
arraybolt3tsimonq2: can I upload the patched Calamares? The changes should be a no-op for us right now, they just add an extra feature that can optionally be used.00:08
arraybolt3also, how does everyone feel about me uploaded a new calamares-settings-ubuntu that ships a new calamares-settings-kubuntu package? :)00:08
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Full ACK from my end, both as a Kubuntu Member and as Lubuntu RM00:16
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> I would certainly poke in #ubuntu-release once you've uploaded it to indicate that this is a feature goal00:17
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> So sorry, I was up at 1am and frustrated with launchpad I laid back down. Upload away. Thank you so much for working on this!00:19
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Your frustration with LP is shared ;)00:19
arraybolt3Currently fighting with localization files, so I may be a bit.00:20
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Does Kubuntu have pkgselect too?00:21
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Or did you leave that disabled for now? :)00:21
arraybolt3I left it disabled because the font rendering engine in Kubuntu made it look absolutely cursed.00:23
arraybolt3I don't know what Qt Quick setting you enabled but it made it look like someone had put it in a frontloading washer and ran it through the spin cycle.00:24
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Ouch!00:26
arraybolt3It's really weird - it looks OK in Lubuntu, I think it must be KDE's font hinting or something that made it go bonkers.00:27
arraybolt3well, I have the packaging made, but sadly LP is still acting up and I can't upload to the archive.01:15
arraybolt3I'll probably give it a shot tomorrow.01:15
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Sounds good01:34
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> Hey :D11:38
BluesKajHi all13:25
arraybolt3I believe I finally have almost-Ubiquity-like full disk encryption working. When encryption is disabled, the boot and root partitions are by default merged. When encryption is enabled, /boot is split off into a separate partition and left decrypted while root is encrypted.19:02
arraybolt3Required two patches to Cala to get it work, one of which may be downstream-only, but it seems to work.19:02
arraybolt3I'm going to do one more test install, then upload everything. I'll need someone's help getting Calamares seeded in Kubuntu.19:09
arraybolt3(and the appropriate config package)19:09
sgmooreI can add to seed19:14
valorieoh I love that this is moving!19:25
arraybolt3well don't get too excited just yet, I may have just hit an upstream bug when BTRFS and LUKS and unencrypted /boot are all combined :(19:32
arraybolt3but when the filesystem is ext4 it worked yesterday and I can't comprehend how any of my patches could have broken this19:32
arraybolt3I'mma try an ext4 install and see what happens, and also try a Lubuntu install with manual partitioning and no patches and see if either one can reproduce this fine mess.19:33
arraybolt3sgmoore: when you do (not now though), please *don't* remove Ubiquity as that could break boot. We're going to have this odd situation with dual installers until I get casper sorted out.19:34
arraybolt3probably not anything you didn't know already, just saying since I was thinking about it.19:34
sgmooreNope, didn't know. Thanks for the heads up!19:37
arraybolt3sure enough, with ext4 the bug doesn't trigger19:41
arraybolt3so, assuming that manual partitioning doesn't make the bug vanish, we should see it reproduce in Lubuntu here shortly19:41
* arraybolt3 watches my laptop's memory pressure slowly rise as I run five operating systems on it at the same time19:41
arraybolt3ok, well it works with ext4, so that's good enough for now, with Feature Freeze coming we can (and need to) take the "release it and patch it later" approach, so that's what I'm going to do.19:42
arraybolt3haha, bug reproduced with no new patches!19:44
valorieonly a true devel would be delighted by "bug reproduced"19:45
arraybolt3heh, all I cared about was that I wasn't the one who broke it :P19:45
arraybolt3patched Calamares uploaded, I have one last experiment to do before finalizing the draft Kubuntu configuration and uploading it.19:53
arraybolt3🚀 calamares-settings-ubuntu uploaded with new calamares-settings-kubuntu binary package included!20:05
arraybolt3that last one's probably going to depwait all over the place since I made it Depend on an equal-to-or-newer version of Calamares as the one I just uploaded to ensure all the right features are there, but we can live with that.20:07
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Do I add to seed now or ?20:09
arraybolt3probably not yet, but soon20:09
arraybolt3(once they finish migrating to the -release pocket, I would say)20:09
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Okay20:16
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Issue 2281 in calamares/calamares "LUKS + BTRFS + unencrypted /boot partition made by manual partitioning = unbootable system" [Open]20:22
arraybolt3sgmoore: I took the liberty of editing the body of the "Switch to Calamares" post so that it shows the current progress that's been made. Is that OK, or should I be tracking that sort of thing in comments instead?21:02
sgmooreBody is just fine! Thanks!21:11
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arraybolt3Currently hacking on that BTRFS failure.21:49
arraybolt3made progress on the BTRFS boot failure, not enough to reach a solution but enough that the devs may be able to figure out a solution.22:19
sgmooreEnough apparmor profile fun for one day, off to ride out the "atmospheric river" See you all tomorrow!22:32
arraybolt3o/ thanks for everything!22:32
sgmoorethank you!!!22:33

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