[05:01] hi [05:01] owo [07:44] hi all [07:44] anybody here? [14:35] Hi first time here, is this the support channle? [14:36] !hi | xu-irc61w [14:37] hi there ! === pikapika is now known as militantorc [21:24] Hi. Wonder if someone could help me update xubuntu. I think i'm running 18.xx, it's an lts version. When i open the updater it just states there are no more updates for the installed version, but i get no option to upgrade to a newer one. [21:24] But in the updater settings, it's set to notify for newer lts version. [21:28] !upgrade [21:30] xu-help5w, run here in the chat: /exec cat /etc/os-release | grep -i pretty [21:33] Ok [21:33] Nothing happened. [21:33] Unknown command /exec [21:35] ok then run that command in the terminal: cat /etc/os-release | grep -i pretty [21:35] paste here what you get [21:43] How the hell do you type that vertical line? [21:43] The typical shortcut isn't working. [21:46] is alt gr + `ยด| button. [21:53] According to the settings for keyboard layout, it's set correctly. But i can't make | in the terminal. [22:01] xu-help5w, just copy/paste. [22:02] Hold, i'll join from that machine. [22:04] Could you type the thing again? [22:05] I do realize that i could've done so myself if i hadn't closed the tab so quickly on the other machine. [22:22] xu-help68w, cat /etc/os-release | grep -i pretty [22:26] PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS" [22:28] xu-help68w: follow this: https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-18-04-lts-to-20-04-lts-today [22:29] How come there isn't a upgrade in the software updater? [22:29] that'd be a lot easier [22:30] Because your version is 3 versions behind, you need to upgrade to 20.04 and then to 22.04 [22:31] But the updater should know that. [22:32] And only offer me a version that i can actually upgrade to. [22:32] It prompted you 4 years ago [22:33] And it should continue to do so forever, if and when i run the checking for updates manually. [22:34] I do think i remember the prompt, but i didn't read it and just closed it. Never popped up again and i just forgot about it. [22:35] xu-help68w: no it should not, it's free software and no one owes you nothing. [22:35] I do not know what that has to do with anything regarding userfriendlyness of the update process. [22:37] According to the guide, i'm supposed to type "sudo do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewGtk3" and a box should appear. The box does not appear. [22:41] I'm a fucking idiot