[00:18] Hi guys, i dont understand very well the console, i need to instal samsung ml2020 drivers, and in the official page for drivers i download the driver, but, y cant instal them, ¿Which line need type? [00:19] what did you download, what did you try, what does "i can't" mean [00:21] what is a Samsung ml2020 ? [00:22] oh, printer? [00:22] the download is a tar.gz? [00:22] should work when the 'printer-driver-splix' package is installed AFAIK [00:22] extract and run install sh >> https://www.linux.org/threads/samsung-m2020-missing-printer-driver-debian-11-solved.38434/ [00:24] Hi rbox and Janc thank you for your time, look in this link y find the drivers (https://support.hp.com/mx-es/drivers/samsung-xpress-sl-m2020-laser-printer-series/16462592) for my printer, but y cant install them [00:25] tomasd_: again, what does "i can't" mean [00:27] tomasd_: are you sure it doesn't work by default? [00:28] i download the package but, i dont understand the console ¿cant upload the picture of my desk in this space? [00:29] Samsung Unified Linux Driver Repository does not have the 2020 .. [00:29] oh, wait, is it ML2020 or M2020 ? [00:29] i have little time in lubuntu, thank you team [00:30] https://imgur.com/ if you want a screenshot, but maybe a standard pastebin would be easier, https://paste.debian.org is nice [00:30] ml2020 JanC [00:34] i'm sure, doesnt work by default [00:39] Is Kubuntu an official ubuntu flavor? [00:39] SPL printers like that one should work out of the box with the open source splix driver, and that is normally installed by default... :-/ [00:42] oerheks: there is a repository for those drivers? [00:43] elSmith-: https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours [00:43] Thanks [00:44] the download from the official site is that same unified linux driver, so it should work [00:59] oerheks: is this what you were referring to: https://www.bchemnet.com/suldr/ ? === Ext-rn is now known as Extern [04:30] (22.04 apt update always reports: "Memtest86+ needs a 16-bit boot, that is not available on EFI, exiting" memtest86+ appears to be automatically installed (APT-Manual-Installed: no) so should it work from the boot menu or not? This seems inconsistent with https://memtest.org/readme which says "Memtest86+ can be loaded and run either directly by a PC BIOS (legacy or UEFI) or via an intermediate bootloader that supports the Linux 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, or EFI [04:30] handover boot protocol. It should work on any Pentium class or later 32-bit or 64-bit CPU." [04:38] hi all i need some help i use ubuntu(the latest one , on my proxmox server i installed the desktop one for some stuff i have still issues to do via command line, and i try to connect wiht remote desktop (windows software) to my server ( yes the remode desktop option is activated in share) but after i put the login and password on the aps itclose its self (wont connect) i need it to work cause i want to [04:38] install guacamole on it [04:41] you need remote desktop jsut to install soemthing? just use ssh [04:42] Q: should the installed memtest86+ work in BIOS mode, UEFI, or neither? [04:43] rbox is not just to install somthing i used the desktop version cause i still have issues with configuring network card on ssh i first try to install the server (so command line only ) but i want to use this desktop to do some linux stuff too . [04:48] "do some linux stuff"? [04:49] i mean do stuff on linux gee ok i see that i wont get help thanks for nothing bye [05:55] pickanick: the memtest86+ 5.x version in Ubuntu 22.04 doesn't support UEFI yet; you need v6.x or 7.x for that [05:56] pickanick: memtest86+ version 6.10 is available in Ubuntu 22.04 backports [06:03] pickanick: you should be able to install it with "sudo apt install memtest86+/jammy-backports" [06:07] alternatively you could install PCMemTest instead, but memtest86+ v6 is essentially a merger of memtest86+ v5 and PCMemTest [07:56] April's release of Ubuntu is the LTS, right? [07:58] mandem0110: Yes - LTS. [07:58] mandem0110, even years only, ie. 20.04, 22.04... and will be 24.04 [07:59] Thanks both :) [07:59] hello [07:59] do some message [07:59] othaa [08:29] how do I put this 22.04 in a one laptop screen only mode. .. so the cursor wont go past the edge of the screen. [08:30] it keeps falling off the ede of the sceen and offff the bed and I have to go through a lot of trouble to findit again and get it back on the screen. [08:31] Walls. I do not want open borders. [08:31] 🤦 [08:34] morgan-hp, switching OFF the "pseudo"-screen? [08:42] Tht is what I am looking to do but where is the control. I am going back to exploring the internals of settings. [08:43] I give up. I click displays, it returns here. activities is too active. groan. [08:45] g [08:46] t [08:47] salut [08:47] heyyyy what's up [08:47] bien === u_oopsa25 is now known as u_oopsa2 [09:02] morgan-hp, I will installing 22.04.3 in a vm and then I will looking for where this setting is (bad english, I know) [09:02] this may take a little bit of time [09:23] morgan-hp, it should be Settings/Displays. you are on the right way. === DocMors is now known as _DocMors === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === _SamSlater_8 is now known as _SamSlater_ === TheCaptain7 is now known as TheCaptain === pntaylor1 is now known as pntaylor === freakyy858 is now known as freakyy85 === lesbraz is now known as sbraz === u_oopsa24 is now known as u_oopsa2 [12:37] Hello, hello, where I could find some GUI one program to search for files [12:37] people in here find co\nsole command 'find' cumbersome [12:38] none of those programs I can find the apt [12:41] with the apt [12:43] the find command is what you can use on a server. on a desktop you have Thunar, etc [12:56] ahh I ended with catfish , never mind then .... [12:59] why do you find it cumbersome? [13:00] with locate and fzf you can find most things near instantly. if it's a more recently created file you can search with find using an alias to make it easy [13:01] i just ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS with PHP 8.2.15 and now the error log is complaining "attempt to connect to Unix domain socket /run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock (*:80) failed [13:01] " thoughts? [13:02] it's also complaining: failed to make connection to backend: httpd-UDS [13:05] BCB: the default php version on 22.04 is still 8.1 IIRC, check if /var/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock exists [13:06] CosmicDJ: cannot access '/var/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock': No such file or directory [13:06] almost PeGaSuS , except catfish relies on localedb , which must be updated when plugging a new usb stick ... [13:06] Am I right ? [13:06] I need something more stupid --- proof [13:07] BCB: systemctl status php8.1-fpm.service php8.2-fpm.service [13:07] CosmicDJ: Unit php8.1-fpm.service could not be found. [13:07] Unit php8.2-fpm.service could not be found. [13:09] whaat a bloody mess , the newest catfish does not allow to choose whether you use find or locale tool . [13:10] BCB: are you sure php/php-fpm is still installed? [13:12] CosmicDJ: Actually I'm running PHP 8.3.2-1+ubuntu22.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 now === Tito is now known as VLA [13:43] /quit [14:04] Hi all [14:10] hello, when can we expect glibc 2.36 in ubuntu 22.04? [14:17] Bugies: versions rarely change in releases, especially LTS releases [14:17] If you're targetting a newer version, you may need to consider one of the latest non-LTS releases [14:17] of Ubuntu [14:18] maybe that's good, thank you [14:21] this would break Easy Anti-Cheat... [14:25] Hello. I have opened a bug report with a upstream (Xfce) developer and he was kind enough to actually fix the issue and patched version of the package is on its way into Debian Unstable. My question is -> the issue is with a package in Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble). Shall I also open a bug report with Ubuntu or it is not necessary ? I am asking because I [14:25] would like to see this fix arriving into final Noble release. Thank you. [14:25] !next | webchat89 [14:25] webchat89: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [14:26] pragmaticenigma I see. Thank you. === fling_ is now known as fling [14:42] Can ubuntu/Linux read data from either a windows software raid with NTFS, or an Intel RST Raid1? [14:43] Just, pulling one disk from a stable array [14:43] I don't think you can read just one disk that's part of an array [14:43] no matter the file system [14:43] It's a mirror [14:44] No parity, just redundant [14:44] oh, missed the RAID 1 part [14:44] Yes, you can mount NTFS filesystems in Ubuntu/Linux. Usually the needed drivers are already installed [14:44] I expect, since it'll be an image, I have to run binwalk to see where the MBR/GPT record is and do a loopback starting there [14:45] NTFS isn't the issue. It's the garbage softraid [14:46] that part, I'm not familiar with unfortunately === ygl is now known as mroptiplex [14:51] Bugies: Was your concern related to the recently published vulnerabilities to glibc? [14:53] pragmaticenigma, I don't track vulnerabilities, I just sometimes run a game on Steam [14:54] okay, your question just coincided with a release I found in my news feed. as there are patches coming soon to glibc [14:54] (if they haven't already been released) === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer [14:55] as an average Ubuntu user BTW :) [15:05] I don't need a security update pragmaticenigma, I'll follow the channels if I find them [15:07] Bugies: then why are you asking about glibc? [15:14] leftyfb, because Arch linux had glibc 2.36 updates which broke Steam: Easy Anti-Cheat [15:17] Those "updates" are likely the patches for what I just mentioned. While the version of Ubuntu you have may not have version 2.36, the patches for the security vulnerabilities will be backported to older versions. Though it's not really possible to know what exactly caused steam to break on Arch and if the same thing would happen here. It's possible the "east anti-cheat" could be leveraging an exploit that is now patched. [15:17] Arch != Ubuntu [15:18] you can't compare the two at all [15:18] just because a thing happens on one, doesn't mean it's going to happen or not happen on the other [15:22] I have a video about regression in glibc on YT, leftyfb [15:22] Bugies: do you currently have an issue with Ubuntu? [15:23] I have the game on Steam with EAC but I haven't checked yet if something is broken [15:24] Bugies: ok, let us know if you have an issue and we'll be happy to help [15:26] thanks for your support, I'll check soon if something happened leftyfb [15:29] Bugies, the short answer to your original question is "never" ... 22.04 is on 2.35 and will stay at that for its lifetime (security fixes get backported as single patches from newer versions, the version itself is never bumped, thats a generl rule in ubuntu) [15:38] ogra_, good to know ,I'll check Steam === sfenik9 is now known as sfenik [16:21] hi! my bluetooth headsets does not work with ubuntu 23.10. input device says no input devices. I got pipewire running but still no input. Any one else has the same issue? [16:22] tried with two different headsets aswell === beaver is now known as pong === neo|desktop is now known as Neo [19:54] anyone know the cmd to restart / reload php-fpm on Ubuntu 22 === chalcedony is now known as Sunrise === pong is now known as beaver [20:56] Is it part of nginx? [20:56] systemctl reload php-fpm i assume [20:56] or systemctl reload nginx if its a dep service === icedtea is now known as peacefulman [21:49] earthquake los angeles [22:15] hello! [22:16] i installed linux mint alongside with the ubuntu [22:16] and it now gives windows manager at the start [22:16] i tried to uninustall linux mint be wiping its drive [22:16] and it caused boot error [22:16] how to delete linux mint and keep just the ubuntu [22:16] ? [22:24] jack what computer? [22:24] laptop [22:24] 1.boot your machine into a live usb session of mint or ubuntu [22:25] jack: what laptop? HP, Acer, Asus? [22:25] some chinese shit [22:26] maibenben [22:27] https://imgur.com/a/8C7p6ii [22:27] jack: Check in BIOS for OS boot order or UEFI boot order and see if you can put the ubuntu entry first as it seems the Windows boot loader is in that spot [22:27] i did [22:27] but nothing changed [22:27] still goes into windows boot manager [22:28] 1.boot your machine into a live usb session of mint or ubuntu [22:28] jack: Did I chat with you on Discord? [22:28] No [22:28] and then [22:28] i have bootable usbs for both [22:28] jack: Is Windows on a different drive? [22:28] there's no windows [22:28] There's an option in there when you get to it to use the entire disk [22:29] just mint and ubuntu [22:29] the latter came pre-installed [22:29] 2. read this article on changing your boot order https://www.linuxbabe.com/command-line/how-to-use-linux-efibootmgr-examples [22:29] jack: Boot the Mint ISO on USB and use the Boot Repair program [22:29] !bootrepair | jack [22:29] jack: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info. [22:30] I'm getting no sound cards detected on an RPI5 and Ubuntu. Can someone help fix it? [22:30] Boot Repair is already on the Mint ISO so that makes it simple [22:31] jack@jack-MaiBook-M:~$ efibootmgr [22:31] BootCurrent: 0000 [22:31] Timeout: 1 seconds [22:31] BootOrder: 0000,0002,0001,0003,0004 [22:31] Boot0000* ubuntu [22:31] Boot0001* UEFI:CD/DVD Drive [22:32] jack use a pastebin service or in terminal> efibootmgr -v|nc termbin.com 9999 [22:33] mandem0110: https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi A fresh install of 23.10 desktop on your sd card should fix that [22:34] leftyfb: No, I'm using the server image. [22:40] jack, you will want to change the BootOrder so that the OS you want to use is first in the list. Once you're up and running you want to run a program in terminal called grub-update [22:42] good luck :) [22:46] thanks guys [23:08] Hi, I am running Postfix on 22.04 LTS and all of a sudden my postfix logs stopped going to /var/log/mail.log. They still go to syslog but I don't understand how this would magically happen. TIA [23:10] stats4647: did they start going to /var/log/mail.log.0 or /var/log/mail.log.1 or something like that? sometimes programs don't rotate logs well. I'd hope postfix would have that down pretty well by now, but you never know.. [23:10] stats4647: or, another possibility, are you using tail -f /var/log/mail.log to tell? maybe the file was rotated underneath you and tail -F would have been the better choice [23:11] hey folks, anybody have a good idea of how to properly mount iscsi luns in 22.04lts? [23:12] sarnold: nope, the rotations work fine and mail.log doesn't have anything after 9:45am this morning, syslog on the other hand has a lot of Postfix entries from today [23:12] I've got them connected, and mounted, etc., however when i restart, it always seems that they don't want to automount... [23:13] stats4647: lsof on the process should show whether it still has the file open [23:13] stats4647: dang :( === icedtea is now known as peacefulman [23:20] cbreak: lsof shows an entry for rsyslogd -- "/var/log/mail.log~ (deleted)" [23:21] cbreak: I restarted postfix but still nothing is going to mail.log [23:21] hah, there we go, I bet they're going there :( [23:21] you can probably check the contents via /proc//fd/ [23:25] sarnold: not sure what you mean ... do you know why Postfix would stop writing to /var/log/mail.log after it's been writing there for months? [23:26] even after a restart of the postfix service [23:26] maybe someone opened the file in a text editor or similar, which made a backup file when the user edited it (and called it name~) [23:26] stats4647: it's probably not postfix writing it, but rsyslog writing it [23:27] and then deleted the original [23:27] "atomic" save style [23:27] ciao a tutti [23:28] maybe restarting rsyslogd helps [23:28] it sounds like something changed about rsyslog configuration [23:30] sarnold: cbreak: restarting rsyslogd did the trick, thank you both, but it's still rather irregular [23:30] or maybe postfix is sending log messages that rsyslog doesn't understand as needign to go to mail* logs... [23:30] ah, okay then [23:31] stats4647: woo [23:31] was rsyslog (or postfix?) restarted around the time things started to go wrong? [23:32] I would look in the logs around that time to see if anything might explain it [23:33] JanC: nope, there was a patch around midnight, but nothing this morning [23:34] keep an eye on it to see if it returns then... [23:34] JanC: will need to [23:37] Hi, is there a repo where these scratch tars are available under version number ?? https://partner-images.canonical.com/oci/