[14:05] Can I *please* get unbanned in ~discusss? [14:11] "#ubuntu-discuss: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned" [14:18] no one here?? [14:24] I have to leave, pls ping as I don't want to idle here. thanks! [15:00] sorry was eating dinner. Can I get unbanned? [15:16] mandem0110: you were insisting on calling people ignorant> You were asked to stop, and you doubled down [15:19] Oh, that. Yeah... sorry. Won't happen again. [15:21] mandem0110: I unbanned you. Please do behave :-) [15:21] Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your day. (: [15:23] still says I'm banned hggdh [15:24] hum [15:28] mandem0110: OK, try again, please [15:28] worked! thanks mate :) enjoy your day. [17:12] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- oerheks called the ops in #ubuntu () [17:13] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (bparker)