[00:05] sem what is the page? [00:06] Can I dm you [00:06] (if you're logged, the page should be editable.. you need wiki-editors permissions on your launchpad id) [00:07] I can log in to launchpad. Maybe I don't have that permission any more [00:07] i can look at page if you DM me... but I may require you to give details on public/recorded site before I'll do anything [00:07] Ok sent you a dm [00:09] can you provide your launchpad page here please [00:10] Sure, one sec [00:10] * guiverc was hoping for an email or something which I could request you email me (so as to confirm it's your page)... I see little on page that is identifying except name... (some generic history) [00:10] https://launchpad.net/~semitones [00:11] It's mainly my name, location, and birth year that I regret putting there [00:12] I'll delete the page... but I'm trying to think of a way you can confirm that page is yours, currently I can't see any being my problem [00:12] I can email you from the email listed on my launchpad page if you'd like [00:13] that would be appreciated.. guiverc@ubuntu.com will do. [00:14] sent [00:16] nothing on that email indicates it was sent from launchpad (was it sent from your launchpad page? or mine (ie. https://launchpad.net/~guiverc & contact_this_user option) email just contains a gmail ID that doesn't prove page is yours [00:17] ie. if i sent myself something I get "This message was sent from Launchpad by Chris Guiver (https://launchpad.net/~guiverc)" thus I'd have confirmation the page was sent from my ID [00:18] I didn't know you could send email through launchpad - I just sent it from my email that I use to login to launchpad [00:18] I just edited my user page to remove the link - perhaps that could be proof? [00:19] (you may have had to visit my page to see the contact-this-user option...) but ... [00:20] I'll accept what you've done as proof you're https://launchpad.net/~semitones and thus click to delete page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PatrickH [00:20] Thank you :) [00:21] delete reason used is "requested delete from https://launchpad.net/~semitones via IRC (#ubuntu-doc)" [00:21] i'd give it a few secs & try again (You may want to use private/incognito etc to ensure your cache isn't using the prior view etc) [00:21] I appreciate it, thanks [00:22] by try again was meant to be viewing your (prior) wiki page [00:23] It shows as deleted for me [00:24] you're most welcome sem [00:25] thanks again, have a good one [00:25] (wiki editor access requirement was added a number of years ago due to spamming stuff being added to wiki..) [00:25] Ouch [00:25] It really was a golden age back before then :) [00:26] and I see (now) you sent an email confirming via lp too, thanks ! [00:26] Yeah thanks for pointing out that feature. I had never seen it before [00:28] mostly I want a reason to cover why I deleted a page (in the record)... beyond just confirming its the creator/owner that requested the page deletion [00:28] Ok, how about this [00:29] I was uncomfortable with the personal details in there [00:29] sorry, by "want a reason" I should have used past-tense.. you provided WHAT I NEEDED already [00:29] Ok, I understand :) [00:54] sem, i took your request as a delete... are/were you happy with that... you can request editor.access to wiki (it's not fast though).. which is this group https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wiki-editors [00:55] yes, thank you -- I will request editor access as well in case I can become more active on the wiki [00:55] (sorry if you wanted to edit.. I would have done that too on request; for some reason I focused attention to delete part of your initial request) [00:56] I actually preferred deleting [00:56] sorry I was not more clear -- I just wasn't sure if wiki pages could be deleted as easily as they could be edited/renamed, etc., [00:57] elsewhere on the wiki it strongly discourages deleting pages -- but that must apply to actual documentation