torv | pjosh: Look into "gaming on linux" and "linux native" [1]. For non-native "WINE" [2] and "Proton" [3] are helpful runners. Managers like "Lutris" can help streamline setup. | 00:05 |
torv | pjosh: Lists of games and compatibility: [1], [2], [3] | 00:05 |
torv | pjosh: What's "good" likely is a subjective pick of yours but the given lists hopefully lend a hand finding one. | 00:06 |
stuv | hey folks, i try to change they keyboard settings from my terminal with no luck, i edit the file .config/xfce4/termain/accuml.. but nothing changes | 02:17 |
stuv | they allways switch back to normal after quiting xfce4-terminal, i also tried xterm but with the same result | 02:18 |
stuv | wait i test something | 02:19 |
stuv | i tried it now with xterm | 02:22 |
stuv | but after every change of the file accels.scm the file is back in it's original stage | 02:23 |
stuv | also if no xfce4-terminal is open | 02:23 |
stuv | so how on heal do i change this file without it getting back to default stage ???? | 02:25 |
yo | hello9 | 07:37 |
yo | whats up niggas | 07:37 |
yo | broooo where tf are te people | 07:38 |
yo | ok im so sorry about mi form of talking | 07:38 |
yo | bye my bbs | 07:39 |
razif | huh? | 11:21 |
gyphage | Bonour | 11:26 |
gyphage | +j | 11:26 |
gyphage | Une petite question pratique. | 11:26 |
gyphage | Un collegue part quelques jours en egypte. Il aimerai pouvoir continuer de travailler en ligne avec son reseau français. | 11:26 |
gyphage | Mais l'internet egyptien etant controlé par l'etat. What's app ne fonctionera pas la bas. | 11:26 |
gyphage | auriez vous une idée? les reseaux ad-hoc du printemps sont ils toujous d'actualités? | 11:27 |
diogenes_Vx15 | !fr | gyphage | 11:28 |
ubottu | gyphage: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci. | 11:28 |
gyphage | Oh sorry, i made always same error | 12:03 |
gyphage | forgot to join | 12:03 |
PeGaSuS | currently trying to upgrade to Xubuntu 24.04 on my HP Pavilion M6 (2012, iirc) | 14:09 |
PeGaSuS | I'll report back possible failure/success/errors :D | 14:10 |
PeGaSuS | all seems to work normally | 15:00 |
detlef | diogenes_Vx15, diogenes_ Thanks for your hint about using xanmod, but my system still does not fully comes back after going to sleep | 19:35 |
diogenes_Vx15 | detlef, run: inxi -Fxxc0 | nc 9999 | 19:36 |
diogenes_Vx15 | share the output. | 19:36 |
detlef | diogenes_, diogenes_Vx15 What i found out so far: When using busybox-static in /run/user/1000 on VT1 before goint to sleep, that VT is alive after wakeup. | 19:38 |
detlef | | 19:39 |
detlef | inxi with sudo: | 19:41 |
diogenes_Vx15 | detlef, try this and see if this wakes it up from suspend: sudo modprobe amdgpu | 19:47 |
detlef | VT1 works for a short time, until systemd-journald floods the console or any a busybox builtin generates a failure (Bus Error). | 19:47 |
detlef | even a "ls -al /" inside ash from busybox-static fails with "Bus Error" (or a "mount" or a "df -h"...) | 19:49 |
detlef | what i saw from /pros/mounts: my root partition is mounted "ro" | 19:51 |
detlef | diogenes_Vx15, i try the modprobe and report shortly.. | 19:52 |
detlef | diogenes_Vx15, The system reports "Bus Error", and then the VT is dead (reports "Bus Error" for every following command) | 20:33 |
diogenes_ | detlef: I'll be busy today, come back tomorrow, or maybe someone else could assist you today. | 20:35 |
detlef | Thanks diogenes_ so far. Will stay online. | 20:36 |
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