[01:49] ananke: distro? [02:16] holmanb: ubuntu, debian, and kali. [18:39] this channel has been really quiet the past week or 2 [20:29] * meena was away for CfgMgmtCamp [20:51] meena: ah, I was looking at the schedule for that earlier in the week [23:42] minimal: I'm using an app called Cubic to customize the standard Ubuntu server ISO to point to a local location for cloud-init data. What I wonder about is if there's a way to have cloud-init install a package from the same place the user-data is. It's a 3rd-party package, not in-repo. [23:52] SuperLag: assuming you're talking autoinstall, we should take this to #ubuntu-server channel. but start with https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/reference/autoinstall-reference.html#apt and https://curtin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/apt_source.html please, that outlines the process.