IrcsomeBot_ | <sgmoore> I filled it and if they decide to sponsor it we should be good. I had no idea what hotel so kinda guestimated there | 00:26 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <tsimonq2> Sounds good to me :) | 00:29 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <tsimonq2> don't read the comments, save your sanity... I've read them, essentially Joey wanted to encourage FUD and that's what he got | 11:31 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <tsimonq2> Instead of reading that article or comments, I would suggest we think more about how to do our messaging Just Right. Those are the "devil's advocate" positions, we should be proactive in our messaging | 11:33 |
sgmoore | morning | 11:38 |
sgmoore | mmm yes, probably should have clarified plasma6 isn't even released and we have limited time before feature freeze.. | 11:39 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <tsimonq2> 9to5Linux did a great job, Joey did a great job of spreading FUD, as always | 11:41 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <tsimonq2> In case my personal opinion isn't clear, I don't like OMG Ubuntu but they're too big to ignore | 11:41 |
sgmoore | I commented. | 11:47 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Well press is press, and importantly this shows Kubuntu as an active project readying for LTS. | 13:59 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <ahoneybun> It's interesting how many people think a flavor is 5 years instead of 3 | 14:06 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> On a more detailed read, that's a great article | 14:06 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <ahoneybun> | 14:08 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <ahoneybun> Still | 14:08 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Hopefully if you guys have seen the mission road map I wrote, and are happy with it. I'll get to work on the first of 12 articles, and a top line article list so we can keep pumping the press on this stuff | 14:08 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Banned!!! OMG is the Notorious Aaron Honeycutt rebel, and Kubuntu dissident 🤣 | 14:10 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Joey makes me laugh | 14:10 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <ahoneybun> I just wanted to correct information. @tsimonq2 should fix this. | 14:11 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> The fact that it generated a discourse is great, I'm happy with that. Personally, I find it exciting seeing all the noise surfacing around Kubuntu | 14:21 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Quick update: Yesterday I pulled all the current news content from our website, and I'm currently scripting up a transformer to migrate it all to Hugo, and the new site. I'm gonna need a sysadmin contact at canonical for hosting space, and DNS updates, if anyone can point me in the right direction. | 14:28 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> I looked at KDE Invent work board, and I'm going to add the RoadMap plan to that, and build out the work board for it later than today. | 14:28 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> I reached out to Kubuntu Users and got a survey underway, just to get a feel for where we are, responses are coming in, and I'll update on that in a week's time once I have given enough time for respondents. | 14:28 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> I pulled the Calamares installer and did some reading about branding, just get some more background on QML and how to build integrate the slide show. | 14:28 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Contact for Sysadmin would be ace !! | 14:28 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <ahoneybun> @RikMills can you share the correct and updated Kubuntu logo? I know the one that appears online has some issues? | 14:29 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <RikMills> | 14:33 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <RikMills> I think | 14:33 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <RikMills> Yes, that is the svg that someone fixed for us a few years ago | 14:35 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Perfect thanks @RikMills | 14:36 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <ahoneybun> Do we think we can get a KDE Nextcloud setup? I wonder about storing things there? Unless we already have that. We also need to get the artwork for 24.04 to get a banner made for the website, social and such. | 14:36 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <RikMills> | 14:38 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> I seem to recall Ovidiu got us a KDE Next Cloud instance.. | 14:38 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Ah ha, not on my laptop | 14:38 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Will try it later, see I I still have a login | 14:38 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <ahoneybun> Mm 10Mbs is not a lot to work with. | 14:38 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> I still have a Kubuntu Drive which is shared with you guys | 14:39 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <tsimonq2> Joey personally hates me and has banned me from his comments section. Would if I could (re @ahoneybun: I just wanted to correct information. @tsimonq2 should fix this.) | 14:47 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <tsimonq2> Anyway Rick is right... All Publicity Is Good Publicity | 14:47 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Great, my KDE Login works for collaborate, that's perfect. I wonder who we need to speak to to request a shared Kubuntu Drive ? | 17:49 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <RikMills> (re @Rick_Timmis: Great, my KDE Login works for collaborate, that's perfect. I wonder who we need to speak to to request a shared Kubuntu Drive ?) | 18:27 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <Rick_Timmis> Perfect, thanks @RikMills I'll reach out | 18:27 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <RikMills> Not sure if they will, but no harm in asking | 18:28 |
valorie | just heard from Simon on Signal - he's had to duck out for a few hours | 19:13 |
sgmoore | ok | 19:14 |
ricktimmis | Hi valorie if you have a couple of minuites, could you take a look at the KDE Invent Wiki, I'd love your feedback on the Strategic Plan. | 19:16 |
ricktimmis | | 19:16 |
valorie | thank you, I was just going to ask for the link | 19:17 |
valorie | I like the overall gist | 19:19 |
valorie | ambitious but hopefully doable | 19:20 |
ricktimmis | I'm now set up the Milestones, and then build out the tasks. | 19:20 |
ricktimmis | | 19:20 |
ricktimmis | Yes, we're going to need to rally our community and get their help. | 19:21 |
ricktimmis | But, I figure we need to define what they can help with first, then ask em to help us | 19:21 |
valorie | I'm happy we are still working on KDE infra | 19:21 |
valorie | I think it is as important to stay close with KDE as it is to be close with Ubuntu | 19:22 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <sgmoore> Yes | 19:22 |
valorie | historically, all our devels were both | 19:22 |
ricktimmis | 100% ^ that | 19:23 |
valorie | which has helped us | 19:23 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <ahoneybun> I think it's a bit much for a year but it's good goals to a degree | 19:27 |
ricktimmis | I like the fact that you guys think it's ambitious. You're absolutely right, it is indeed ambitions. Shoot for the stars, and be cool with landing on the Moon right. | 19:29 |
valorie | amen | 19:31 |
sgmoore | amen and I see it totally do-able | 19:32 |
valorie | agreed scarlet, based on years in this community | 19:40 |
valorie | while our competitors have gotten better, that just means more choice - because free software overall is growing | 19:41 |
valorie | "linux" is no longer a weird new outlier, we're another choice | 19:42 |
valorie | "open source" as a concept is now mainstream | 19:43 |
valorie | etc. | 19:43 |
sgmoore | yep | 19:49 |
sgmoore | alright, major storm blowing in. I need to make sure everything is buttoned down. Be back in a bit. | 19:51 |
ricktimmis | Folks, I'm wrapping up for today. I've mostly been adding stuff to KDE Invent today. I've backlogged the KDE Sysadmin as an open task. | 22:40 |
IrcsomeBot_ | <tsimonq2> I've been watching from the sidelines today, thank you Scarlett, Rick, and Aaron (plus anyone I may have forgot)! You guys are rocking it! | 22:41 |
ricktimmis | Here is the RoadMap, with links to Milestones, and some tasks in the Milestones. | 22:45 |
ricktimmis | | 22:45 |
ricktimmis | I've not got much time tomorrow, and it's band practice in the evening, so I'll be back to do some more on Thursday ttfn | 22:46 |
arraybolt3 | tsimonq2: <3 | 22:49 |
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