
tanathit can work depending on how the usb is formatted, and how the iso works. it works for windows isos and i've seen it both work and not work for different linux isos00:00
bigfatnoob2tanath in what format should the usb be formatted ?00:01
tanathit's not so much about the filesystem. you shouldn't have to worry about that. but there's a hybrid mode you can set it to be which makes it boot more like a hdd. i only know how to change it to hybrid mode with a syslinux tool though00:02
tanathand again, that likely would need admin00:03
tanathso if the iso isn't made in a way that supports it, you'll need admin. if it doesn't work you can try another distro iso and see if you can find one that works00:04
bigfatnoob2i'm trying a cousin of ubuntu00:08
stats4647Hi - I'd like to drop a shell script in /etc/cron.hourly and have it run as a particular (non-root) user. What's the best way to get that done?00:36
rboxstats4647: add an entry to /etc/crontab and don't put it in cron.hourly00:49
rboxor put it in the user's crontab00:49
rboxor make a timer and specify the service runs as a user00:49
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stats4647rbox: thanks but doesn't really answer the question ...00:56
rboxput a second sdcript somewhere else00:57
rboxand call it with su or sudo00:57
rboxthat can be put in cron.hourly00:57
ravagecreate a script in that folder. make it executable. use "sudo -u username yourcommand"00:57
stats4647ok, thank you both01:00
leftyfbstats4647: I would suggest creating a systemd service file and a timer01:12
tanathwouldn't it be simpler and easier to use the user's crontab?01:13
leftyfbslightly. Though simple and easy isn't always the best solution01:14
tanathshould be here01:17
semHow does sudo -u username yourcommand work if the user has a password? Would it need to go in the root crontab?02:02
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rboxusually when you run it as root it doesnt propmt02:03
rboxhe was asking about putting it in roots02:04
leftyfbsem: if you're using sudo in the cron script, then don't add it to the user's cron. Add it to root's cron02:07
JanC'runuser' might be more appropriate than 'sudo' for use in root cron?02:12
tanath`man crontab` says:  Note that su(8) can confuse crontab and that if you are running inside of su(8) you should always use the -u option for safety's sake.02:14
tanathand there's no need for sudo if you just put it in the user's crontab02:15
rboxthats whaat i said to begi nwith02:18
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alkisgHi all, after running `ufw allow 53` on my LAN DNS server, how is it possible that I see this in the logs?04:01
alkisg[208223.242325] [UFW BLOCK] IN=bond0 OUT= MAC=e4:1d:2d:df:70:00:b6:d0:04:02:00:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=96 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=53 DPT=60420 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=004:01
alkisgOr this, where I'm the DST: [208191.448228] [UFW BLOCK] IN=bond0 OUT= MAC=e4:1d:2d:df:70:00:74:56:3c:5a:83:82:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=44872 DPT=53 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 RST URGP=004:02
rboxdid you actually apply the changes?04:04
bparkerwhat does 'allow 53' even mean? source port? destination? tcp? udp?04:05
alkisgrbox: yes, they're applied04:06
rboxthen you have some other rule thats hitting first04:06
alkisgAFAIK allow 53 means destination port = 5304:06
alkisgI only have allow rules, no deny rules. Of course the last implied rule is deny by default.04:07
bparkerdestination port = 53.. where? input? output? forward?04:07
rboxthen its not applied04:09
alkisgrbox, this is the output of `ufw status`: https://termbin.com/0nqr04:11
alkisgI thought it's just `ufw allow... ufw enable`, did I miss anything?04:11
rboxdns is udp04:13
rboxwait, what is your ip?04:14
alkisgDNS is UDP until a reply packet exceeds 512 bytes; then systemd-resolved switches to TCP. My DNS server is
rboxwhat is your ip04:15
alkisgThat's my IP,, I'm the DNS server in these logs04:16
rboxwhat is the output of iptables -vL04:16
alkisgrbox: the output is in https://termbin.com/pvg5, but in the meantime I also ran `ufw allow from any to port 53`; that seemed to help; it'll show up in the iptables output04:18
rboxwell then problem solved04:21
alkisgYes, although I can't explain why... :D04:23
alkisgMaybe "allow port 53" means SPT= in some cases, and DPT= in other cases, depending on the chain?04:23
tanathalkisg: the first log entry is because it was in traffic to port 60420 which isn't allowed. doesn't matter the source port is 5304:52
tanaththe second one might be from before you applied the rule?04:52
alkisgtanath: thank you; no, the "allow 53" rule was applied before enabling ufw. Maybe it's a "reply after the TCP connection was closed"; I think ufw denies them by default05:07
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[twisti]what is the correct place to add my ~/.local/bin to my users path ?10:51
[twisti](i got different answers on google and some that i tried didnt work, so i figured id ask here for the right way)10:51
tanathif you install python it should already be in your path10:52
oerheksif local/bin was not already in your $PATH; export PATH="NEWPATH:$PATH"11:10
[twisti]tanath: i have python installed and it is not in my path. oerheks i know HOW to set it, im asking WHERE11:42
tanathin your shell rc11:42
tanatheg., if zsh, then ~/.zshrc or a file sourced from there11:43
[twisti]right, and im asking where in ubuntu the right place for that is. via google ive arrived at ~/.profile, ~/.bash_rc, /etc/profile and some /etc folders with .d in the name11:43
tanather, actually, i think the 'right' place would be ~/.zshenv11:43
[twisti]is see, thanks11:43
[twisti]so .bashrc for me since i use bash, correct ?11:44
[twisti]would i not want ~/.local/bin to go to the end of the path though ? so nothing can shadow system commands ? or is that the actual idea behind local/bin ?11:45
tanathpresumably you'd want the ability to do so, and if you're concerned about which executable you're running you can use the path11:47
tanathand check `which foo`11:47
[twisti]fair enough12:00
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arkanoidwhy "sudo -u foo bar" is different if executed as user foo or root?12:33
versinconstantinanybody up for a conversation13:11
mandem0110versinconstantin: /join #ubuntu-offtopic13:11
BluesKajHi all13:25
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candlejackHow do I file a bug against a snap?16:15
candlejackcan I still use ubuntu-bug?16:15
ravageno. there should be a contact to the snap's maintainer on the store page16:17
candlejackThank you16:18
leftyfbcandlejack: snap info <package name> | grep contact:16:23
candlejackthanks leftyfb16:23
tomasd_Hi team, iḿ new in Lubuntu, i want to install quake 4, ¿Do you now which line need type in the console?17:54
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tomasd_amm , another question, y need chech the hd speficications, ¿How i did?17:56
tomasd_amm, another question, I need to verify the specifications of the hd, how do I do it?17:56
tomasd_hard disk17:56
tomasd_Hi Keremimo17:56
keremimoYou can install gparted17:56
keremimoHello :)17:57
CrazyTux[m]tomasd_ what do you want to know about the hard drive?17:57
tomasd_i need to know if my HDD is solid state17:58
tomasd_hi mr crazyTux!!17:58
CrazyTux[m]lshw -C disk17:59
tomasd_right now I install gparted and try lshw....18:03
oerhekshuh? gparted is standard ..18:04
tomasd_¡Thank You Mr crazy Tie!, your line works... and thank you to Keremimo for your tip18:08
keremimooerheks you are absolutely right, I forget because I mainly use KDE Plasma :)18:09
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PottyThePisserhow do i defrag21:07
bparkeryou don't21:07
bparkerthis isn't 199721:07
sarnoldhmmm.. I wonder how the various filesystems would handle filling the filesystem with an endless streak of 4k files and then deleting half of them21:13
PottyThePisserHow do i install to Fat32?21:13
sarnoldyou do not21:14
PottyThePisserwhy? its easier to mutiboot21:14
leftyfbPottyThePisser: what release of ubuntu are you running?21:18
bparkereasier? says who21:18
bparkermaybe back in 97 it was21:18
pragmaticenigmayou can "defrag" though I rarely find anything fragmented outside of my MythTV recordings folder when I do more than 2 channels recording at the same time21:27
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bparkermythtv wow haven't heard that name in decades either21:48
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elSmith-$ systemctl list-units --state=failed22:34
elSmith-  UNIT             LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION22:34
elSmith-● user@121.service loaded failed failed User Manager for UID 12122:34
elSmith-Still having this issue ^22:34
elSmith-Ubuntu Studio22:35
pragmaticenigmaelSmith-: Did you file a bug?22:37
pragmaticenigmaelSmith-: last time you were here, you said you were just going to wait for the next release and do a reinstall? Did you change your mind?22:38
oerheksor after a reinstall, does it happen again?22:39
elSmith-Didn't file a bug but was still wondering if you guys had a solution22:40
elSmith-May still do reinstall upon next lts release22:40
pragmaticenigmaelSmith-: From the previous conversation, I think everyone assumed you were going to wait until the next release and do a fresh install. https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2024/02/03/%23ubuntu.html22:41
elSmith-I haven't reinstalled yet no22:42
pragmaticenigmaI don't think there is a solution for you at this time. Filing a bug report is the best option to make sure it gets addressed for the next release. You may even want to refer to this debian bug thread: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=105324522:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Debian bug 1053245 in fluidsynth "fluidsynth: Fluidsynth starts at boot and blocks the sound device, no obvious way to disable it" [Critical, Open]22:44
elSmith-Okay then22:45
elSmith-I can start it manually maybe create a script that starts it manually on boot22:45

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