
telgareithnothing runs properly in virtualbox00:19
mybalzitchdefine nothing, and properly.01:37
tomasd_Hola Team, soy nuevo en lubuntu, gusto en saludarlos02:01
Bashing-om!es | tomasd_02:02
ubottutomasd_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:02
tomasd_Oh Thank You #bashing-om, i prefer more information in spanish, see you02:04
Bashing-omtomasd_: Glad I could help.02:05
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
CrackvaSearch two girls (UK, US, AU) for administration DCHUB.ONE international DC++02:11
pushkarnk10 xr04:33
pushkarnkplease ignore my prev ping, my 4yo got curious with the IRC window ;-)05:21
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tudorhi everyone !07:28
tudorwhat would be the best option to move a plesk server? Migration or backup/restore?07:28
lotuspsychjetudor: not really an ubuntu issue?08:57
realivanjxwill ubuntu pro livepatch come to arm64 architecture? is it just not possible or already being worked on?09:15
lotuspsychjerealivanjx: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-pro-now-available-on-aws-graviton-instances09:19
realivanjxit does not mention livepatch09:20
tudorlotuspsychje: thank you for your help ! I didn't say it was strictly an ubuntu problem, I was asking for more of an opinion, but thank you for bothering to answer me.09:25
lotuspsychjetudor: feel free to try your question in #ubuntu-offtopic ?09:26
=== tudor is now known as alprolife
oerheks" If you have engineering resources and are interested in bringing Livepatch Service to your ARM64 platforms, please reach out to the Canonical Kernel team" https://blog.surgut.co.uk/2024/01/ubuntu-livepatch-fips-s390-arm64.html?m=109:36
lotuspsychjerealivanjx: ^09:36
Dhagorneed support10:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:30
Dhagori've pulled an image, built a docker file and built it. running the image does nothing10:31
Dhagorsupertool@DESKTOP-98MNGEP:~$ docker run ubuntu:16.0410:31
Dhagordocker: permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/create": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied.10:31
DhagorSee 'docker run --help'.10:31
Dhagorsupertool@DESKTOP-98MNGEP:~$ sudo docker run ubuntu:16.0410:31
Dhagorsupertool@DESKTOP-98MNGEP:~$ sudo docker run .docker.io/library/ubuntu:16.0410:31
Dhagordocker: invalid reference format.10:31
DhagorSee 'docker run --help'.10:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:31
oerheks16.04 docker..?10:31
oerhekstry a supported version, 22.04?10:32
Dhagorshould not really matter10:32
Dhagori need that specific version10:32
Dhagorthe thing is that as you can see, docker ps shows no started containers10:32
Dhagorworth a mention, im using wls in win, so not perhaps the ideal env10:33
oerheksoh, wls has its own support channel10:34
ubottuWindows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide10:34
Dhagor => => writing image sha256:5bc9b99a386e43c125844cec5303babdab181d72b9edb0ac317c3259bdc44613                       0.0s10:35
Dhagor => => naming to docker.io/library/ubuntu:16.0410:35
oerheksand EOL images surely matter10:35
=== Suby7 is now known as mirko
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kfcmcdoburgerHello everybody12:09
kfcmcdoburgerIs there somebody who can help me please? I think there is a rootkit on my Ubuntu12:13
=== Proton05393728 is now known as Proton0539372
=== PasiZ5 is now known as PasiZ
BluesKajHi all13:36
=== Roedy- is now known as Roedy
BibblesHi everyone. I have a weird problem here on 22.04. When my system suspends it brings down the network -before- unmounting a mounted NAS. So when I have running applications with opened files on this NAS, the suspend process will try to halt these applications. But as they are depended on a working network, they just won't. The result is that suspend just hangs indefinately (or until finally a timeout occors). Is there a way to solve th14:02
Bibbles problem? I tried running a script in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ But at the time that script is running, the network is already down.14:02
NitrigaurI need some help identifying which paths a snap package can accesss and how it is mounted from the the perspective of that package (kicad)14:19
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MulkaДля сборки EiskaltDC++ с поддержкой unicode на Ubnutu нужно сделать всего несколько простых дейтсвий...14:21
NitrigaurI'm trying to add a library to kicad in order to add a Raspberry Pi Pico W, but it does not find it in the paths I have copied it to.14:21
MulkaTo build EiskaltDC++ with unicode support on Ubuntu, you need to do just a few simple steps...14:21
oerheksNitrigaur, in your home folder, /home/<username>/snap/<snap name>/common i guess14:22
Nitrigauroerheks, I have tried that already, but kicad can't see that for some reason. I'm a bit new to the whole snap ecosystem, but in Kicad the paths configured point to /usr/share/... paths. Are those paths relative to the /snap filetree, or are they real /usr/share references?14:26
oerheksi think the real /usr/share folder on /14:27
oerheksjust tested, kicad opens my home folder..14:28
oerheksi do see when i open a demo, i cannot save it  '/usr/share/kicad/demos/'14:29
Nitrigauroerheks, first of all: Thank you for the test :-) . Is there a way to get a list of all the paths that a snap package has access to?14:31
ravageSnap allows access to your /home folder. Everything else is contained in the snap14:37
oerhekssettings > applications > snap > settings14:38
ravageIt will never have access to /usr/share on your host14:38
oerheksfor kicad there is an option for removable media.14:38
ravageThat is possible too yes14:38
oerheksravage, oddly kicad loads demos from /usr/share/14:38
Nitrigauroerheks, I have not seen this settings entry yet. Thank you.14:45
ravage  /usr/share/kicad:14:45
ravage    bind: $SNAP/usr/share/kicad14:45
ravageso that is mapped to your snap directory14:45
lacrymologyI can't start jack, I tried QjackCtl, I don't think the server is starting at all14:46
Nitrigaurravage, ah, so the snap package has specific access to /usr/share/kicad, because it has been bound to it's snap path.14:48
ravagebut that is read only because it is part of the snap package14:48
Nitrigaurravage, that seems rather awkward if you want to add a component library system wide, or perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself.14:50
ravageit this is the only path you can use then yes14:51
Nitrigaurravage, actually this Kicad 7.0 package tries to find my library in the Kicad 6 path: /home/$USER/snap/kicad/6/.local/share/kicad/7.0/symbols/74XXJL.kicad_sym . It gets stranger and stranger14:53
NitrigaurThis makes me long for the simple .deb-days...14:54
ravagethere is nothing special about other paths in that snap package. so the software just looks in there14:56
ravageand 6 is not a version of the software. it is revision 6 of the snap14:56
ravage6 should be linked to /home/$USER/snap/kicad/current14:57
ravage* to /home/$USER/snap/kicad/current. or better the other way around14:58
Nitrigaurravage, that makes sense to some extent. Thanks for the clarification14:58
Nitrigauroerheks, settings -> applications -> snap -> settings does not exist on my system. I'm running Ubuntu 23.10.15:03
oerhekssettings -> applications -> snapname ..15:03
ravagethe permissions are all auto connected except maybe the removeable-media one15:03
oerhekskicad got a lot of entries there15:04
ravageso if removeable media is what you need you can try "sudo snap connect kicad:removable-media"15:05
Nitrigauroerheks, true, at least accesss to my /home drive is on and should solve a lot of issues.15:05
ravagethe home interface should auto connect on unstall15:05
Nitrigaurravage, yes it does. I'll look up the version of the snap and it's mounts through /run/snapd15:06
ravagebut you can try to set it again of course with "sudo snap connect kicad:home :home"15:07
ravagebut is only allows you to read non-hidden files15:07
ravageit will not give  any access to dotfiles or dirs by default15:08
Nitrigaurravage, that's a problem, because .local is part of the default path it tries to lookup.15:09
ravagefrom what you pasted it does look in ~/snap/  for that15:09
ravageand not your actual home directory15:09
Nitrigaurravage, I've looked up the snap version and it's version 8 and that's also where the symlink "current" points to. Probably the original Kicad project was made when version 6 was still current. The library got moved to the current file tree, so it might work to remove the lib from the library overview and re-add it in the current dir. Still, that does not provide a solution to put a library in a path that is accessible to all users on this system.15:21
ravagehttps://snapcraft.io/kicad says the stable version i 7.0.1015:23
Nitrigaurravage, true, that's the same with my install, however, as you correctly pointed out that is not the version of the snap, which is version 8. I've tried re-adding the library at the place it's currently at: /home/$USER/snap/kicad/8/.local/share/kicad/symbols, but this does not work. Kicad can access the directory, but sees no files there, even through the terminal I can clearly see the files, along with the correct extensions.15:27
NitrigaurBefore you ask, yes, they are readable to world, not only to my $USER.15:28
leftyfbNitrigaur: you're not supposed to mess with /home/$UER/snap/<app>/current or any of the named version directories15:29
leftyfbNitrigaur: if a snap isn't working properly, please file a bug15:30
leftyfb!bug | Nitrigaur15:30
ubottuNitrigaur: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:30
JanCsnap bugs ≠ ubuntu bugs15:39
NitrigaurJanC, indeed and the links in the Software store point to the Kicad project, not to a space where I can report issues on the snap package from Nick Koe.15:42
JanCseems like KiCad also has an official PPA, maybe try those packages?15:44
NitrigaurJanC, I suppose so. I hope it won't break when I upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04.15:47
NitrigaurJanC, thanks for the suggestion btw.15:47
JanCif you use the official distro-upgrader it will disable the PPA before the upgrade15:50
JanCNitrigaur: the Snap isn't listed as official on the KiCad website, but the PPA is, so maybe best to use that for now16:00
NitrigaurJanC, yes, though only the alternative snap package (Kicad 7.05) clearly states that. Nickoe is one of the official Kicad developers though.16:09
NitrigaurJanC, Installing the PPA now. Thanks again.16:09
JanCthe official download/install page for linux doesn't even mention the Snap16:09
JanCon the KiCad site16:09
JanCmaybe they know the Snap isn't 100% ready yet?  dunno...16:10
NitrigaurJanC, could be. The PPA is far larger than the snap used to be, so it's probably more complete.16:14
NitrigaurJanC, oerheks, the PPA works like a treat. Thanks again :-).16:40
oerhekshave fun!16:40
unjustice1Hi, I recently got a new desktop and I believe I have blocked myself out by messing up the hard drive mount point. I am close to fixing it, but could use a little guidance.16:40
unjustice1I was backing up files onto the new computer's hard drive and it ran out of space, when I tried to save to the secondary hard drive, I could not. So I followed instructions here:https://support.system76.com/articles/extra-drive/16:42
unjustice1Now, when I boot I get this error: "[FAILED] failed to start system logging service"16:42
unjustice1I was able to drop into a shell prompt by loading in recovery mode for ubuntu16:43
unjustice1now what I see is that the "ExtraDrive" folder that I made in /home/user contains all of the same data as the original drive.16:43
unjustice1I am trying to log back in and ideally backup files on the second drive, but I am hesistant to format from the outside and risk losing some of the data that I was in the process of backing up.16:45
unjustice1I am not sure if this is a result of overloading my original drive (I think there was 4G left or less), or a result of messing with mounting of the "ExtraDrive"16:45
unjustice1anyone have any experience with this?16:45
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
meiwhy you don't run a live ubuntu and backup the stuff?16:48
unjustice1@mei I'll try again, the first USB I tried wouldn't boot16:51
unjustice1probably need a different iso16:51
JanCdon't you have an external drive to backup to?16:54
unjustice1@JanC, 90% of what I was backing up was from an external onto the internal17:07
unjustice1@JanC, just that last 10% or so of data that I would like to retain17:08
meii don't understand what you have to recover from the internal disk17:13
* JanC is confused about "backing up from external to internal"17:14
JanCthat seems backwards17:14
meiyeah, it's like you already have your data on the external drive. but at the same time you want to recover things from the internal drive :s17:14
JanCand if you still have all data on the external disk then I'm not sure what exactly the problem is--can't you just re-install the system & start all over?17:15
unjustice1So basically I had a 2TB backup external drive and a 750GB external drive when my computer crashed completely. I got a new computer with two 2TB drives17:23
unjustice1I moved everything from the the drives onto the new 2TB drive, the second 2TB drive I could not load onto17:23
unjustice1so I followed the mount instructions listed above.17:24
unjustice1In the process, I deleted the 750GB external17:24
unjustice1Now, I cannot login17:24
JanCyou probably can't login because the disk is full17:25
JanCthe main disk17:25
JanC(except for a small space reserved for root)17:25
unjustice1@JanC that is what I suspected, is there a way to check if this is the problem? then I can delete the less sensitive stuff17:25
unjustice1or just delete stuff and reboot?17:25
JanCthere are several things you can try to delete17:28
unjustice1also, how do I delete files when I can only see them as read-only (recovery mode)? Otherwise I cannot access the shell17:28
JanCe.g. in theory everything under /home/<user>/.cache should not be a problem if you delete it17:29
JanCyou can re-mount as rw in the recovery mode17:30
unjustice1"mount -o remount,rw /" ?17:33
unjustice1basically sudo mount -o, rw /?17:33
NitrigaurThanks everyone, I'm going to cook.17:37
JanCunjustice1: no need for sudo in the recovery mode, as you are already root17:38
JanCso "mount -o remount,rw /" should be enough17:39
JanCalso see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode17:39
JanCif deleting everything in /home/<user>/.cache (where <user> is your username) is not enough then you can look at deleting some stuff that is still on the external disk also (so you would still have a copy of it)17:42
unjustice1@JanC just deleted a ton of stuff, same error "failed to start system logging service"17:46
JanCis that the only error?  maybe also check dmesg, journalctl & log files in /var/log/ in the recovery console...17:56
unjustice1@JanC yeah, I tried unmounting the ExtraDrive as well, and that didn't change anything18:07
unjustice1@JanC, I'll check dmesg18:07
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
unjustice1@JanC whole lotta of errors in dmesg, trying to make sense of them18:19
=== realivanjx7 is now known as realivanjx
leftyfbunjustice1: dmesg ata/io errors = bad drive. Potentially just a corrupt filesystem, but usually it's due to bad hardware18:37
leftyfbunjustice1: you could try running fsck on the unmounted filesystem. But if the drive has a hardware issue, this sort of actively could make things worse18:39
unjustice1@leftyb "perf uncore: Cannot find matched IMC device"18:39
unjustice1@leftyfb "platform eisa.0: EISA: Cannot allocate resource for mainboard"18:40
leftyfbunjustice1: sudo dmesg --level=emerg,alert,crit,err | nc termbin.com 999918:41
unjustice1@leftyb "platform eisa.0: Cannot allocate resource for EISA slot" for slots 1-818:41
unjustice1@leftyb "nc: addrinfo for host "termbin.com" port 9999: Temporary failure in name resolution"18:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1837326 in linux (Ubuntu) "platform eisa.0: EISA: Cannot allocate resource for mainboard" [Undecided, Confirmed]18:44
leftyfbunjustice1: can you connect your machine to the internet and run it again?18:44
unjustice1@leftyb, you mean just unplug the network cable and connect again? The boot now freaks out connecting to wifi and gives an error in dmesg18:45
leftyfbunjustice1: are you still our of disk space on your root partition?18:45
pagios: when doing an upgrade from ubuntu 6 for exampel to ubuntu  9, can i go directly like that by updating the soruce.list to ubuntu ; apt update upgrade etc, or should i go from 6 to 7 then 7 to 7 then 8 to 9 ?18:46
unjustice1@leftyb: shouldn't be I deleted a lot of stuff, is there a way to check?18:46
leftyfbpagios: go troll someone else .... again18:46
oerheksthere is no 6, 7, 8, 9..18:46
oerheksyou are clearly running debian18:47
leftyfboerheks: they've been trolling here for a while now18:47
pagiosyes ytrying to understand the concept of release update18:48
pagiosif. ican jump versions18:48
leftyfbpagios: go troll elsewhere18:48
oerheksone can jump from lts to lts18:48
pagiosfrom consecutive lts right?18:49
pagiosseems i can also use apt-listchanges and view the changelogs18:49
leftyfbunjustice1: this is what I suggest. Remove all storage devices except for your main drive with your OS on it. Boot it using live USB. Mount the drive and delete a few gigabytes of your least important data. Unmount and run fsck on it. Then boot it normally and see where things stand18:50
leftyfbpagios: what release of ubuntu are you running?18:50
pagioswanna see if i can jum pto 22.04 directly18:50
unjustice1@leftyb, alright I will try this18:50
leftyfbpagios: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999918:50
leftyfbpagios: please paste the resulting URL here18:52
leftyfbpagios: hello?18:53
unjustice1leftyb: I cannot boot from usb either, "can not mount dev/loop0 on /filesystem.squashfs failed:invalid argument"18:55
unjustice1leftyb: also "ERROR:unable to locate IOAPIC for GSI 27"18:56
leftyfbunjustice1: make a new usb flash drive with the ubuntu desktop iso on it18:56
unjustice1leftyb: will do18:56
leftyfbpagios: when you're back, please run this instead:   ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; sudo tune2fs -l $(findmnt -n -o SOURCE /) | grep created ) | nc termbin.com 999919:00
unjustice1leftyb: Ubuntu Studio 22.04.3 LTS from https://ubuntustudio.org/download/ written with rufus should work fine, right?19:02
leftyfbunjustice1: https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04.3/ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso19:02
unjustice1leftyb: alrighty then19:03
unjustice1leftyb: that download link you sent keeps failing for some reason, good lord I must be cursed19:05
leftyfbunjustice1: do you have another computer?19:06
bpromptunjustice1: alternatively, you could try this mirror images -> https://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu-releases/22.04/ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso   OR  https://mirrors.sdu.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases/22.04.3/ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso19:11
unjustice1bprompt: thanks, I think it is working now...very slowly. It failed like 5 times but it seems to be working now.19:12
unjustice1I need to run errands, but I will return after I have tried the new bootable USB19:13
unjustice1leftyb: thanks, I'll be back and let you know if it works or not19:13
=== docmax_ is now known as docmax
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=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
rooter0_I have a nanocomputer called an Odroid N2+, which boots off of an SD card.  I need to install Ubuntu onto that SD card.  Can I put it in my x86_64 laptop, and somehow install aarch64 onto the SD card?20:09
rooter0_It is a superb device, but needs newer firmware than Odroid provides.20:10
rboxis there an ubuntu iamge for it?20:10
rooter0_There is, but it's 20.20:13
rooter0_22 - Two years old.20:14
leftyfbrooter0_: 20.04 is still supported by the ubuntu community and it sounds like 22.04 isn't supported by your hardware manufacturer for your hardware20:15
rooter0_22.04 is there, but it's from 2022.20:16
leftyfbok, so use that20:16
rboxrooter0_: so an apt update and upgrade, and its from the current day20:17
rooter0_Well...  I'm looking for a way to install something current.20:17
leftyfbrooter0_: install the 22.04 image and then do updates = current20:17
JanC22.04 is the current LTS20:20
rooter0_Ok.  I'd just like to know how to make it myself.20:21
rooter0_I'm an infosec type and have a hard time trusting third parties.20:21
rboxthen you should be compiling everything yourself20:22
rooter0_Poo, not necessary.20:22
leftyfbrooter0_: if you don't trust your hardware manufacturer, then don't use their hardware20:23
rboxsounds like you trust 3rd parties then20:24
rooter0_Alright.  This has not been a waste of time...20:24
=== xrandr1 is now known as xrandr
younderbalena etchercat burn a image onto a sd card. You need sd3.0 reader on our PC/laptop or simular21:14
younderlsusb to find device, dd -if <our image> -of <our card device> -bs 64Mib21:18
leftyfbyounder: can we help you with something?21:18
youndercould also work21:18
younderSome suggestions to something rooter0_ questioned earlier.. Never mind. It's late21:20
leftyfbthey left the channel an hour ago21:20
unjustice1leftyb: alright, I got the usb live disk up and running23:07
unjustice1leftyb: no mouse cursor for some reason, but I can probably get by with keyboard only23:08

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