
lunaa new podcast episode today?08:13
lunagot an answer on Mastodon its out now08:46
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer
Juestwhat's happening with keyserver.ubuntu.com?22:24
Juestsomehow my secring.gpg is getting nulled when i run --refresh-keys22:24
sarnoldJuest: that's very weird indeed https://paste.debian.net/1306823/23:50
Juestsarnold: oops, i meant to say that the keyring corrupts when i refresh keys23:51
Jueston a different distro23:51
sarnoldJuest: heh, i figured that you might have meant pubring instead..23:51
Juestusing latest gpg23:51
Juestyeah probably23:51
Jueststill, very weird that it still happens after recreating it multiple times23:52
Juestand even rebooted23:52

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