
lubot[telegram] <guiverc> just FYI:   but I'm not worried about the jammy.4 checklist; we've made no changes so its mostly just updated packages, thus I'm not expecting any issues with jammy.4, so testing.checklist down awhile I don't see an issue. (re @Leokolb: Am patient and understood - tks and take care)10:35
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Agree ..I have made a few tests and have also a record of them ..and yes no changes have been made - so we are good as is. (re @guiverc: just FYI:   but I'm not worried about the jammy.4 checklist; we've made no changes so its mostly just updated packages, thus I'm not expecting any issues with jammy.4, so testing.checklist down awhile I don't see an issue.)12:10
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