
Bashing-omAccessing 825 - Friday updates.00:02
Bashing-omUWN: Updates done - saved and out :D00:17
guivercBashing-om, I suspect https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/registering-a-matrix-account-on-ubuntu-com/42157 is worth including (I just used it) & maybe even https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/using-multiple-matrix-accounts/42156  (list underneath probably)00:53
guiverci can add if you wish.. I'm toying with starting summaries.. (mousepad anyway..)00:54
guivercMaybe we could have a Matrix News subsection (temporary, not permanent) in Hub & just list them, inc. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-matrix-governance/4214001:15
Bashing-omguiverc: These may be very apt *IF* Matrtix gains ubuntu mainstream acceptance - Or we wish to push in that direction.01:20
guivercI saw it has 'happening' .. partially as I think Canonical wish it  (it does solve one issue with irc for them, people not hanging around)01:26
Bashing-omguiverc: If you think Matrix will be of some impact -- then will behoove us to open a dedicated section.01:37
guivercI wouldn't go that far..  there is decent work going on towards Matrix & including it is I think worthwhile.. listing those is enough for me.. (temporary as its new & the current frenzy is common on new projects)01:39
guivercI can add what I was thinking when I add some summaries maybe, you can comment/adjust and/or remove if you don't think so01:40
* guiverc hasn't yet started summaries... currently more interested in lunch :)01:41
Bashing-omguiverc: Your adding sounds good - as I move onto other things than UWN presently.01:46
* guiverc will soon edit uwn02:16
guivercBashing-om, I'm out, listed under "Updates on Ubuntu Matrix Project (testing phase)"  (added the 'testing phase' as you correctly highlighted ^02:26
* guiverc going to edit again... I'd skipped the jammy.4 one, so adding summary to that02:29
* guiverc out again02:30
guiverchttps://www.scarlettgatelymoore.dev/some-exciting-news-kubuntu-im-back/  maybe worth adding..02:32
* guiverc about to add some more summaries03:02
* guiverc out... 03:05
guivercplease NOTE my matrix additions were not added to index/in-this-issue03:06
Bashing-omguiverc: While we could add kubuntu-im-back article // We already site her 2 times in the issue // I thought "* Kubuntu: Weekly wrap-up" to cover for a summary. /// the index/in-this-issue is but a reference for you to see at a glance what is to-do - as well as hint to observers what we are working; not important.03:14
guivercyep you have listed.. I'm happy with that (I thought you had, but for whatever reason missed it when I noted kubuntu-back...  thanks..03:17
Bashing-omguiverc: Working up one more to add: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubucon-latin-america-2024/42158. 03:29
guivercyou can add... I've only got one summary not yet added..03:32
* guiverc isn't touching page I mean03:33
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Bashing-omediting :D03:44
Bashing-omdone and out.03:48
* guiverc going to edit & add some more (once I've scanned them quickly)04:03
* guiverc out (& added "Updates on Ubuntu Matrix Project (testing phase)" to the "In this Issue" so if removed; that'll need dropping too04:07
guivercI amended that "Updates on Ubuntu.." to be title instead of just text.04:08
guivercBashing-om, should https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/from-installation-to-provisioning-upgrading-the-ubuntu-desktop-installer/42139#provisioning-is-a-multi-stage-process-3 also be listed in the hub section?05:06
Bashing-omguiverc: Looking.05:22
Bashing-omguiverc: Yes - That should be included - beats me how I missed such an important one. 05:29
guivercdistractions.. you've got lots of little uns nearby I suspect that are quite distracting05:30
guivercBashing-om, want me to add when I've got a summary for it?05:40
Bashing-omguiverc: Back and forth back and forth - The middle one is a whine bucket --- cry cry cry . Mamma dog has a case of the bathroom runs and constantly needs out - she is getting better -- and pups are growing :P05:40
Bashing-omguiverc: Better you than me as I am past my prime now. 05:41
guivercI'd expect mamma would be sore & worn out given what happened... all that labor....05:41
Bashing-omShe is only 2 years old - first expereince and no idea of what was happening / all she knew was that it Hurt !05:44
* guiverc adding..05:53
* guiverc out finally 05:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Generative AI on a GPU-Instance with Ubuntu on AWS: Part 1 – Image Generation @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/genai-on-ubuntu-on-aws-image-generation05:59
=== user03 is now known as gchound
Bashing-omUWN: Accessing 825 for Saturday wrap-up - will be a spell.23:09

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