
=== JanC is now known as Guest4770
agnesthompsoni am on a very old laptop and my fan does not scale. There are no bios settings for fan speed. ubuntu 1901:38
agnesthompsonit is locked at around 80%01:38
Simoniouswhat do I do about? :01:42
SimoniousThe repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/linuxuprising/java/ubuntu mantic Release' does not have a Release file.01:43
leftyfbagnesthompson: Ubuntu 19.04 and 19.10 are both End of Life and unsupported. I suggest upgrading to 22.0401:43
rboxremove it01:43
Simoniousbeen trying, not sure how, that's the part I need help with01:43
rboxits in /etc/apt/sources.list.d01:44
agnesthompsonit crashes after around 5 mins if the os is not 32 bit even though the cpu is 64 bit01:44
leftyfbagnesthompson: upgrade01:45
Simoniousrbox: thanks, that appears to have resolved the problem.01:46
agnesthompsonleftyfb: could you recommend a fan control script01:47
leftyfbagnesthompson: I recommend you install a supported release of ubuntu01:48
agnesthompsonit crashes01:48
Guest79hey gus02:18
Guest79can everyone go offline02:18
Guest79my friend is sharing me a private linl02:18
mackyerm, ok02:23
shasta_da fuq02:26
mackybash.org type thing02:28
semDebian still makes 32 bit images, if that Agnes person comes back03:13
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yrdsbWhat the harder Linux distro03:51
lotuspsychjewe dont take polls here yrdsb03:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:51
yrdsbLotus remember k lines on libera chat03:53
bparkerTIL asking a question is automatically a poll03:53
mackyprobably a species of penguins03:58
edyrdsb: making your own linux distro04:33
edor gentoo04:33
querulant /join #ubuntu-de05:17
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voldialHow do I install get-edid on 20.04.6? `apt-cache search edid` returns nothing... I found the edid-decode snap install, but it didnt install the read-edid quazi dep...07:57
nikolamI am on 22.04 LTS and I migrated whole drive with 'dd ' from 512GB SATA SSD on one machine, to TwinMOS Nvme m.2 512GB SSD , now on HP 800 G3 SFF System boots in Legacy mode, non-UEFI.08:01
nikolamAnd I get this kind of BTRFS error messages on Btrfs partition (/) , I also have Windows 10 dual-boot on first partition and it boots in legacy mode and works.08:02
nikolam[ 6154.039447] BTRFS warning (device nvme0n1p3): csum failed root 2459 ino 24711559 off 6008832 csum 0x43e7c437 expected csum 0x06801007 mirror 108:02
nikolam[ 6154.039451] BTRFS error (device nvme0n1p3): bdev /dev/nvme0n1p3 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 103576061, gen 008:02
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nikolamAlso on a laptop, where I also have dual-boot i tried updating from 23.04 I think to 23.10 . All worked well, excepr I choosed to retain GRUB settings (for default GRUB does not password-protect Ubuntu Linux install, so everyone with the access to PC can hack it in 2 mins)08:13
nikolamSo I \choosed to retain GRUb settings and were greeted with inability to dual-boot after update, it boots every time to default target, Windows 10.08:14
nikolamSo 2 things, default GRUB in Ubuntu for over a decade does not protect Ubuntu machine from gaining root on startup, simply becasue GRUB is unprotected.  And 2. update procedure for distribution does not recognize custom GRUB settings for protecting GRUB with password and fails to reinstall GRUB after distribution upgrade.08:15
amcsihey, an app is starting on startup, but I don't want it to. It's not showing up in gnome-session-properties. I'm using Xubuntu 22.0408:44
younderI use cockpit a web interface for system monitoring and administration (https://cockpit-project.org). If you have that installed yo can go into Services and see/turn off what services are running at startup.08:50
younderYou can also see if something failed to run.08:51
amcsiyounder, thanks. unfortunately I couldn't fine the app that autostarts in services08:57
younderThere is no autostarts, but if you click a on service that is running you get a menu ... where you can deactivate it.08:59
Thor-x86Greetings all!09:33
Thor-x86The chat looks empty, or perhaps something wrong with my end so I can't see your chats?09:33
nteodosioThor-x86, IRC does not serve a scroll back to joiners.09:34
chmdHello! Since my last update, my network is failing randomly after a while. I am having a hard time figuring out what is wrong, since I can't find logs to confirm that. All I know is that if I ping any host by name, I get "temporary failure in name resolution" and if I ping by ip (e.g. or even a local host in 192.168, I get "Destination host unreachable"09:38
chmdany idea how to track down the root cause?09:39
Parismaybe a bad driver update.09:39
Parisis it WIFI network?09:39
chmdit is on wifi09:40
chmdI noticed that the connection was getting laggy, so I deactivated powersave09:41
chmdbut how to confirm that? which logs to look at?09:41
Parischeck with dmesg09:43
Paristo see if you have some errors, and dmesg | grep -i wifi09:43
Paristhen iwconfig to see if your interface is actually available09:43
Paristhen you need to know what hardware it is, like a realtek chip 88XX or something, i would suspect the driver update is wrong...bcause i had this issue also before, it's not unusual.09:45
Parissince you disabled powersaving.09:45
chmddmesg | grep -i wifi returns nothing09:45
chmdfor iwconfig, I will wait for the next network failur09:46
Parissudo dmesg | grep -i err09:46
Parisbut someone may help better cause i don't have a native linux here, i would try to check the driver and version and look online, the better thing to do is to get back to the old version that was working ofc if noone can help.09:48
Pariskernel version rollback with the old drivers.09:48
chmdParis: https://dpaste.com/7GP2PXWMT no error... I am not sure it is a driver problem09:54
chmdI am leaning towards a problem between systemd and NetworkManager09:55
chmdbut I have not found a way to prove it so far09:55
Paristry to disable entirely the power saving from the systemd09:57
Parissudo systemctl disable ...09:58
Parisbut i don't remember the service name...power something09:58
Parissystemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled09:58
Parisand see the power saving related things maybe or other.09:59
chmdParis: I mean I know how to disable power saving in the wifi card, but I do not want to because it becomes all laggy and there is no indication that this is the cause of my problem10:01
chmdI did it by creating this file https://dpaste.com/2SD8J3JQ710:02
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FKAShinobi_Is there any software in the repos that can organize photos automatically with facial recognition like google photos?13:52
ioriaFKAShinobi_, never tried, but you can check  picasa-snap13:55
AryanI have problems with cgroup in 20.0414:35
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Aryan I have this service file, I want to use cgroup in my service file: https://paste.rs/ctm2R.txt --  I've done daemon-reload, but still stress-ng is able to use 90% of CPU1.  I can see the service using the slice systemd-cgls,14:38
Aryan  └─p1.service14:38
Aryan    ├─45403 /usr/bin/stress-ng -c 1 -l 9014:38
Aryan    └─45404 stress-ng-cpu     .14:38
Aryansystemctl status output: https://paste.rs/HuuAe.txt14:38
JanCAryan: CPUShares would only matter when it's competing with other services for the CPU, right?14:55
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lotuspsychjehowto list all installed packages on a system for the universe repo only?15:42
oerheksdpkg --list | grep "^i" | awk '{print $2}' | while read P ; do D=$(apt-cache policy ${P} | grep "universe" | head -1) ; if [[ ${#D} -gt 0 ]] ; then echo "${P}:${D}" ; fi ; done15:47
AryanJanC, +++15:48
lotuspsychjeoerheks: tnx omg, thats a lot15:48
oerheksother solutions use aptitude..15:48
TabmowIs there a way to not have the software store ask for my password when I'm updating/installing apps? I already have an entry in sudoers that doesn't require a password which works for apt etc. via bash but I guess this is different somehow15:49
ioriatoo slow....15:51
ioriadpkg -l | awk '{print $2}'| xargs apt-cache policy | grep universe -B 515:51
lotuspsychjeah nice tnx ioria aswell15:52
lotuspsychjethat looks clean15:52
oerheksTabmow, no idea, the sudoers trick indeed only works for tty AFAIK15:53
lotuspsychjeioria oerheks seems like making a system without packages installed from universe is gonna be hard..15:54
ioriai believe so.... how comes you need it ?15:54
oerheksindeed, and without PRO one must rethink safety too15:54
ioriacustomer request ?15:55
lotuspsychjeioria: i was just wondering, as i dont want bug #204777815:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2047778 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Software Updater unable to cancel Ubuntu Pro upgrade" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204777815:55
ygk_12345Hi all15:56
lotuspsychjewelcome ygk_1234515:57
ioriai don't think all universe pkgs have a thing with PRO15:57
ygk_12345can someone explain to me why this command is failing ? I am trying to ssh to a remote server from an ubuntu machine and trying to pass the password thru a unix pipe like this:  ssh <IP> | echo "password"15:57
lotuspsychjeioria: me neither, but howto find out eh?15:58
ygk_12345lotuspsychje Hi15:58
iorialotuspsychje, you diff the apt full-upgrade output with the list we got above15:59
ygk_12345any unix piping or ssh experts here ?15:59
oerheksygk_12345, use something like sshpass? sshpass -p 'YourPassword' ssh user@host >> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/38737/ssh-login-with-clear-text-password-as-a-parameter16:01
oerheksbut sending pass over the net like that is questionable, i would use SSH keys for that16:01
ygk_12345oerheks I want to do it without using sshpass or expect using only unix pipes16:01
ygk_12345oerheks its for our local network machines only16:02
ygk_12345so no concern for security here16:02
iorialotuspsychje, in my case, the Pro pkgs are 27 and the universe pkgs are more than 100016:02
lotuspsychjeioria: i see16:04
iorialotuspsychje, for a regular Desktop exp , i think universe is quite mandatory16:06
lotuspsychjeyeah, we will see where this is going ioria16:07
oerheksthat does not mean that those 1000 packages are not actively maintained?16:08
JanCPro only does (some) security updates, not even (other) bug fixes, so obviously the number of packages from Pro repositories would be much smaller16:10
JanCit's probably not a good idea to use UNIX pipes when you don't even understand the basics of how they work...16:19
zteamHello, is Graphics drivers ppa supported here ? I'm trying to install Nivida driver 550 bit I get dependecy issues16:38
ubottuDrivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers16:38
lotuspsychjezteam: usualy your system will pick the reccomended driver for your card16:39
lotuspsychjezteam: feel free to !paste your dependency errors with the volunteers here in the channel16:40
=== meLon is now known as earthmeLon
oerhekswhy not use the 550 from the original repo?16:41
zteamoerheks, is it there? I searched for it as late as yesterdday :-O16:42
oerhekshmm, not in jammy16:43
zteamlotuspsychje, In this case I need to try the 550 becuase older versions is making my system unable to turn on the screen after suspending the machine, this goes away if I uninstall the nvidia drivers but I need them to get decent performance out my 980 vard16:46
zteamoerheks, well, Jammy user here ;-)16:46
oerheksoh, tons suspend issues with nvidia and withwifi, i hope that driver might fix that16:47
oerhekszteam, does the driver ppa work?16:47
zteamoerheks, nope cant' install it pasting info right now16:48
zteamSysinfo here ste.com/4HPD3CQUT16:48
zteamdpkg compains about not being able to install nvidia-dkms-55016:50
oerheksUbuntu 23.10 is notjammy16:51
oerhekshow did you get 6.7?? that might be your culprit16:52
oerhekseven next noble 24.04LTS is still at 6.616:52
zteamoerheks, right my mistake, I used the mainline repo for adding that kernel as I needed to solve another issue, from 23.10 Ubuntu refuses to power down my machine properly using the mainline kernel worksaround that issue, the issue with suspend were there before switching to mainline kernel16:56
zteamerrors from trying to install nvidia 550 driver comes here https://dpaste.org/dAKZk16:56
lotuspsychjezteam: mainline kernels are for testing purposes, not daily use16:58
lotuspsychjezteam: if you want a stable nvidia driver experience, you might want to test that on 23.10 default/current kernel version16:58
zteamlotuspsychje, sure but in that case I can't power down the machine correctly instead :-/17:00
oerheksUbuntu gives the Snap Daemon 90 seconds to stop, known issue17:02
oerheksthere is a fix; https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/03/fix-ubuntu-slow-shutdowns-snap-daemon17:02
oerheks#DefaultTimeoutStopSec=90s to something *17:02
zteamyesterday I was adviced to try the unstable kernel instead of mainline, but I guess I can't  nvidia 550 there either17:04
oerheksno, the driver ppa is build against GA kernels, if you want to use mainline, build nvidia from source17:05
oerheksalso i gave a fix for slow shutdown, though it should not happen every session17:06
zteamoerheks, Well, I gave my machine 30 minutes, and was still awake, using mainline kernel it turns off within a few seconds17:07
bparkerthe better fix is apt purge snapd *runs*17:07
oerhekshahahahaha bparker17:08
leftyfbbparker: lets not17:08
bparkeryea lets not run backdoors on our system please17:08
leftyfbbparker: lets not17:08
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt17:09
leftyfbsnapd is not a back door in any sense of the phrase. Do not spread false information here17:09
bparkerit's not FUD it's the literal definition. even FSF agrees17:09
ioriazteam, looks like a specific problem of 6.7.317:09
leftyfbbparker: stop17:09
bparkerand linux mint since they dropped it completely for that exact reason17:09
zteambparker, well, lots of packages depends on snapd (firefox is just one example, so its likely to be reinstalled by the system again17:09
bparkeryou can hold it17:09
bparkerleftyfb: relax it's fine17:10
bparker"acting, without your consent, as a backdoor"17:10
oerheksbparker, please troll elsewere17:11
bparkerI'm not trolling I'm just relaying well-known published information17:11
leftyfbbparker: that's enough FUD and misinformation from you17:11
leftyfbpublished != factual17:11
bparkerit's still true though17:11
zteamioria, if you mean installing the nvidia driver then yes, I should have catched that issue, myself, but I was too tired yesterdasy17:11
bparkerand please don't talk to me like I'm a child17:11
leftyfbthen stop acting like a child and spreading false information17:12
bparkerI'm not17:12
ogra_bparker, do you have any valid support question to ask ?17:12
leftyfbyou are. stop17:12
oerheksbparker, please follow the channel rules.17:12
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant17:12
bparkerwhat a bunch of babies17:12
bparkercall the wambulance somebody is upset at words on a screen17:13
leftyfb!op | bparker17:13
ubottubparker: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant17:13
bparkerI hope you find happiness one day17:13
bparkerand the ignore button17:14
zteamoerheks, building nvidia driver from source works, but then I have to recompile it with every kernel change instaed, I try fixing snap instead17:14
ogra_bparker, can you let it go please, i really hate having to look up the runes to kick/ban people in here ...17:14
zteambparker, please join #ubuntusnap,0 to discusss this issue futher17:15
elbit late17:15
leftyfbzteam: that's not an active channel17:17
elthe 0 would make them leave channels17:18
elbecause /join 0 is how you part channels while still being connected17:19
eljust so you know, don't recommend disruptive trick commands like that17:19
zteamleftyfb, no, if go you any channel containing ,0 some irc clients will exit all other channels17:20
zteamel well, considering how that guy behaved he deserved it :D but yes I agree it's a dirty trick17:22
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elyeah the problem is that commands like that will get unintended people trying it17:22
zteamel, yes, you are right about that part, didn't think of that, I should have posted it as a private message, with that being said, It usually doesn't work with good clients such as hexchat17:24
elanyway, resume previous conversation now that he's gone17:25
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
zteamel yep, I'm trying to revert to the official kernel now17:34
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prometi am on ubuntu 22.04. i recently upgraded to openssl 3.0.2 and this seems to have broken my openvpn connections. has anyone else seen this?18:26
Paristry to remove the .openvpn config and try to connect again maybe18:32
Parisor eventually remove --purge openvpn then reinstall, will reset it all18:33
zteamI'm back again,  installing the ubuntu kernel again nad teaking snapd seems to have fixed the powerdown issues but even with -Nvidia 550 I can't resume from suspend18:55
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GrandPa-GI am trying to change desktops to XFCE. This is current https://dpaste.com/FY2WWJW6E. I can install xfce4 but it always goes back to the same desktop after reboot. What do I need to uninstall?20:05
oerheksGrandPa-G, logout, change desktop, login again20:19
oerheksone can add a desktop, easily, but removing one can be interesting20:19
GrandPa-GI am using remote desktop to a headless box. I never see a login screen.20:20
leftyfbGrandPa-G: why do you need a desktop on this remote machine?20:20
oerheksfind a way to get there?20:20
oerheksssh in as root?20:20
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, I am not sure the why is important. It is just a given for now.20:23
oerheksor start all over with xubuntu .20:24
leftyfbGrandPa-G: because there might be better, more efficient and more secure ways of accomplishing your end goal20:25
GrandPa-Gleftyfb, it is just a test machine. If you don't have a suggestion on how do this, that is ok.20:26
oerheksi find no way to force next boot into an other desktop...20:27
PenguinRambocan you recommend me math books guys?22:16
PenguinRambosomeone is here?22:17
oerhekswrong channel for that, find the #math channels?22:18
PenguinRamboi didn't find the math channels22:18
PenguinRambobut it's ok22:19
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»22:19
PenguinRambook, thanks22:19
PenguinRambowhat OS are you using guys?22:19
oerheksnot the same jokes as in #linux, thanks22:20
PenguinRamboI'm not usign ubuntu for now22:21
PenguinRamboI'm using windows22:21
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