
ItaloRaver-have kubuntu not a app for screen recording, or what i can/should take for this?00:10
bparkerOBS Studio00:11
ItaloRaver-have fund simplescreenrecorder, this i have already few time used :-)00:48
candlejackSo how do I open a bug against a snap?02:25
candlejackFirefox doesn't respect the system cursor theme on kubuntu02:25
bparkersnaps are the definition of a backdoor, I highly suggest not using them02:32
candlejackNoted.  I'm not going to stop using them though, so if anyone knows the answer it would be awesome02:45
Patrick_bparker: can you elaborate a bit about snaps being the definition of a backdoor?05:12
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VervlaHi. It seems  I havea bug  with mounting Windows shares using kerberos.06:51
VervlaPRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS"06:51
Vervlacifs-utils                             2:6.9-1ubuntu0.206:51
Vervlakeyutils                               1.6-6ubuntu1.106:51
Vervlafstab record06:51
Bashing-om!paste | Vervla06:53
ubottuVervla: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:53
Vervla Hi. It seems  I havea bug  with mounting Windows shares using kerberos.   https://dpaste.com/3KUHWWF6607:02
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dreinull309is there an installer method that lets me create a desktop version with no user set up? I have hundreds of leftover laptops that I want to prepare for students but I don't have the users prepared. I'm thinking of mobile devices that are set up when bought but with no user created yet. Or Windows when I think of it.08:02
dreinull309Looking into fai but that also creates a demo user.08:02
tanathfirst google result: https://askubuntu.com/questions/294377/install-ubuntu-without-creating-a-user-account08:07
dreinull309using duckduckgo :) Thank you oem install is a good search parameter that I haven't thought of before08:08
dreinull309yup, reading that. Looks goot to me08:11
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webchat43How do I update sources.list on ubuntu 21.10 arm6410:02
oerhekswebchat43, not. follow the guide to upgrade EOL versions10:04
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:04
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TomyWorkis it normal that snap logs every run to the journal or did I misconfigure something?10:32
TomyWorkthis is a bit spammy for things like command-line tools10:32
TomyWorkespecially if you run them a bunch of times as part of a script10:33
oerheksyes, pretty normal10:33
TomyWorkcan that be changed?10:36
TomyWorkI dont really care if a scope was created for kubectl which is gonna be gona 2 seconds later anyway10:36
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BluesKajHi all13:37
leftyfbogra_: got someone you can ping about the snap store being down?14:21
leftyfb$ sudo snap refresh14:22
leftyfberror: cannot refresh: cannot query the store for updates: got unexpected HTTP status code 503 via POST to "https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh"14:22
leftyfbgetting this on all machines14:22
lotuspsychjeon 24.04 im getting unable to contact snap store14:24
oerheksforum, launchpad .. get some coffee14:24
oerheksoh, maybe it is the cleaning lady again, hoovering the server room14:24
leftyfbyeah, "get some coffee" doesn't sit well with a customer who's down14:25
lotuspsychjecannot query the store for updates: got unexpected HTTP status code 503 via POST to "https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh")14:25
lotuspsychjefrom journal logs14:25
oerhekssuddenly i got an update...14:29
leftyfbstill not working here14:29
oerheksafter that, search for snaps stalls ..14:30
DirtyTobyLaunchpad down for everyone?14:30
oerheksDirtyToby, yes, confirmed14:30
DirtyTobyoh my14:31
DirtyTobyAh! A proper status page. Nice. Thank you14:31
DirtyTobyI submitted a build so I guess it's my fault /chuckle/14:32
tuxinatorTrying to use a cups-server as a printserver, the client-computer finds the printserver advertised, however the printer disappears and reappears every few seconds14:32
tuxinatorany hint14:32
tuxinatorit behaves the same on kde plasma printers gui and cups client webgui14:33
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oerhekshttps://status.snapcraft.io/ Observing"Snap downloads" is Operational14:42
oerheksgreen https://status.snapcraft.io/15:00
oerheksonly forums down now.. https://status.canonical.com/15:00
KennybobsNah there's definitely still issues here15:06
KennybobsTrying to report a bug, never finishes "processing".15:07
Kennybobshelp.launchpad.net 50415:07
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lubuntughosthows going?16:55
JunaoS1818i do no16:56
lubuntughostok. i hope great16:57
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enigma9o7$ rmadison qt6-base-dev18:28
enigma9o7curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 50318:28
enigma9o7Seems rmadison is broken?18:28
oerhekshmm, launchpad has some issues today18:30
enigma9o7Looks like, based on website, QT6 version is 6.4.2, is that frozen, or is there a chance for 6.5+ by release?  How would I look into that?18:33
enigma9o7(for 24.04 noble)18:33
oerheksbut it is down for me18:34
oerheksso that might be the reason your curl comand did not work18:35
enigma9o7Thanks, I see the topic in #launchpad.18:36
bpromptallo allo18:45
bprompthello Slk_19:33
oerheksyes, support19:34
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leftyfbstill having issues with launchpad and the public keyserver I see20:18
loswedsededam I the only one experiencing trouble with transmission after upgrading to 23.10? the app runs slower, reacts also slower, and if a file lands on the error directory and I free up some space to continue downloading, file stays in that directory20:19
loswedsededit's like the overall quality sunk. has transmission been deprecated?20:20
ItaloRaver-does anyone know what's going on https://ubuntu.com/pro/subscribe and how long it might take?20:30
ilovepotatoloswedseded: yeah it's not what it used to be. I switched to qbit, transmission was becoming too unusable20:33
loswedsededilovepotato, repo?20:34
ilovepotatoi mean qbitorrent. It's not GTK though, which is a shame20:36
oerheksItaloRaver-, there are some server issues, no news when things are back to normal20:41
ItaloRaver-this i have fearing, thanks for info ...20:42
oerheks'cloud outage' https://status.snapcraft.io/20:45
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EtherNethello guys, after I upgraded packages with apt today, my wifi and ethernet works for a minute or so and stop working.. i saw on journalctl that it's exactly when bpfilter module is loaded that I can't ping anymore , wifi keeps connected but it doesn't ping anymore and the only way to get it back working os rebooting, can I prevent loading bpfilter?22:37
EtherNetis there something I can do ?22:37
jeremy31EtherNet: Blacklist it or> sudo modprobe -r bpfilter22:40
EtherNetI blackedlist it on the blacklist.conf but didn't make any change22:40
jeremy31in /etc/modprobe.d/ ?22:41
EtherNetyeah exactly22:41
tanathcheck if your dns is working22:42
jeremy31EtherNet: > resolvectl22:42
EtherNetwhat should I expect from resolvectl output22:43
EtherNeti see the DNS configured on the wireless interface22:43
EtherNetthe ones I have manually configured on networkmanager22:44
EtherNetI also can set it as automatically, but doesn't make any difference, just work until bpfilter starts22:44
EtherNetin fact resolvectl looks exactly as in other ubuntu machine i have and works, the difference is no bpfilter is loaded there...22:47
jeremy31maybe>  install bpfilter /bin/false22:51
jeremy31followed by > sudo update-initramfs -u22:51
EtherNetfirst install command gave me as output cannot stat "bpfilter", no such file or directory22:52
EtherNetinstall bpfilter /bin/false on the blacklist file ?22:53
EtherNeti finally blacklisted it, rebooted, it's not loaded anymore, but still after a minute network stops working, even though the wifi keeps connected.. ping to my router for e.g. doesn't answer anymore, any idea what to look for ?22:57
jeremy31EtherNet: iwconfig  #is wifi power management on?22:59
EtherNetsame happens to ethernet card, so I dont think it's related specifically to the wifi card23:02
EtherNetI set it to "2" on the file for power save the interface wifi23:02
EtherNetit says power management off23:02
jeremy31EtherNet: Might want to have sudo dmesg -w  #running in terminal to see what happens23:03
EtherNetcould it be related to apparmor?23:03
tanathcould also boot livecd and see if problem persists. if so it might be hardware. if not it's likely software23:04
tanaththis could help too https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Network_configuration/Wireless#Troubleshooting23:07
EtherNeti just boot into "recovery mode" on grub and enable networking and it works without any kind of issue, so it's not hardware but soft related23:08
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jeremy31EtherNet: Any chance you have UFW running?23:21
EtherNetI tried disabling it and enabling it23:21
bigfatnoobHi all. I have a laptop computer. it has no OS. I'm on a public windows 10 computer. it won't let me run EXEs downloaded from the internet. How can I create a live thumb drive with just copy/pasting or using command prompt?23:23
bigfatnoobi want to install linux onto my laptop23:23
leftyfbbigfatnoob: that would be a question for #windows23:25
leftyfbWe can only help you if you are running Ubuntu23:25
bigfatnoobleftyfb okay. i'm afraid they wouldn't want to help me with my linux destination23:26
leftyfbbigfatnoob: you're not at that step yet. You need their help writing an iso to a usb flash drive on Windows that "won't let you run exe's from the internet"23:27
bigfatnoobleftyfb, just out of curiousity... on linux, can you write an iso to a usb drive using just copy and paste?23:28
jeremy31bigfatnoob: Find a computer that will allow you to put Ventoy on a USB thumb drive23:28
leftyfbjeremy31: if they can put anything on a flash drive, then just put ubuntu23:28
leftyfbbigfatnoob: though you can use dd23:29
jeremy31Ventoy is the simple way to put ISOs on USB for Windows users23:29
tanathbigfatnoob: you can create the bootable usb with powershell. you can look up guides for that23:29
bigfatnoobleftyfb this is dd --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix) ?23:29
bigfatnoobtanath ok. thanks. will google it now23:30
bigfatnoobjeremy31 can i put ventoy onto USB by just drag and dropping it onto the thumb drive? (I can't run  just any EXEs i get from the internet. i can only use the programs currently installed on the computer23:32
bigfatnoobtanath does this look right ? https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/use-powershell-to-create-a-bootable-usb-drive/23:32
leftyfbbigfatnoob: /join #windows23:33
bigfatnoobi just joined #windows, but no one there23:35
leftyfbbigfatnoob: no you didn't23:36
leftyfbbigfatnoob: there's 326 people in there. You aren't one of them23:36
bigfatnoob2thanks everyone. i just discovered that cmd and powershell  are both on the computer, but are locked :(23:42
bigfatnoob2I guess i can't use this computer at this location23:43
leftyfbbigfatnoob2: /join #windows23:43
bigfatnoob2i can't join that group23:43
leftyfbwhy not?23:43
bigfatnoob2i did the nickserv command and copy-pasted the emailed code, but no good23:43
bigfatnoob2i don't know. i'm a noob23:43
bigfatnoob2i give up23:44
leftyfb!register | bigfatnoob223:44
ubottubigfatnoob2: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera23:44
bigfatnoob2i wish i could find a map of nearby ubuntuers  and then i'd feel less shy to ask them if they can flash my USB stick23:44
leftyfbbigfatnoob2: https://www.makerlabs.com23:45
bigfatnoob2leftyfb wow, you're a stalker :)23:46
leftyfbbigfatnoob2: or https://vanhack.ca/wp/23:46
leftyfbbigfatnoob2: it's called helping23:46
bigfatnoob2leftyfb just joking, friend.23:46
bigfatnoob2i just realized irc leaks ip addresses :)23:46
bigfatnoob2thank you very much for helping23:47
bigfatnoob2friends, someone advised me to just mount the iso and copy-paste everything.23:55
leftyfbbigfatnoob2: if you can install the tools needed to mount the iso, then you can install a tool to write the iso to a flash drive23:57
tanathexplorer can mount the iso23:57
tanathand copy the files23:57
bigfatnoob2leftyfb the file explorer comes with "mount to iso" when I right-cilck on the iso file23:57
bigfatnoob2what tanath says23:57

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