
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|29error shim lock protocol not found06:53
BluesKajHi all14:04
user|98Hi, I downloaded kubuntu from site and install it on flash disk via etcher, I want to use it on my laptop without reinstalling system on it, can I use it this way? Just starting with flash14:04
diogenes_Vx15user|98, if it boots then most definetely you can use it.14:06
user|98diogenes_Vx15 I'm just scared that I accidentally reinstall my system on hard drive, sorry, never did smthing like this, kubuntu will give me choice to use it from usb or install on hard drive when I will start laptop?14:09
diogenes_Vx15of, yourse, when you boot from USB drive you just boot into a live session which runs entirely from the USB drive and RAM and it doesn't touch your HDD/SSD or any of your main system.14:10
user|98oh thank you!!14:11
TomyWorkI just accidentally put my password into a chat window instead of unlocking my screen. luckily it was with someone I trust and they were also online and the chat application allows deleting messages, so all is well. But that prompted me to find out why my screen isn't locked when it goes to powersave. I think it's Power Management -> Energy Saving -> On AC Power -> Suspend Session. But I'm wondering, is there a general setting that ensures that power14:14
TomyWorksaving means screen locking?14:14
TomyWorkI think I remember some setting like "require password after N seconds" in kubuntu 18.04, which I can't find in 22.04 anymore14:15
TomyWorkah nm that's under workspace behaviour -> screen locking14:16
TomyWorkand there's a general setting on the same page, but it only allows me to set it to lock after N minutes or after waking from sleep14:17
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
=== martin__ is now known as Antoniooo__

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