
lotuspsychjewelcome webchat89 14:26
webchat89Hello. I have opened a bug report with a upstream (Xfce) developer and he was kind enough to actually fix the issue and patched version of the package is on its way into Debian Unstable. My question is -> the issue is with a package in Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble). Shall I also open a bug report with Ubuntu or it is not necessary ? I am asking because I14:27
webchat89would like to see this fix arriving into final Noble release. Thank you.14:27
lotuspsychjewebchat89: can you share the upstream bug ID in question please, maybe volunteers might have a better idea what to do14:27
webchat89lotuspsychje Of course. https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-notifyd/-/issues/12114:28
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Issue 121 in apps/xfce4-notifyd "xfce4-notifyd 0.9.3 - notification bell doesn't change for unread/new notifications" [Closed]14:28
lotuspsychjewebchat89: i assume that bug looks like its in good hands already, pretty active14:33
lotuspsychjebut you could try talking to someone from the #xubuntu team about it too14:34
webchat89lotuspsychje Yep. To be honest I was really surprised how quick the response was :)14:34
webchat89lotuspsychje Will do. Thank you.14:34
lotuspsychjewebchat89: also feel free to idle in here, for more noble testing/debug14:35
webchat89lotuspsychje All right. I actually have some booting issue. My PC gets stuck at ""EFI stub: Loaded initrd from LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID device path" when doing cold boot. After reset it actually boots ok. I have a dual boot and Windows have no issue at all.14:37
lotuspsychjewebchat89: there's a launchpad link for that package too, but nothing noble https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=014:37
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
webchat89BTW will a final Ubuntu 24.04 installer support LVM + luks ?15:00

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