
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== Thumpxr21694 is now known as Thumpxr
Haris_I have two scenarios. one in which I extended a PV, then an LV. That LV was mounted on /. It becanme unavailable. Can it be debugged and made re-available? at least so data can be pulled out of it. Then we can delete n re-create this PV/VG/LV13:04
Haris_(2) Is it possible to have PHP 5.5 on focal? 20.04 LTS?13:05
Haris_I understand that php 5.x is eol/eos. still asking for a possible way around13:05
oerheksPHP5.5 is EOL, even ondrej ppa does not have it https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/+index?field.series_filter=focal&batch=75&memo=75&start=7513:12
Haris_it has 5.613:21
Haris_Let's hope it works13:21
=== sdeziel_ is now known as sdeziel
tewardanyone know where i should report issues with installer stuff?  noticed that in the latest netplan.io update a fiercer permission set is required for netplan yaml files than the installer creates14:54
tewardshould I file against the subiquity package or is there somewhere else for those?  (yes this is a security-related bug but it won't land in -updates)14:55
teward(or -security)14:55
dbungertteward: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+filebug please15:01
tewarddbungert: ack, i'll mark it as a Security bug but then public it because there's nothing secret in it, it just has a conflict now with default-netplan-permissions vs. now expected netplan permissions15:02
tewarddbungert: filed15:11
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
tewarddbungert: thanks for putting that on foundations' ToDo18:37
dbungertteward: welcome!18:37

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