
lotuspsychjegood morning03:46
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...05:08
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: very nice post! https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/remove-pro-advertising-from-apt/3405110:20
oerhekssudo pro config set apt_news=false10:30
oerheksfrom https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1ae9gs5/ubuntu_pro_being_forced/10:30
oerhekslotuspsychje, leftyfb ^^^^10:30
lotuspsychjeoerheks: its also going about this; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/204777810:32
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 2047778 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Software Updater unable to cancel Ubuntu Pro upgrade" [Undecided, Confirmed]10:32
lotuspsychjei got users calling me now because of this10:34
lotuspsychjeimagine what happens on a big company10:34
leftyfblotuspsychje: that post was from a year ago.13:22
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: its the first i readed it, and still valid so it seems :p13:51
semSo if somebody is using a supported release, do Universe packages get security fixes if you don't have Pro?14:07
oerhekssem, no14:08
semSo philosophically, it makes sense that you can't turn off warnings that your system is less secure than it could be...14:09
oerheksone can turn it off; sudo pro config set apt_news=false14:16
semLooking at the bug lotuspsychje linked to it doesn't prevent it from appearing in update manager...14:18
semBut maybe that's ok. Reminding people that universe packages are insecure maybe is ok 14:18
lotuspsychjethey should warn the user before installing insecure packages from universe instead, not leaving users with greyed out update manager by default14:20
semWhy not do both? We warned you when you installed it, and if you just clicked through, we're warning you again now. Grayed-out buttons might not be the best UX, but if being insecure is an important warning, it shouldn't be "quiet" unless some sysadmin has personally taken responsibility and gone in there and disabled the warning via the commandline14:25
oerheksthere are tons of packages in universe that are outdated, xchat for example14:25
lotuspsychjeif packages are outdated, why keep them in the repos14:27
lotuspsychjethats like a reverse way around14:28
semwait so even Ubuntu Pro doesn't guarrantee that Universe packages are updated? What is the point of it then?14:28
semi'm sorry, I didn't mean that14:28
semWhat I meant is, I was under the mistaken impression that Pro was guarranteeing package updates for security fixes 14:29
leftyfbthat's not entirely true14:31
leftyfbuniverse packages CAN get updated, by the community maintainer14:31
leftyfbbut if they don't, then Canonical steps in and does it for them14:32
oerheks1,800+ additional high and critical patches , sofar14:32
semso universe is still potentially risky, but you mitigate it somewhat with ubuntu pro14:36
semstill miles ahead of Windows where I once ran an old version of Putty for years because I didn't realize there were any updates for it14:37
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