
flybackhey editing that partition.conf file worked, the installer laid off a btrfs fs instead of ext4 perfectely02:11
flybackunfortunitely when it setup luks, it defaulted to the older luks1 format instead of luks2 so looks like I gotta do another reinstall and also figure out how to force luks202:12
flybackbut thx anyways :P02:12
flyback-hey whoever sugggested I edit /etc/something/something/partition.conf before running the installer, to change the automatic partitioning to do btrfs instead of ext418:05
flyback-it worked18:05
wxlflyback-: glad to hear it all worked out :)19:04
matej_dobry vecer...XD22:28
LimeOnhello matej_22:33
matej_how is your skate life ? XD22:34
matej_kiska mode litera22:38
matej_last supper was epic mouse XD23:38
matej_paparubby is being rich23:42

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