12:32
EriC^^maybe the known_hosts file is owned by root, try ls -l ~/.ssh/12:33
maggaAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes12:33
maggaFailed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/lillemagga/.ssh/known_hosts).12:33
maggaclient_input_hostkeys: hostkeys_foreach failed for /home/lillemagga/.ssh/known_hosts: Permission denied12:33
maggaalright i try12:33
EriC^^try as your user 'rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts"12:33
magga'ls -l ~/.ssh' gives me: -rw------- 1 lillemagga lillemagga 136 Feb  2 12:17 authorized_keys12:34
maggarm: cannot remove '/home/lillemagga/.ssh/known_hosts': No such file or directory12:34
EriC^^wonder why it's not saving it12:35
maggashould i try this: 'sed -i '6d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts' =12:35
EriC^^nah the file doesnt even exist12:35
maggayeah right12:35
EriC^^can you create files there as your user? try "touch ~/.ssh/blabla"12:36
qwertyttyertWhat's the difference between kernel v6.8-rc2-generic-64k and v6.8-rc2-generic?12:36
maggaEriC^^: i did the commands on my server :O haha forgot to disconnect from the ssh session12:37
magga-rw------- 1 root       root       11507 feb.   2 13:24 known_hosts12:37
maggaon my client12:37
maggawhen i do 'ls -l'12:38
EriC^^try to remove the file 'rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts"12:38
maggaok its gone12:38
maggaand its working like a charm now12:38
maggai still dont know how the fuck im able to connect ;D guess i need to read about ssh keys12:39
maggalike its using some sort of key to authenticate me with the same im using at my github12:39
maggabut i dont know how it does it :P12:39
magganext step will be to remove this long PREfix12:39
tupniedit your /etc/hostname file12:40
EriC^^usually there's the authorized_keys that has a public key on the server and your private one on the client id_rsa12:40
maggaEriC^^: yeah i figured, but i still dont know what client_id_rsa its usin :D12:41
maggatupni: that wouldnt take immediate effect would it12:41
EriC^^try ssh -vvv it should go over it in detail12:41
maggaEriC^^: aight12:41
maggaEriC^^: i guess its using this one : -rw-------  1 lillemagga lillemagga   411 aug.  29  2022 id_ed25519_github12:44
tupnino it won't take immediate effect, magga, sorry12:44
maggatupni: i dont want to go down to my server again :D12:44
maggai just dont want lillemagga@lillemaggaserver:~$12:45
magga this long ass strings in my face either. isnt inside .bashrc12:45
maggaor something12:45
qwertyttyertPS1 = PlayStation?12:47
maggabtw guys what remote torrent program do you use? i want web interface12:47
ravagetry transmission12:50
maggayeah i went with that12:50
tupnimagga: I use Transmission with this blocklist, fwiw, - https://github.com/Naunter/BT_BlockLists12:51
maggadont know what blocklist is12:53
qwertyttyertI rarely use transmission it as long as it's enough. qBittorrent12:53
maggabut i guess its smart12:53
maggafrom reading here: https://gist.github.com/shmup/29566c5268569069c25612:53
tupniit doesn't hurt to use a blocklist, and that one is a good one, imo12:54
maggawhats the command to install transmission on my server12:54
maggai guess i need some differnet than just 'sudo apt install transmission'12:54
maggatupni: thanks i look into it12:54
maggai need the transmission-daemon right? and not the regular one?12:55
maggaif anyone have a guide feel free to post it12:56
qwertyttyertqBittorrent no for version my Windows.12:56
maggai might just follow that one12:56
maggai forgot to ran 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade' tho after my clean installtion. gonna do that first i guess13:00
tupnigood idea13:00
qwertyttyert I rarely use torrents (Transmission) it as long as it's enough. qBittorrent13:02
maggaok guys so the server has some disks on it13:11
maggahow can i see them13:11
magga'fdisk -l' showed them /dev/sdb2  264192 1465147391 1464883200 698.5G Microsoft basic data13:13
maggais one f.ex13:13
maggahow can i access them tho13:13
maggaguess i sudo mount them13:16
FloMG19Good evening13:19
maggagood day13:19
FloMG19I checked out the kernel source for linux-headers-5.4.0-126 on different ways. (Git.. Downloading Deb files from security.ubuntu..) and the Makefile says it's I am bit confused as I would expect something like 5.4.126. Also in the modinfo in compiled modules it mentions 5.4.203. Is that right and the compiled modules are going to work with 5.4.0-126?13:21
FloMG19Hi qwertyttyert, sorry.. are you sending me this link? If yes, I don't know how it should help.13:31
qwertyttyertI don't know if this will help you or not. I'm taking the kernels from here. I'm using rc now, but it's virtualization.13:36
BluesKajHi all13:37
ogra_FloMG19, https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html13:47
ogra_qwertyttyert, please note that the mainline kernels are not for production use in any way, they are carrying a wrong config and missing several 100 (security) patches ... beyond this they do not update ever at all ..13:48
FloMG19thx, ogra!13:49
qwertyttyertThanks. I use them in Guest. I update it myself. If in virtualization errors and something else it doesn't bother me much if they happen. I'll boot from another core. It's not the first year I've been using cores from here.13:57
qwertyttyert I'll boot from another kernel.13:57
qwertyttyertcore = kernel13:58
qwertyttyertI'm translating, the translation is not accurate13:59
qwertyttyertI always use rc14:06
qwertyttyert0 and rc, 0 and rc,...14:06
qwertyttyertrelease 0,rc,release 0,rc,...14:10
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maggaim inside my /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json file, where to i put the blocklist?14:28
maggaand can it be a .gz file?14:28
tupniyou can define the blocklist from within the web gui14:30
tupniyou just link to the gz url on that github page14:30
tupniand press update blocklist and it will block x00k hosts for you14:31
tupnisome hundred thousands of unwanted ip addresses blocked, then14:31
tupnino problem14:31
tupniwhen you link directly to the url.gz on the github page, you can do update now and then, because the blocklist content gets updated there14:32
tupnigood way to stay updated on what should be blocked14:33
maggai know want to setup VPN tho14:35
maggaNordVPn or ProtonVPN?14:35
tupniI only use mullvad personally14:35
tupniso I don't know about any of the others.14:36
maggado you use a client or openvpn?14:36
tupniI use the client(s)14:36
tupnithe official mullvad client14:36
maggai went for NordVPN14:37
lotuspsychjemagga: tupni this channel is for ubuntu support questions, not so much vpn discussions14:38
maggasry about that14:38
tupnihe's right14:38
lotuspsychjefeel free to discuss in #ubuntu-discuss more14:38
qwertyttyertI understand the risks. There is nothing valuable in the Guest.14:38
qwertyttyerthttps://ibb.co/TYrB7ZB ext2 - is working.14:50
qwertyttyertguest ext2 - is working.14:55
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tupnimagga: I'll sit in #ubuntu-discuss and #ubuntu-offtopic if there's anything.15:04
qwertyttyertthis is after Guest freezes, had to perform a virtual reset. Использование для себя rc в виртулизации мене не мешает жить.15:09
qwertyttyertUsing rc for yourself in virtualization does not prevent me from living.15:09
qwertyttyertThis is after Guest freezes, had to perform a virtual reset. Using rc for yourself in virtualization does not prevent me from living.15:09
pagiosguys, how can i auto copy to clipboard  when i select text with mouse ?15:17
pragmaticenigmapagios: if you're running X11 desktop session, highlight text, move to another window and use the middle click to paste.15:19
pagiosi am doing so15:20
pagiosnot workign for me15:20
pagiosnevermind it works15:20
pagiosi found a nice command "i386" never knew it exists15:32
pagiosthere is no i686 though15:32
pragmaticenigmai386 is am alias to `setarch i386`15:34
pagiosno alias for setarch i68615:35
pragmaticenigmapagios: use `man setarch` it will reveal all ;)15:36
pragmaticenigmaI really don't recommend playing with that command though15:37
GrandPa-Gif I have a partition that get manually mounted at boot, is a user able to make a symbolic link to it so it looks like a user's subfolder?15:50
leftyfbGrandPa-G: What is the end goal? I feel like there's a better way to accomplish what your end goal is15:51
GrandPa-GBig picture - I need a website to allow an upload that can be copied (ftp'd?) onto this box so it ends up in the mounted partition. Big enough?15:53
leftyfbGrandPa-G: bind mount the partition into the ftp home directory15:53
leftyfbfor the user15:53
GrandPa-Ga reasonable thought, thanks15:54
bjorkintoshis there any way to figure out what the hell is going on when I hit print?15:59
bjorkintoshif I'm lucky, it does it right away. If not, 10 minutes in and it prints one page and does nothing else.15:59
bjorkintoshthis is a brother printer, btw. it's supposed to be the least fussy printer around.16:00
pragmaticenigmabjorkintosh: you could check settings within cups with opening your web browser and navigate to and from there you can check the queue's and spoolers16:20
bjorkintoshthank you pragmaticenigma16:21
lotuspsychjethink gnome settings/printers also shows some info16:22
bjorkintoshit doesn't tell me much. just 'stopped'. please restart when problem is resolved.16:23
bjorkintoshwhat problem???16:23
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, FYI: that worked perfectly. Actually it is on a Pi zero as a usb gadget that looks like it is plugged in as a real flash drive would look when the ftp occurs.16:30
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bparkerGrandPa-G: I always wondered, how does USB gadget work if a device has multiple USB ports?16:46
GrandPa-Gbparker, I am no expert but from what I see each usb port identified by configuration setup like /dev folders. I can give you my setup if that would help.16:51
bjorkintoshis there a reason that sometimes the hostname is made known to all machines, and sometimes it simply doesn't bother?16:52
bjorkintoshthe ip never changes.16:52
bparkerdefine 'made known'16:52
waheediHello folks, I have a problem with my desktop enviornment. I cant change the language to English, for some reason i decided that I understand Deutsch very well, and currently can't revert back to English as primary desktop language. I tried several times to install the language pack from the regional settings but that fails without an error, any ideas?16:53
pragmaticenigmawaheedi: was the system originally installed with english?16:58
waheediof course yes16:58
bparkerwaheedi: what desktop environment16:58
waheedicurrently on plasma16:59
bparkeris your console language also non-English or just GUI16:59
waheedialso console the main problem is with the console man16:59
bparkerexport LANG=C16:59
bparkerfixed forever16:59
bjorkintoshbparker, i can ssh into bjorkdell on some days, some other days I have to use the IP address.16:59
bjorkintoshit's always the same IP.17:00
bparkerbjorkintosh: the answer would depend on where the resolving is being done at in the first place17:00
bjorkintoshI figured that bit was fixed.17:00
bparkere.g. is it coming from some dns lookup or something else17:00
bjorkintoshmight be piholish being silly.17:00
bparkerand is it that server that's not giving an answer or is it just not trying sometimes17:00
waheedicurrently env reports LANG=en_US.UTF-817:01
bparkerwhat about LC_*17:01
bparkeror LANGUAGE17:01
leftyfbwaheedi: try alt+shift to change your keyboard language17:01
pragmaticenigmabjorkintosh: pi-hole is usually configured to ignore single word domain lookups. So it's more likely a race condition between if the machine looks up using both DNS, zeroconf (bonjour), net-bios (if that's even installed), and SMB17:01
leftyfband then maybe https://askubuntu.com/questions/1364326/how-to-change-shortcut-for-switching-languages-to-ctrlshift-in-ubuntu-20-04-kde17:02
bparkerwhat about /etc/default/locale17:03
bparkerthat may need changing also17:03
bparkerand if you have a ~/.pam_environment there could be settings there too17:06
bparkeralso in dconf for gnome stuff17:06
bparkerway too many different places to put things IMO17:07
leftyfbwaheedi: how did you switch to dutch?17:07
waheedileftyfb, i have not, and i have no idea what did that. I'm sure its not a hacker man :D17:08
leftyfbsorry, I mean deutsch17:08
leftyfbwaheedi: is this machine publicly accessible (in the cloud)?17:08
KBaroerheks: turns out it was simply a matter of a hidden SSID and the firewall...17:09
waheedino its not accessible as far as I can tell :)17:10
JanCit's probably best to switch language settings in your DE configuration first and see if that works to fix it (possibly after a reboot to fix it in all terminals)17:11
waheedibut here is the thing after i changed all LC stuff (it did not help) :  env|grep DE17:11
bparkerwaheedi: in the beginning you implied that you changed the setting yourself though17:12
bparkernow you're saying you have no idea how it was changed17:12
bparkerwhich is it?17:12
waheediman where did i imply i did change it bparker ? pointers17:12
Guest49Does it exist a ommand-line only 23.10 live cd without the GUI? Searching ubuntu server apparently only returns the LTSes17:13
leftyfbwaheedi: "for some reason i decided that I understand Deutsch very well"17:13
Guest49(Mantic Minotaur)17:13
JanCwell, you probably did change it, even if accidentally17:13
bparkerjust boot without gui on the live cd17:13
leftyfbGuest49: yes17:13
KBarGuest49: yeah, sounds like you want a server image17:13
leftyfbGuest49: https://ubuntu.com/download/server17:13
KBaror an lxd image17:13
waheedileftyfb, bparker yes its missing a T after the i17:14
waheedifor some reason i decided that IT* understand Deutsch very well"17:14
waheedifor some reason it* decided that I understand Deutsch very well"17:14
Guest49many thanks for the link17:14
waheedimy text is very small and my screen is too far and i cant understand where to change the font in hexchat because it still think i speak german17:15
waheediso the region language settings is broken in my plasma desktop when i add a new language it shows that its installing it and then fails but no reason for failure is apparent to me anywhere in any logs17:16
waheedior is there a special log file for this?17:17
oerhekssettings preferences...17:17
oerheksand after changing language, how would hexchat know without restarting?17:18
waheedilol ok, i will live with it in German let me ask my real question now, i have this i2c device (a battery pack with some Texas instruments chip) as I'm running on ab AMD64 arch also using an AMD processor, i have been trying to communicate directly to it, so basically i plugged my i2c in two different ways, the first way was directly connected it, to the I2C pins of the CPU on the motherboard, happily the motherboard i have, have a17:22
waheedidirect jumper to these pins. well as a results I thought I would see that device on my i2cdetect specifically on my smb bus but that did not happen so i thought i would see if anyone had any experience connecting directly an i2c device on  the smbbus and gain access to the device i tried adding a new_device by echoing my address but also the device was not detected. so i decided to use the PCIE smbus but also the device was bot17:22
waheediprobed even though the i2c device is detected correctly on my esp32 or arduino but i want it to be present in my linux env directly.17:22
waheedimaybe this question does not belong here17:26
bparkerI've never heard of anyone trying to connect another device to smbus (which btw isn't exactly i2c spec compliant)17:26
bparkerusually a separate usb device is used17:26
waheedireally bparker, all battery chips are smbus compliant man, what are you talking about ?17:27
pragmaticenigmawaheedi: it might be something you'd have better luck asking in a programming or hardware forum, possibly with the board maker's community17:27
bparker'all battery chips' ?17:27
waheediall since 201517:27
bparkerlike who connects pins directly to an AMD processor to use i2c17:27
waheediand some other even before that like 2010 for apple batteries17:27
bparkerthat's not normal17:28
bparkerthe pins are often not even accessible17:28
waheedibparker,ok :)17:28
bparkeralso seems like a great way to potentially brick a _very_ expensive CPU17:28
waheedicorrect :D17:29
waheedibut not if you know what you are doing17:29
bparkerlike imagine someone you wants to use a USB device with their computer, "hang on let me just solder these pins directly to the bottom of my CPU, somehow"17:29
bparkerwho wants*17:29
waheediwhat i dont understand is that, at least the pcie way should work, but it did not, even though i pulled up the i2c lines with a 10k resistors to the 3.3v rail17:30
pragmaticenigmabparker and waheedi this conversation should probably take place in #ubuntu-offtopic17:30
pragmaticenigmaor in an electrical engineering channel17:30
waheedisorry man pragmaticenigma i will go offtopic17:30
bparkerlol ok we'll let you get back to your previous idling17:31
KBarnot sure if laughing is appropriate17:32
bparkerI just think people take on-topicness^W everything _way_ too seriously on IRC17:39
KBarits not just any channel tho17:41
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stuvhey everyone18:30
stuvi've troubles installing node_v.2018:31
stuvLinux workstation 6.5.0-15-generic #15~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Jan 12 18:54:30 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:31
KBarhow are you installing it?18:33
KBardescribe your troubles18:33
KBarwhat errors are you getting18:33
stuvi got it working finally =)18:33
KBari use its snap package18:34
KBarthere is also nvm18:35
KBarthose are your main options18:35
stuvthx anyways18:35
KBarforget about the deb package18:35
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=== ttyl is now known as pragmaticenigma
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michelaHi, everyone! When atempting to ssh to some hosts, like Rocky Linux 8, for example, my Ubuntu ssh client throws an error "Bad packet length" ssh_dispatch_run_fatal "Connection corrupted". Might anyone else have the same experience? This appears to coincide with a recent update to the Ubuntu and Debian ssh clients.21:19
michelaI can connect to the same servers from other Linux distributions.21:19
sarnoldmichela: I can't recall seeing other complaints like that; could you file a bug report with ubuntu-bug ssh   and provide some more information, perhaps including the ssh -vvv or similar output for a connection attempt?21:21
michelaI can do that. Thank you!21:21
michelaAnother person I work with is suddenly experiencing the same exact problem when trying to connect to the same servers from Debian 10 Buster21:22
pragmaticenigmawhat is the destination system for them?21:23
michelaSo it does seem that, perhaps, some client-side settings are changed. Perhaps it's different ciphers or algorithms that are used on the client than what the server is using.21:23
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michelaThe destination ssh host that we're having this trouble with is Rocky Linux 8.9. Those Rocky machines are fully up to date.21:24
michelaThe same problem does not happen when connecting from a CentOS 7 machine.21:24
sarnoldmichela: it might be worth trying to fiddle with ssh -oIPQoS=none as well, I've heard of this causing some trouble that's challenging to track down21:24
michelaAlso, we can connect to Ubuntu and Rocky 9 machines with no trouble.21:24
michelaah! I will try that right now.21:25
sarnoldmichela: I might also try lowing the MTU on the network link in question, that can show up in annoying ways with ssh21:25
sarnold(I think that's more likely, but fiddling with the quality of service flag is a million times easier :)21:25
michelahaha. Yes. I'd rather not change MTU settings if I can avoid it. We want that to be as high as possible for the other network services running.   :)21:26
michelaDarn. 'ssh -oIPQoS=none' does not solve it.21:28
michelaI increased the verbosity (-vvv) on my client, and now see this: 'debug3: send packet: type 5', which is interesting.21:31
michelaThen, 'Bad packet length 3495056407.' 'debug2: sshpkt_disconnect: sending SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT: Packet corrupt'21:32
pragmaticenigmawasn't some of the recent patches for OpenSSH packet size related?21:33
pragmaticenigmawonder if it is a version conflict kind of thing21:33
sarnoldthe mitigation for the terrapin thing was a new protocol extension, I think it ought to be pretty silent if only one endpoint has been upgraded21:36
michelaA colleauge just messaged me with a solution that works for us both!!21:37
sarnoldoo :)21:37
michelassh -c aes256-gcm@openssh.com michela@server_name21:37
sarnoldthat seems like a vote for the terrapin problems..21:38
sarnoldplease do mention that in the bug report :)21:38
michelaah. I *thought* it might have something to do with preferred ciphers or algorithms, or perhaps a new default setting. I just didn't know which one.   :D21:38
michelaWell, that was a bit of an odyssey. At least we finally have an answer.21:40
pragmaticenigmaand here I had just found my 8.x alma install and got it booted to try and replicate21:46
michelaAw. Thanks for doing that!!21:46
pragmaticenigmayou're welcome... it's not a happy camper of a computer at the moment... something about not booting it for several months and it has repo key issues21:47
pragmaticenigmaguess I know what I'll be doing this weeken21:47
AShapirofyi zfs data corruption fixes are finally in -proposed21:47
michelaI wonder if the 8.x versions of Rocky et al. will get an update, such that we don't have to specify the algorithm in this way.21:47
AShapirogonna attempt an upgrade today21:48
pragmaticenigmamichela: I kind of wonder if it isn't how those specific machines you're attempting to get to might be configured?21:48
sarnoldAShapiro: awesome, thanks :)21:49
AShapiroyeah i've been waiting a hot minute. actually been running some 2.2.2 build from some guy's PPA, so i'll have to ppa-purge and then upgrade. going to be an interesting process21:49
AShapirolooks like they ended up just cherry-picking the one fix and backporting into 2.2.021:50
michelapragmaticenigma: Yah. I'm wondering that as well. The ssh server config file is fairly sparse on them. So, perhaps, it is a compiled-in default that would need to change.21:50
pragmaticenigmamichela: I wonder because of the @openssh.com suffix represents a vendor specific. That's used when the vendor wants to support something that hasn't been adopted by a IETF. What I wonder is if someone locked down the remote machines to only use 256 varients or better, but omitted the IETF standardized one in place of the others21:52
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michelaHmm. Well, I originally set up these machines, and no one else would have been able to change most of them. I believe these Rocky machines' ssh configurations are mostly default, apart from some small changes to parameters like allowed connectsions, AllowUSers, etc. I hadn't changed ciphers.21:59
michelaWe now generate new host keys for new machines we provision, especially if they are on a cloud platform like Azure, OVH, etc., but I don't think that was done on this server.22:00
michelaHmm! Maybe this is a problem on Azure VM images only.22:01
michelaI'll check more and report back when I can do that.22:02
cluelesspersonHello there, I'm using a smartcard utility,  vsmartcard-vpcd to use my cell phone as an NFC smart card reader22:26
cluelesspersonbut I'm seeing a ton of unwanted traffic from another thing that I have no idea what it is.22:27
cluelesspersonUsually the scanner detects the card, and waits,22:27
cluelesspersonbut it appears like something is interogating the smart card...22:27
cluelesspersonand I can't figure out how to tell what it is.22:27
elsounds like a thing #hardware or #security people would have experience with22:30
cluelesspersonel  I'm trying to identify *any* way of just knowing where the commands are coming from22:35
elyeah i have no clue about smartcard stuff, but sounds right up the alley of people in those channel so you may have better luck22:36
cluelesspersonel  ubuntu bakes in some smartcard stuff as well, this only started recently, so I suspect ubuntu22:37
elok well your choices are to only wait for an answer here, or also ask the more likely source as well.22:38
elim not saying don't ask here. i'm pointing you at people who might be helpful :)22:38
xu-help68wAny know how to upgrade lts 18.xx to the next available lts version. The updater does not provide the option to upgrade.22:50
xu-help68wThe article about upgrading isn't working.22:50
JanCcluelessperson: netstat might be useful22:50
cluelesspersonJanC netstat is for showing ports or open network connections, these are adpu commands being passed through pcsc, and scdaemon?22:52
JanCit also shows unix sockets22:53
JanCwhich I assume is used to connect to it22:54
xu-help68wI tried sudo do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewGtk3A box is suppsed to pop up. It says "There will not be any further Ubuntu releases22:57
xu-help68wfor this system's 'i386' architecture."22:57
xu-help68wWhat does that mean?22:57
ravageit means that you have to check if your system is 64bit capable and meets the minimum requirements for Ubuntu 22.04 and reinstall22:57
ravage18.04 was the last LTS release with 32bit support22:57
JanCwith full 32-bit support22:58
ravageas in 32bit base system and kernel22:59
xu-help68wSo how to i update from a 32bit to a 64bit os?23:00
pragmaticenigmaxu-help68w: Does your computer have a 64bit CPU?23:01
xu-help68wIt does.23:01
ravageyou dont23:01
ravageyou reinstall23:01
ravagethere is no upgrade path23:01
xu-help68wamd 5600G apu.23:01
pragmaticenigmaxu-help68w: as ravage mentioned, there is no way to upgrade, you have to perform a new install of Ubuntu on your machine23:02
xu-help68wOk, then i'll just leave it.23:03
ravageUbuntu 18.04 is EOL and does not get any security updates. so it is strongly advises to install a supported Version23:03
pragmaticenigmaxu-help68w: That isn't recommended, but that is your choice23:04
xu-help68wNot bothered with a reinstall process.23:04
ravagegood luck23:04
JanCat least enable Ubuntu ESM/Pro when you keep that thing running...23:04
ravagei doubt that pro covers 32bit . but im not sure23:04
xu-help68wNo idea what that is.23:05
JanCespecially if it accesses the internet23:05
xu-help68wIt does have access.23:05
xu-help68wBut if it can't do it automatically or through a command or two. Then i won't bother.23:06
JanCwhat's the problem with doing a re-install?23:06
xu-help68wI'll reinstall it, when it one day refuses to run.23:06
xu-help68wTime, and not really that important.23:06
xanguait takes 15 minutes to do a clean install...23:07
JanCdoing a re-install usually takes less time than an upgrade...23:07
xu-help68wIt's not about the install time of the OS, it's time setting up the apps running.23:07
xu-help68wThey're working and doing their thing. I'll just let them do that until it blows up.23:08
xu-help68wThe only reason i thought about upgrading was because it started saying that there are no further updates, so i thought, sure let it upgrade.23:10
xu-help68wIt'll run just fine as is.23:12
xu-help68wBut thanks for assist.23:13
AShapirohurumph, ppa-purge is not doing the needful. trying to revert a selection of zfs packages (so i can install one from -proposed) and it successfully lists the packages to revert23:21
AShapirobut then selects those versions and does nothing23:22
pragmaticenigmaAShapiro: I thought you needed to remove or revert the packages before removing a PPA. Or am I not understanding what you are doing?23:23
AShapiroi'm using ppa-purge which is supposed to automate that process23:23
pragmaticenigmaah, okay23:23
AShapiroand it is successfully listing the packages to be rolled back, but then taking no action on them23:23
darkdrgn2kim getting "iptables v1.8.7 (nf_tables): Chain 'MASQUERADE' does not exist" when i try to use iptables.23:23
darkdrgn2kis there a kernel module im missing23:24
darkdrgn2ki have nft_masq.ko23:24
darkdrgn2kit works fine using iptables-legacy23:24
pragmaticenigmakind of sounds like a feature that is no longer available in newer versions, where another approach is needed23:26
ravagedarkdrgn2k: what is your full iptables command?23:26
michelapragmaticenigma, sarnold, indeed, it appears this ssh cipher mis-match problem may be isolated to Rocky 8 VMs running in Microsoft Azure. Any othter Rocky 8 hosts I've tried do not have the same problem.  So odd.23:27
darkdrgn2kiptables --wait -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE23:27
darkdrgn2kbut as simple as  iptables t nat -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE23:27
pragmaticenigmamichela: it's not too surprising, Microsoft does customize their images for their various linux offerings for compatibility.23:28
michela. . . and sometimes, for incompatibility! Ba-dum-crash!23:28
ravagemodprobe ipt_MASQUERADE23:28
ravagethat should add the  functionality23:29
ravageactually it is xt_MASQUERADEnow i think23:29
darkdrgn2kipt_MASQUERADE.ko doesnt exist23:29
michelaFortunately, I don't work with a lot of machines in Azure, and all of those do not run Rocky 8.23:29
darkdrgn2kxt_MASQUERADE          20480  0 <- it is installed23:29
ravagethis does not look like a default Ubuntu kernel then?23:29
darkdrgn2kLinux (none) 6.2.0-36-generic #37~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Oct  9 15:34:04 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:30
ravagethat looks fine23:30
darkdrgn2ki think im may be missing a kernenel module23:30
darkdrgn2k(not using modprobe)23:30
ravageis this running on WSL by any chance?23:32
darkdrgn2kvm.. but i built the fs myself to be minimalistic23:33
ravagetry to reproduce it on a default installation of Ubuntu. If the bug still exists file a bug23:33
darkdrgn2kits works on a full install23:33
darkdrgn2kbut my question is what could it be missing23:34
darkdrgn2kok its 100% one of the modules23:35
darkdrgn2ki just installed like all the modules and it works23:35
anonimousHello World!23:55

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